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    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    Default D2 Abbreviations.

    This is going to be a quick write up of some of the D2 abbreviations. If you post anything I don't know that would be great. Also, if you could post possible categories things should go in to make it an easier read. Thatd also be good.

    So if I miss one tell me all possible abbreviations and the item itself fully. Things I would like an opinion on, should I tell what type (unique, rare, etc) and what the basic item is than that would be good too to get an opinion on.

    This list won't include that if its name is the item itself minus a word. Like Lycanders.

    Trangs - Trang-Ouls Avatar
    Tals - Tal Rasha's Wrappings
    Mavs - M'avina's Battle Hymn
    IK - Immortal King

    COH - Chains of Honor
    TMight - Tyraels Might
    Fort - Fortitude
    Arm - Armor

    Arachs - Arachnids Mesh

    Dracs - Draculas Grasp
    Chancies - Chance Guards
    Mages - Magefists
    Rends - Steelrends

    Travs - War Travelers
    Marrows - Marrowalk
    Gores - Gore Riders
    WW - Waterwalks
    SK - Sandstorm Treks

    SOJ - Stone of Jordan
    BK - Bul - Kathos (rings, usually not set)

    SS - StormShield
    Homun - Homunculus
    HOZ - Herald of Zakarum

    HOTO - Heart of the Oak
    Jav - Javelin
    HOJ - Hand of Justice
    (E)BOTD - (Ethereal) Breath of the Dieing.
    CTA - Call To Arms
    Wizzy - Wizardspike
    FOH - Fist of the Heaves
    Occy - Oculus

    Andies - Andariels Visage
    Shako - Harlequin Crest
    CAO - Crown of Ages
    NW - Night Wing

    Misc Item
    jube = full rejuvenation potion (I called em juvs)
    *** - potion (mana/health)
    TP - townportal
    HR - High Rune
    MR - Mid Rune
    LR - Low Rune
    SC - Small Charm
    LC - Large Charm
    GC - Grand Charm
    Anni -Annihilus
    MP - Mage Plate
    AP - Archon Plate
    LP - Light Plate

    Skill or Effect or Stat
    DEF - Defense
    PnB - Poison and Bone
    WC - War Cries
    KB - Knockback
    IAS - Increased Attack Speed
    PB - Poison Bone
    MF - Magic Find
    RES - Resist
    AR - Attack Rating
    UNID - Unidentified
    Tele - Teleport
    FRW - Faster Run Walk
    DR - Damaged Reduce
    FCR - Faster Cast Rate
    FHR - Faster Hit Recover
    ED - Enhanced Damage or Enhanced Defense
    Ele - Elemental
    IB- Ice Blast/Ice Bolt
    Blizz - Blizzard
    FB- Fireball/Firebolt
    CB - Charged Bolt
    Static - Static Field
    Tstorm - Thunder Storm
    ES - Energy Shield
    Hammers - Blessed Hammers
    HS - Holy Shield
    Nado - Tornado
    Oak - Oak Sage
    Skellys - Skeletons

    Non Item
    NPC - Non Playable Characters
    GG / GD - Good Game or Good Duel
    PVP - Player vs. Person
    PVM - Player vs. Monster
    NK - naked kill
    GD - Good Duel
    PVE - Player vs. Enviroment (I guess a trapped soul might count)
    DClone - Uber Diablo from selling Sojs
    Ubers - Tougher versions of monsters found by doing something special
    PK - Player Kill
    TPPK - Town Portal Player Kill
    L - Ladder (sometimes followed by a number to indicate the season)
    Grush - Glitch Rush
    PP- Party Please
    Top2 - used in baal runs, when the top 2 levels make their own party and kill baal alone for more experience.
    ATM - At The Moment
    N1 - Nice One
    NP- No Problem

    Trade Associated.
    FG - D2jsp Forum gold(common trading currency)
    WUW - What You Want
    WUG - What You Got
    ISO - In Search Of
    FT - For Trade

    Character Names

    Assn/A/Sin - Assassin
    Barb/B - Barbarian
    Sorce/S - Sorceress
    D - Druid
    DuDu - Druid
    Pally/P - Paladin
    Zon/Z - Amazon
    Necro/N - Necromancer
    Merc - Mercenary

