when will it reset?
when will it reset?
it was supposed to be reset every 3 months. but idiots thought their characters were going to get deleted so they sent threat letters to blizz and blizz decided to let it run out or something. it's probably gonna reset in either august or september [close to a year when 1.10 came out].
lol ya I heard alot of people *****in that their guys would be deleated soon. Lol. From what I understand the ladder starts over and then it's a race to be cream of the crop. Thats about all that happens eh Nubli? Someone even told me that items that are "Ladder only" get deleated from your account. This one I'm not sure about..........
Hmmm, what exactly does happen when the ladder restarts? I know the characters prolly don't get deleted.. but I don't know.
All your ladder chars will become NL characters...
btw when the new patch comes out will our chars be deleted?
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1. who knows if there will be a new patch.Originally Posted by A|fzZz
2. why would your characters be deleted?
My only question is can when ladder resets and your chars become NL can you make them ladder again with out having to start a new char? I don't want to have to start new Ladder chars and rush them and transfer all my equip to them but if I have to well not much I can do!
What's NL?
omg...NL is non ladder....
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Ermmmmmm by the way........ someone mentioned ladder items.... i wonder what happens to them.. maybe they just stick around and have ENOURMOUS trade value?
The items will stay upon reset with the chars in non-ladder (will also be converted to non-ladder) and possibly gain big trade value.
And new patch, he... Like Blizzard worries about his damn World of Warcraft, there not only won't be a new patch for Diablo II, but it seems too that Blizzard removes one server after another from Diablo II-b-net, 'cause even at 7.00 am when there are only 200.000~ people there playing it is still laggy like on Saturday at 14.00 pm. It was as the patch came out not as laggy as compared at today, not even on Saturdays.
I would imagine something like leviathan would gain HUGE trade value (which i found today )
but some of the ladder item's value will drop...like erm...tyrael tem?
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Correct me if am wrong.
If i start a ladder char now, and get myself a friffon`s eye...
When the ladder restart, i will be avible to use that one on my non-ladder char?:
Why would the value of some rise.... yet the value of others drop? Woooh, its gonna be exciting when ladder resets!!Originally Posted by A|fzZz
yes, and its griffon's not friffons :POriginally Posted by Keitaro
I don't think they'll reset the ladder. The claimed when 1.09 was released that they'd do this, but never did. New patches are ALWAYS a myth. Basically, there not doing one unless they say they are - Blizzard love to play the media remember.
blizz is so lazy too. If you ever remember playing .09 it took almost a year over the the specified month that blizzzard said they were releasing the patch.
I remember August 2002 they leaked that the 1.10 patch was going to be coming out that month. Then hey, a year and three months later it finally happened.
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