I am lacking in the required post count on this site to post a URL. I am sorry that I did not know this and I will make an effort to correct this.
I am lacking in the required post count on this site to post a URL. I am sorry that I did not know this and I will make an effort to correct this.
I don't know what you came here to discuss, but if it is something like hacking other people's accounts (which I assume by the title) you are definately at the wrong place, and trying to talk about something like that around here will get you booted rather quickly from the forums.
Also, when creating a thread, do not create multiple threads - one is fine. Now I'm going to close this because I assume you were up to try and do some naughty business, and I'll let you slide since you are new, but know that that kind of stuff is not one you want to be talking about around here. We'll have an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything bad. Have a nice day, and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me or another mod.
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