    King - Cow King
    Big D - Diablo
    Andy - Andariel
    Meph - Mephisto
    Izzy - Izual
    Durry - Duriel
    Nith- Nihlathak

    WP - Way Point
    Trist - Tristram
    Cows - Secret Cow Level/Or the act of killing them
    Cat - Catacombs
    CS - Chaos Sanctuary
    WSK - Worldstone Keep
    Trav - Travincal
    A1 - Act 1
    A2 - Act 2
    A3 - Act 3
    A4 - Act 4
    A5 - Act 5

    Took these from the front page of

    All terms are listed alphabetically. In the descriptions I often refer to
    other terms in the list. Those have been marked in CAPS.
    An attempt to steal somebody's account password on Battlenet, usually with
    the intention of relieving him of his items. Popular methods include web
    sites which promise free items or other advantages, and require you to enter
    your account name and password, or private messages sent on Battlenet
    chatrooms, pretending to be system messages requiring you to give out your
    password for one reason or another. An attempted account scam reported to
    Blizzard staff with proof (such as a chat screenshot) usually results in a
    MUTING for the scammer.
    This can refer either to Attack Rating, a statistic in the game determining
    your chance to hit, or the popular Diablo 2 mod Ancestral Recall. This mod
    changes many aspects of the game for an entirely new Diablo 2 experience in
    single player mode, or multiplayer over TCP/IP. Ancestral Recall can be
    downloaded at
    Apart from being the area in Act 5 where you fight the Ancients, Arreat
    Summit is the name of the official Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction FAQ.
    Statistics, item lists and other useful information on the game can be found
    here, and this is definitely a site that should be in any Diablo 2 fan's
    bookmarks. It can be found at
    A Paladin build relying on the skills Vengeance, Conviction and sometimes
    Fanaticism. This is a popular Paladin build for playing in Hell mode,
    because Vengeance is an excellent source of elemental damage, giving the
    Paladin a much better chance to deal with physically resistant or immune
    monsters than, for instance, a ZEALOT or MARTYR could. One drawback of
    the Avenger build is that massive mana supplies are required to keep using
    the spell. For this reason, many Paladins are hybrids between the Avenger
    and the ZEALOT, using the latter skill build mostly to recover mana.
    A game with the specific intention to kill Baal, the expansion set's master
    villain at the end of Act 5. These runs, while lengthy and more difficult than
    MEPH RUNS, are popular because they yield far more experience, and Baal
    generally drops the best items in the game.
    A certain type of crossbow. When people talk about "the Ballista", they are
    usually referring to the unique Ballista known as Buriza Do-Kyanon. Apparently
    this name is difficult enough that people keep forgetting it, hence "the
    Ballista". See also BURIZA.
    Short for Barbarian, one of the game's character classes. Typically used in
    combination with another term to describe a specific build, such as FRENZY
    A somewhat popular term for a SINGING BARB.
    Short for Bloody Foothills, the first area of act 5. This area is notorious for
    having large collections of puny monsters which are nevertheless worth a lot
    of experience. In addition, these monsters have no resistance to fire (not even
    on Hell mode) and due to the layout of the area, tend to line up and just stand
    there, waiting to be slaughtered. The combination of these properties makes the
    Bloody Foothills an excellent level building area, particularly for FW SORCS.
    See also BLOODRUN.
    Battle Orders, a lvl 24 Barbarian skill from the Warcries skill tree that
    temporarily increases maximum life, mana and stamina for the Barbarian and
    any nearby allies. This is a very party-friendly skill, and makes Barbarians
    very popular in party games. If you get enchanted with Battle Orders, it will
    look like your life and your mana drop, because the maximums are increased but
    the current totals remain the same. Don't panic, you're still as sturdy as you
    were, except you can now use a well or leeching to get your life up to a higher
    total than normal (easily twice what you normally have if the Barbarian has
    maxed out Battle Orders, and most do), and mana will now regenerate faster.
    If you are enchanted with a second Battle Orders while the first is still in
    effect, and it has the same level as the first, the duration is reset. If it
    is of a different level, however, the first Battle Orders is cancelled, life
    and mana return to normal, and THEN the second one takes effect. This can
    be a needless waste of life and mana, so if a party has multiple Barbarians
