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  1. #1

    Default best mf place for soj!

    hey guys im desperately mfing for a soj.. i heard nightmare andy gives a higher chance of dropping soj.. what do u think?

  2. #2


    Yea, that's true. Well, I suppose in all fairness the absolute best chance of getting a SoJ is when you Quest kill NM Andy, but that's missing the point. Yes, NM Andy has the greatest chance of giving a SoJ. I believe each kill she has a 6-7% chance of dropping a ring period, and within that she has a 1:31 chance of it being a SoJ if the drop is a Unique ring. It's still gonna be completely up to luck with finding one from her too...I think technically the chance of finding a SoJ each run in general is only 0.15% from her...but that's the best you're gonna do. Good luck and just keep killing her over and over and pray for the best, man.

  3. #3
    ***** Ancient PoTatoes's Avatar
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    Andy gives only unique rings soj and below i believe, so it removes the chances of getting rings like nature which adds to your chances. Good luck with finding one

  4. #4


    I vote for andy for mf runs. although i found mine in chaos

  5. #5


    NM Andy, end of story.

    Quote Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skye View Post
    You don't like it? Why is that?
    Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.

  6. #6
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    Well, you could also mf other places that give you a better chance of finding items worth an soj or more. I think mfing for one specific item is crazy;it'll take a really long time unless you are extremely lucky.
    Last edited by hellsing293; 12-10-2007 at 09:00 AM.
    As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

  7. #7
    Lets burn Hot Topic Down! Metalhead Steve's Avatar
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    The best chance of finding an SoJ is either normal Baal or NM Andy because they are the two first places in the game possible to find them. You have the best chance because they have a lower variety of items to possibly drop, thus increasing the chance of the SoJ. Hope I helped.
    Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion

  8. #8
    Average user. slashbomb's Avatar
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    Dam, I thought NM andy was the best chance to finding unique rings :O But it requires lvl 29 to wear it so I could be wrong.

    Of course NM andy is best chance but I had better chances at Hell Andy instead and found sojs there easily. Also, Hell Diablo (Chaos) as well.
    Last edited by slashbomb; 12-10-2007 at 09:03 AM.

    I like to thank Frogman for making my awesome sig!

  9. #9
    Lets burn Hot Topic Down! Metalhead Steve's Avatar
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    Normal Baal is really probably the best place, but it is easier to kill NM Andy a bunch of times than Baal.
    Give us this day our daily bread, your legacy we'll not forget. Lick the wounds and cleanse the land, the modern world rejects your hand... Sinister rouge coming back for more to even the score! --- Bad Religion

  10. #10
    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    The one I found in my career of playing was on hell Countess. Bet you can't guess doing what...

  11. #11
    D2PRODIGY FeNiXSuNfIrE's Avatar
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    lol @ blue

    as someone else has already said....

    nm andy does have the best chances but keep in mind "best" chances dont mean much. ill tell you why. only reason nm andy has the best chance to drop soj is because the iLvl (Item level) that she can drop.

    There are two requirements for monster X to drop item A. It must be able to drop the base item, which means its top Treasure Class must be as high as the base item's TC, and it must have mlvl at least as high as the unique item's level. Now in our circumstance, TC does not matter because it is the same between all rings. there are no normal, exceptional and elite versions of a ring.

    For example: If you found a unique ring off of Normal Andy (mlvl 12), the chances of it being soj are absolutely none. LITERALLY. The only unique ring she can drop is Nagelring that has ilvl12. She can not drop any others because the next highest ring is Manald, which is ilvl20.

    this is a quick list of all unique rings and their ilvls

    Nagelring: ilvl 12
    Manald Heal Ring: ilvl 20
    Stone of Jordon: ilvl 39
    Dwarf Star: ilvl 53
    Raven Frost: ilvl 53
    Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band: ilvl 66
    Carrion Wind: ilvl 68
    Nature's Peace: ilvl 77
    Wisp Projector: ilvl 84

    This being said, NM Andy is mlvl 49. This means she can only drop Nagelring, Manald, and SoJ. This is why she has the best "Chances" of dropping SoJ, because when you actually find a unique ring, the probability of it being SoJ is 1 in 3. compared to hell andy, she can drop 7 unique rings, obviously a 33% probablity of being a soj is better then a 14% probability.

    Now as for any other Unique Characters, ill tell you who can drop it.
    As for normal, the ONLY monsters that can drop soj are Diablo, Sharptooth Slayer, Threshsocket, Frozenstein, Nihlathak, Pindleskin, Snapchip Shatter, Colenzo the Annihilator, Achmel the Cursed, Bartuc the Bloody, Ventar the Unholy, Lister the Tormentor, and Baal. ANY other unique monster in Nightmare and Hell can drop it.

    I wasnt the first to answer your question, however i wanted you to know why exactly nm Andy does in fact have the best chances of dropping an SoJ. Hope i helped.
    Last edited by FeNiXSuNfIrE; 12-10-2007 at 01:32 PM.

  12. #12


    Can he do hell mf tho?

  13. #13
    D2PRODIGY FeNiXSuNfIrE's Avatar
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    ...good question...

    now my question for you (make sure u read through my other post) is why are you looking for an SoJ?? do u need the ring specifically or want it because of its worth... either way..

    IF you can mf andy and mephisto in hell, that is still your best bet. this is because this way, you have the oppurtinity to find not only an soj, but quite an array of items that equal soj in value. that or easily add up to pay for an soj. this is definately your best bet if you are able to do it, because the actual chances of finding a certain single item that u need are discouragingly low.

  14. #14


    im lvl 91 light sorc.. i currently lack a enigma and an soj to build a Hdin.. i do baal runs most of the time but i find crap there.. lol.. i bot at night and i know finding an soj botting is very low..

  15. #15


    Well you need to work on getting that enigma over the soj then. Also are u able to kill andy and meph in hell with your light sorc? Also Im curious of how much damage your light sorc does?

  16. #16
    D2PRODIGY FeNiXSuNfIrE's Avatar
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    im curious to where u are playing. if ur on West NL i can give you an soj or too and mayb even an enigma if not a complete gear setup...

    if your runnin on West Ladder then i cant give much as for free, but i can definately help you with anything else u might need, whenever.

    add fenixprodigy and message me if you ever need some help

    ps. if your East.... join west

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