hey if any 1 want to play CS just tell me when get ur whole clan its only me and my friend on all of u and try to kill us one time only and u the winner if u see any 1 with name SX|XN thts me and u wont get a chance hiting me
hey if any 1 want to play CS just tell me when get ur whole clan its only me and my friend on all of u and try to kill us one time only and u the winner if u see any 1 with name SX|XN thts me and u wont get a chance hiting me
hey if any 1 want to play CS just tell me when get ur whole clan its only me and my friend on all of u and try to kill us one time only and u the winner if u see any 1 with name SX|XN thts me and u wont get a chance hiting me
So trayne, hows it coming along?
So you saying everyone will use payback bot and we all will have virus and d2 will be a problem cuz you cant even look at other ppl item? so blizz is trying to stop ppl from using mh, ppl wants it and you want to dont let ppl use it?
does any1 really have a program that really can DUPE items?? i really need it.. PM me..
Oh lord...i went through hell to signing up and joining different things looking for dupes and new friends :), Friends looted my account sad aint it , only got 1/4 stuff from 1 friend, other one has 3/4, Greed can turn u blood thirsty cant it? I played since New patch came out worked all the time, got like 60 hrs of diablo each week and was doing okay i guess :), wat im tryin to say is tryane ur great and can i get it too :)
this thread died 5 months ago... let it die... let it die...
Hello ! I need the bot that really can DUPE items for diablo 2 v1.10.... pls can u send it to my e-mai : [email protected] !
P.S. thank u for the pindle bot ! it is verry good . SCAF !
Thank u all again !
Yes if u ca find a why how 2 **** that would be bad *** if u do please post it
haha if anyone knew how to dupe they wouldn't tell you haha cuz then you would tell your friends and then they would tell there friends and then blizzard patches it haha. Think before you post!
Read the date on all the posts for this topic. This was started on 09...
It's been two years and two patches, you guys are really, really late, sadly.
OMG This thread is too old...... Don't bring it back to life!!!
( I wish I could haha... : )
duped items will be deleted and accs will be closed.
STOP POSTING! This thread was started in 2003, 1.09. The dupe method was patched 3 patches ago. Stop posting, this thread is useless. There's no point in even looking at it. Stop posting.
theres alot of sector retards ¿
is there really a dupe method?
sorry im new here....
dint read all posts :P
Read The ***kin Dates Of The First Posts Its Patched
Want to learn to dupe???... Contact me at [email protected]...
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