    it is best if only one of them uses Battle Orders.
    This refers to either of the Necromancer's two most powerful ranged attacks,
    the Bone Spear and the Bone Spirit. Since the latter skill is more popular, the
    abbreviation usually applies to that one.
    A game with the specific intention to clear out the Bloody Foothills area. This
    is the most popular level building technique in the online Diablo 2 community,
    particularly among FW SORCS. Typically, a Bloodrun is done within a few minutes,
    after which a new game is started to do it all over again. See also BF.
    UPDATE: Bloodruns have lost popularity in favor of COW RUNS, which generate
    experience more quickly and also have a better chance for item drops. The
    downside of cow runs is that they are more risky, but particularly JAVAZONS
    excel at them. At any rate, the Bloodrun is not nearly as popular anymore as
    it once was.
    Burst of Speed, an Assassin skill which boosts both her walking, running and
    attack speed.
    An Amazon build using a bow as her main weapon. This build has become incredibly
    popular in the expansion due to the existence of the BURIZA.
    An item with mods that it shouldn't have, created by a server glitch or a hack.
    These items typically have impossible mods, and can be quite powerful as a
    result. One particularly popular mod on bugged items was decreasing dexterity,
    because of the SKILL BUG.
    By now the exploit to create bugged items has been fixed and Blizzard is
    deleting existing bugged items. Hopefully this will mean the skill bug and
    bugged items in general aren't going to be coming back, although if DUPING is
    any indication, Blizzard seems to have trouble coming up with permanent solutions
    to cheating.
    Short for Buriza Do-Kyanon, the unique Ballista. It is widely considered to be
    one of the most powerful bows in the game, and unlike its competitors the
    Eaglehorn and the Windforce, it is relatively easy to acquire. Since the Buriza
    was introduced in the expansion set, the BOWAZON has become the most popular
    character build on most realms. The power of the Buriza lies both in the high
    damage it does, and in the fact that it adds the effect of the skill Pierce,
    enabling an Amazon to exploit the GA/PIERCE BUG without having to actually
    invest in the Pierce skill.
    A somewhat mocking term for a Bowazon using the BURIZA. Nearly every Bowazon in
    the expansion uses this weapon, and they are now common enough that they get
    their own name.
    Charged Bolt. Initially thought to be a fairly mundane skill for the Sorceress,
    its popularity increased immensely when it was discovered this skill can do
    massive damage at high levels, when combined with the skill Lightning Mastery.
    This has resulted in the rise of a new Sorceress build, the CB SORC.
    Note: CB can also stand for Colossus Blade, see CCB.
    A Sorceress build that relies on the skills Charged Bolt and Lightning Mastery.
    The idea of this build is to either spread lightning damage over a large field,
    hitting many monsters at once, or hitting one big enemy like a boss point
    blank, causing him to take damage from 20 or more bolts at once. CB Sorcs
    typically have Energy Shield and a fairly high Vitality to protect them from
    harm, as the effective use of their skill forces them to get pretty close to
    theiropponents. CB Sorcs usually have a powerful backup skill in either Fire or
    Cold as well to help them deal with lightning resistant or immune monsters.
    Cruel Colossus Blade, one of the most damaging weapons in the game. Colossus
    Blade is simply one kind of elite two-handed sword, Cruel is the most
    powerful Enhanced Damage mod that can appear on weapons. Cruel Colossus Blades
    have become more common because of the CHIPPED GEM RECIPE, and are the most
    popular weapons for Barbarians. Depending on the exact percentage of enhanced
    damage on the sword, whether or not the sword holds sockets and what kind of
    secondary mod it has (popular ones are Quickness and Evisceration), CCBs can
    be very valuable.
    Corpse Explosion, a Necromancer skill. It was once considered the most
    powerful skill in the game, but a variety of different nerfs have turned it
    into a shadow of what it once was. The only reminder of what this skill could
    once do lies in the boss Nihlathak, who uses this skill with considerably
    more power and range than a player Necromancer could.
    A Paladin build which relies on a powerful two-handed weapon and the skill
    Charge to cause as much damage as possible with a single attack. The
    damage of the Charge is normally boosted with Fanaticism. While extremely
    powerful, this build is not very effective against groups of monsters,
