Before I begin, I would like to mention that I only intend to hack in Single Player mode so detection is not an issue.
Anyways, I have been searching meticulously through Diablo 1.11b hacks and found that I really like Rhin's Assistant 3.3 and Mousepad's Maphack 7.2b5. Between the two of them, they have everything I like. But there's just one problem: these two hacks will not work together
I would like to use Mousepad's hack as a base, so I have been searching without much luck for a hack or combination of compatible hacks that would add my favorite features from RA 3.3. I was wondering if any veterans would have a better idea of where to look. What I'm looking for specifically is something that would give me the following features from RA 3.3 with the otherwise perfect Mousepad's maphack:Thank you immensely in advance for your help. In the meantime, I'll continue looking
- Always display health / mana numbers
- Autoloot items from file (PickIt, effectively)
- Access stash anywhere (switch-only outside of town, drop or switch only unless at chest in town)
- Display item levels