hey i was just reading the Matthacker vs. Nubli thread and they are all talking about having a hard life, so i was just wondering who actually has the truely hardest life on this fourm. so first of all post ur daily routine <-- i cant spell, OK?. and then vote on who's got it the worst. my day goes like this. BTW all my times will be military, so if the hour goes past 12, just subtract 12 from the hour and u have "normal" time.
0530- get out of bed, shower, teeth, hair all that mouring stuff
0600- arrive at my work Sowards Fencing, the kind with posts and barbed wire
0630-1500- bust my *** all day long and only get 1 hr break for lunch
1530- get home, shower, again, and put on my Junior Pilot suit
1600- arrive at junior pilot training for PT and aeronautical studies
2000- finally leave JPT and get home. do household chores and clean, i live with my dad who
owns his own buissness
2230- get into bed after my day and sleep for tommorow its all going again
thats my day, now post urs and vote on who has the worst