    and therefore usually reserved for PVP Paladins. These typically use
    Holy Freeze to slow their target, and/or Vigor to increase the speed of
    their Charge (switching to Fanaticism just before the Charge impacts),
    and aim for one hit kills.
    An alternative to the familiar SOJ ECONOMY, introduced in v1.09 when the
    CHIPPED GEM RECIPE was added to the game. Since many people use this
    recipe to try and create powerful swords, and the chances of getting one
    are so low that they need a lot of chipped gems, these common items have
    actually gained some trading value. Ideally, low level players find a lot
    of chipped gems early in the game and can trade those for the many unique
    items experienced players come across in their item runs. Originally the
    chipped gem and SoJ economies were apart, but SOJ INFLATION has caused the
    two to touch. Many people consider 40 chipped gems (the maximum that can
    fit in a trade window) to be equivalent in value to one Stone of Jordan,
    and trading one for the other is common.
    Introduced in v1.09, this is a Horadric Cube recipe that gives chipped
    gems a new use. By putting 3 chipped gems (any kind, including skulls) and
    one magical (blue) sword of any kind in the cube, a new magical sword of
    the same type is created, guaranteed to have two mods (both a prefix and
    a suffix) as well as 3 sockets. With a few of the elite swords in the game,
    this recipe has the potential of giving the Cruel mod which greatly
    enhances the weapon's damage. The most popular kind of sword to use for
    this recipe is the Colossus Blade (see CCB).
    The existence of the chipped gem recipe has created the CHIPPED GEM ECONOMY.
    Refers to a socketed item which has not yet been stuffed with any gems,
    runes or jewels. This is important in trading, as clean items tend to be
    worth more than those which have already been filled up. In some cases,
    items are also no longer considered clean if they have been PERSONALIZED.
    Refers to the Diablo II Battlenet REALMs. The main difference with playing
    on OPEN is that on closed, characters and their equipment are stored on the
    server rather than on the user's computer. This makes the use of item and
    character editors impossible. As a result, while open is
    literally swamped with hacked characters and items, the realms are free of
    this kind of cheating - although certain hacks exist that even work on
    closed, so calling it cheat-proof would go a little too far.
    Can refer to either Concentrate (a Barbarian attack skill) or
    Concentration (a Paladin aura). Neither is seen very often: Concentrate is
    a mid level Barbarian attack that is not used by the Barbarian mercenaries
    (they are limited to Bash and Stun) and usually not by players either (they
    normally stick with Whirlwind, Frenzy and Berserk). The Paladin's
    Concentration aura is usually skipped because most Paladins aim for
    Fanaticism instead. Nevertheless Concentration has its merits: it affects
    party members fully (Fanaticism only gives full damage to the Paladin, and
    half to his allies), and has a far longer range. In parties with two
    Paladins, where one is already using Fanaticism, Concentration is a great
    backup aura which will help increase damage even more. Add in a Desert
    Guard mercenary with the Might aura and players will start causing damage
    like never before.
    A generic term referring to a character that uses a specific powerful skill,
    item and/or bug exploit to gain power very quickly. Examples from previous
    versions of Diablo 2 are the Blood Golem/Iron maiden Necromancer and the WW
    BARB (neither of which is as powerful as they once were). Current examples
    include the BURIZON and the FW SORC.
    The loss of currently equipped items upon dying, due to the fact that you
    already have a corpse on the ground. This game mechanic is sometimes used by
    malicious players to attempt to steal your items - they kill you, drop a
    collection of mundane items on and around your corpse, then distract you with
    attacks while you make a run for your corpse. The risk here is that you
    accidentally pick up and auto-equip one of the mundane items just before
    getting your corpse, in which case not all items from your corpse are
    retrieved and it stays on the ground. If you are then killed, the items that
    you did get from your corpse "pop" and can be stolen by the other player.
    A simple way to prevent corpse popping is never to retrieve your corpse
    "under fire". Make sure the other player is gone, or exit the game so you
    can retrieve your corpse in peace.
    The most famous hacked item on OPEN Battlenet, the Corruption Rift is a small
    charm that adds 100% to MF and +7 to all skill levels. This is of course an
