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How could you not believe in a higher power.Do you think that something as ordered and as beautiful as mathematics could have been created by random chance?So maybe the "higher Power" is not something like what is found in any of the holy books,but an almagamation of everyting found in all holy books.In other words,you gotta seperate the wheat from the chaff.All of the holy books that I know of talk about creation,even the ones predating christianity,likeSumerian,jewish,egyptian,ect.If there is no higher power,the creation "mythos" is the longest lasting,most enduring myth out there.Basically,it has existed from the dawn of recorded history,until present day,and its still going strong.Maybe the "higher Power is not even a god as we understand a god to be.Maybe it is a genetically,technologically advanced entity who seeded the universe with their genetic material,in order to ensure that there was some company for Itself in the future.Any account of anything written by mankind has to be taken with a grain of salt,as we are only human,and o so fallible.But to make a blanket statement that you dont believe in a higher power,and to not give any reasons except antireligious ones,shows severe closemindedness.