    outrageous addition, especially since many players pack 20 or more of these
    items and reach levels of power that are completely off the chart. The
    Corruption Rift can only be created using an item editor - it is not part of
    the actual game and can never be found legitimately. No charm in the actual
    game, not even the largest ones, can add even +1 to all skills (the closest
    thing is +1 to a particular skill tree).
    A game with the specific intent to clear the not-so-secret Cow Level. This is
    usually done in Hell mode, where the cows are worth a lot of experience and are
    about the only monsters found without any kind of resistance. Cow runs are
    especially easy to pull off for JAVAZONS, who can use the skill Lightning Fury
    to kill off the tightly packed cows very quickly. Cow runs are to Javazons what
    BLOODRUNs are to FW SORCS.
    UPDATE: Bloodruns have lost popularity in favor of cow runs, and now virtually
    every character class is seen fighting in the cow level rather than the bloody
    foothills to gain experience. Javazons remain the true experts though.
    Short for Chaos Sanctuary, the final area of act 4, and the one where you will
    fight Diablo. This is generally considered to be the toughest area in the game.
    Even high level characters will think twice about going in here in Hell mode
    without backup.
    Short for Dexterity, one of the four primary statistics of any character. It
    is particularly important to Amazons, whose bow and javelin damage is increased
    by it, and Assassins, whose damage relies on both Dexterity and Strength.
    This refers to certain mods in the game making less and less of a difference
    if you pile on more of it. Two examples are MF and IAS. The system of
    diminishing returns also applies to nearly every skill in the game - the first
    few points you put in a skill make more of a difference than the last few before
    maxing it out.
    Damage Reduction, a modifier found on items that directly reduces physical
    damage taken in combat. DR is generally much more effective than a high defense
    rating, which merely reduces the chance to be hit and needs to be very high to
    be of any use late in the game.
    The process of deleting duplicated items, as well as the original items that
    were used to create dupes from. Blizzard has employed various methods to
    delete dupes on the realms, with varying success. Currently (April 2002),
    a method seems to be used that is very effective in detecting and deleting
    dupes, even on characters that aren't actually being played at the time.
    However, it seems that the Stone of Jordan is mostly immune to being deleted
    because most originate from classic Diablo 2.
    Short for duplicating, duping is the practice of creating exact duplicates
    of existing items through illegal means: by exploiting a bug or using a hack,
    often a combination of both. Duping has always been around on a small scale,
    however in January and February 2002 there have been two massive duping sprees
    where easy and reliable methods to dupe items became common knowledge. The
    end result was that many previously rare items were now very commonly found
    in trades. Trading for a duplicated item is very risky because Blizzard uses
    DUPE DELETION methods to track down and erase any duplicated items.
    Unfortunately, there's no sure way to tell if an item is duped or not until
    it actually disappears on you. The risk of an item being duped is infinitely
    higher if it's a popular unique from v1.08 (such as Arkaine's Valor or the
    Harlequin Crest) or a very rare and powerful item from v1.09 (such as the
    Grandfather or Windforce).
    Duping in any way on the realms is a violation of Blizzard's Terms of
    Service and doing so may cause your account to be wiped or possibly even
    your CD key to be banned. Blizzard first announced taking such measures in
    March 2002, much to the relief of all legit players who grew tired of
    seeing so many people around them show off their duped equipment.
    Enhanced Damage, a modifier on many weapons in the game. It is particularly
    popular if found on Jewels, as socketing ED Jewels in a powerful weapon can
    result in massive damage boosts.
    ED can also mean Enhanced Defense (found on armor). This is not quite as
    sought after as Enhanced Damage, though, since the difference a high defense
    makes for your chances of being hit is quite ting, particularly
    in Hell difficulty.
    This refers to a bug with the Eth rune. When socketed in a weapon, Eth is
    supposed to lower enemy defense with 25%. What it does, however, is create
    the 'Ignore Target Defense' attack, both against monsters and other players.
    For this reason, many CCBs have an Eth rune in one of their sockets, allowing
    their owners to hit opponents much more easily. It's certainly a lot cheaper
    than using the rune which is *supposed* to give ITD, Jah.
    The Eth bug has been around for many months, but has not been fixed so far.
    The Amazon skill Fire Arrow. A rather mundane and low-level skill which would
    be of very little interest were it not for the FA BUG.
    FA BUG
    Fire Arrow is supposed to add a small amount of fire damage to a bow attack,
    which is normally physical. Due to a bug, however, Fire Arrow also converts all
    of the physical damage to fire damage. This means that if this skill is used
    with a powerful bow, an Amazon can do massive loads of raw elemental damage,
    making Fire Arrow a very popular skill to use against physically immune
    monsters. Blizzard has confirmed this is a bug, however, and will likely
    remove it in a future patch.
    Commonly described in Paladin strategy guides, this refers to benefiting
    from two auras simultaneously by switching at the right time. This
    technique depends on the fact that an aura that affects the Paladin works
    immediately (and is gone as soon as he changes it), but an aura used
    against enemies takes a few seconds to activate, but also lingers for a
    few seconds after the Paladin takes another aura. During those last few
    seconds, the Paladin can take an aura that affects him and use it while
    the enemy is still weakened. The most common auras to use this technique
    with are Conviction (affects enemy) and Fanaticism (affects Paladin).
    The Paladin can now hit the enemy with Vengeance, using the increased
    attack speed Fanaticism gives, while still doing a lot of extra elemental
    damage due to the resistance reduction effect of Conviction.
    Frozen Orb, the most popular cold spell used by Sorceresses. Some use it at
    a low level to slow enemies down, then hit them with another spell such as
    Nova, Firewall or Meteor. Others invest heavily in Frozen Orb and Cold
    Mastery and use it as a primary attack spell. Either way, this is a skill
    nearly every Sorceress has in her arsenal.
    Fist of the Heavens, the Paladin's primary ranged attack. Its relatively
    low damage makes it somewhat ting as a PvM skill, but in duels,
    Paladins specializing in Fist of the Heavens (sometimes jokingly called
    fistadins) and Conviction can be powerful opponents.
    A Barbarian build relying on the skill Frenzy, which causes him to land
    blow after blow very quickly. This is what most Barbarians wielding two
    different weapons do (although some are WW BARBS instead). Nearly every
    Frenzy Barb also has the skill Berserk to deal with physically immune
    Firewall, the most damaging skill in the entire game. At a high level it
    can span a large area and do massive damage to monsters foolish enough
    not to run out of it. This skill is particularly popular in the Bloody
    Foothills (so much that a specific build around this skill, the FW SORC,
    exists). Outside this area the spell is less effective, but can still be
    highly useful in party situations, where melee fighters keep the monsters
    in one place.
    A Sorceress build focused around the skills Firewall and Fire Mastery,
    often with either Thunderstorm or Frozen Orb as a backup. These
    Sorceresses are particularly effective in the Bloody Foothills and are
    often found doing little else than BLOODRUNs. Some Firewall Sorcs,
    however, have become quite creative at using their skill in other areas
    as well.
    Guided Arrow, an Amazon skill which causes an arrow to hit an enemy
    automatically. While powerful on its own, it becomes murderous in combination
    with PIERCE due to the GA/PIERCE BUG. See also BURIZA.
    Guided Arrow causes an arrow to automatically home in on and hit a monster,
    while Pierce allows an arrow to pass through a monster, possibly hitting one
    or more other opponents. These two skills are not supposed to work together,
    but they do. This creates the bizarre effect of an arrow hitting a monster,
    passing through, turning around 180 degrees, passing through again, and
    so forth. Needless to say this is an extremely damaging move which results
    in BURIZONs being the absolute masters of PVP, and doing very well in PVM
    as well. Blizzard has confirmed that GA and PIERCE working together is a bug,
    and will likely remove it in a future patch.
    Grand charm. Traders are lazy typers.
    The Grandfather, the most powerful unique sword in the game. It was never
    a common weapon to begin with (at least not before the massive DUPING), and
    still isn't the most popular sword around because CCBs have the potential to
    be even more powerful than this unique, and are a little easier to come by.
    Hardcore, a game mode in which the death of a character means he or she is
    gone permanently. This forces a player to be far more careful, invest more
    points in Vitality, and cooperate with other players in situations where
    a specific character type is not very effective. Some players consider
    Hardcore to be a very thrilling and challenging way to play Diablo 2, others
    think of it as masochism as characters can be lost just as easily to the
    dubious efforts of a PK or due to internet latency. To them, the idea of
    losing hours of work due to a fluke is not a very appealing idea.
    Holy Freeze, a Paladin skill which automatically freezes and slows down
    enemies that come near, even those that are immune to cold or have the
    "can't be frozen" mod (in the case of hostile players). This aura is
    commonly used by Paladins in PVP. It is also used by some of the MERCs
    hired in act 2 Nightmare, as well as the act boss in the second act,
    Heart of Wolverine, a Druid minion that increases the damage of the
    Druid and any nearby allies. Along with Oak Sage, another Druid minion
    that increases everybody's life, HoW is the most party friendly skill
    the Druid has. Which of the two is better (the Druid can only use one
    at a time) is a subject of constant debate, although it is generally
    agreed that Oak Sage is the preferable choice in hardcore games. The
    third spirit minion of the druid, the Spirit of Barbs, is rarely used
    at all.
    Amazon players soon discovered that JAVAZONs sometimes get into spots
    where a bow would be handy, and BOWAZONs frequently miss the comfort of
    the Javazon's Lightning Fury skill. Neither build requires a whole lot
    of skill points, and so veteran Amazon players often make a build that
    has the skills of both builds, creating the Hybridzon. The typical
    Hybridzon is armed with a Buriza Do-Kyanon with which she uses Multishot
    and Guided Arrow, and a Titan's Revenge on her secondary weapon tab for
    Lightning Fury.
    Increased Attack Speed, a mod found on many items that causes a character
    to strike more quickly. Both for BOWAZONS and all kinds of melee characters,
    this is a very important mod. Quicker attacking allows you get more damage
    in over a certain timespan, reduces the chance that your attacks are
    interrupted by monsters attacking you, and allows you to stunlock opponents,
    preventing them from striking back. It is important to note that IAS suffers
    from DIMINISHING RETURNS, so the difference between 0% and 30% IAS is greater
    than between 60% and 90%.
    The Immortal King. This is usually used to refer to pieces of the Immortal
    King's set, as in "I have IK Maul for trade".
    Iron Maiden, a nasty Necromancer curse that causes anybody who deals physical
    damage to take physical damage in return. Players get to deal with this
    headache when duelling Necromancers in PVP, or when cursed by the Oblivion
    Knights in act 4. Iron Maiden can kill high damage melee characters like
    Paladins and Barbarians very quickly. One way to counter it is to use ranged
    attacks, which are not affected by IM - for the Barbarian it is important to
    note that Leap Attack is considered to be a ranged attack.
    Ignore Target Defense. This is a modifier found on certain weapons which
    effectively sets an enemy's defense to 0, upping your chance to hit them to 95%
    under normal circumstances. However, this is still subject to decrease as a
    result of a monster having a higher level than you, and it does not work on
    enemy bosses of any kind. Some enemies, such as the Minions of Destruction,
    also use ITD.
    The rage among less scrupulous players in v1.09, Ith items are essentially
    hacked equipment on the closed realms. They are created by making a runeword
    in an item, then using a third party hack to take the runes out again (not
    normally possible). The end result is that the bonuses of the individual
    runes are gone, but the other runeword bonuses remain, and the sockets are
    free to be used a second time. After putting in powerful (usually duped)
    runes and jewels again, this would create items much more powerful than
    normally possible. The 'Ith' name is a result of the game being confused
    about what runeword is being used here, it's sort of a default string.
    The loophole used to remove runes has been fixed, and Ith items are
    getting deleted gradually. They are still around, but not nearly as common
    as they were at one point. Do not trade for one if offered, it's going
    to disappear on you.
    A hack that automatically picks up any magical, rare, set or unique items
    dropped, before they even hit the ground. Variants of this hack apparently
    still work even in the latest version of Diablo 2, and are sometimes used on
    the supposedly hack-free online realms. Needlees to say the use of such a hack
    is cheating, and highly annoying to party members who only want a fair shot at
    getting part of the loot. Use of an item grabber is against Blizzard's terms
    of service and if found out, may result in reprimands.
    An Amazon build using Javelins as her main weapon, usually in combination with
    the skills Plague Javelin and Lightning Fury.Previously, Javazons were an
    underdog used only by advanced players looking for a new build. However, the
    expansion has introduced the highly powerful unique Titan's Revenge, which has
    made the Javazon far more viable. Nearly every Javazon found online uses this
    awesome weapon.
    A mocking name for Lister the Tormentor, the boss of the Minions of
    Destruction, because his appearance causes a massive lag burst.
    Large charm. Traders are lazy typers.
    Lightning Enchanted Boss. Lightning Enchanted is a nasty mod found on some
    bosses which causes them to releaselightning bolts whenever they take damage.
    This can be devastating to melee characters who have to stand right next to
    them to hit them. Lightning Enchanted is nastyenough on its own, but in
    combination with Multi Shot it turns into the killer MSLEB.
    LL (or LS)
    Life Leech, or Life Steal. Both terms refer to the same thing: a mod found
    on many items which heals lost hit points based on how much physical damage
    you deal in combat. For instance, with 5% life leech you regain 5 lost hit
    points for every 100 points of damage you do. It is important to note that
    this does not work on all monsters (skeletons, for instance, can not be leeched
    from) and that it only applies to physical damage.
    Lord of Destruction, the Diablo 2 expansion set.
    Laying of Hands, the most popular pair of gloves in the game. Among some other
    useful mods, it massivelyincreases the damage done against Demon type monsters,
    which includes all the act bosses. This makes the Laying of Hands particularly
    useful for MEPH and BAAL RUNS. Laying of Hands is part of the "Disciple" set.
    A hack which reveals the entire map to the player and also adds extra
    information such as the location of monsters, other players and items. In
    addition it gives maximum light radius and removes all weather effects.
    Unlike most hacks, this one even works on closed realms and is often used by
    MEPH RUNNERs to make things easier and quicker. Many players feel that Maphack
    bestows an unfair advantage, however, and consider the use of it to be
    cheating. Whether or not that is true, using it is certainly not condoned by
    Blizzard, and involves another risk at well: many of the versions of Maphack
    downloadable on the Internet have had keyloggers added which will help the
    hacker who added it to steal your account.
    NOTE: since I do not condone the use of maphack, any E-mails requesting for
    a safe link to download it will be ignored. You will likely find a similar
    attitude on the GameFAQs Lord of Destruction board, so I wouldn't ask there
    A somewhat rare Paladin build which relies on the use of Sacrifice, a skill
    that greatly boosts damage, but deals a bit of damage to the Paladin as well.
    When used in combination with Fanaticism, Sacrifice can deal massive damage
    comparable to that of Charge, but much quicker. The downside of this build
    is that it deals physical damage only, and that massive life leech is needed
    to prevent the Paladin from killing hims 8% on Normal, and 16% on
    Nightmare and Hell. Generally the Martyr is just not as effective as either
    the ZEALOT or the AVENGER, and is only played by Paladin experts who want to
    try something different.
    A game with the goal to kill Mephisto, usually on Nightmare or Hell. These
    runs are popular because Mephisto drops good items, is relatively easy to
    kill, and can be reached very quickly. Most characters can do Nightmare Meph
    runs in mere minutes. Hell Meph runs are more hazardous because there are many
    powerful monsters in the area around him, but can still be done very quickly
    by Sorceresses using Teleport or Barbarians using Leap Attack (either skill
    can be used to get past groups of monsters without a fight). Many MEPH RUNNERS
    make use of MAPHACK to be able to do their Meph Runs even quicker.
    A character specifically intended to do (usually Hell) MEPH RUNS with. These
    characters are almost always Sorceresses, using Teleport to get to Mephisto
    quickly and Frozen Orb to kill him. The purpose of these characters is to
    gather rare and valuable items to use on other characters, trade with other
    players, or even sell on EBay for real cash.
    Magic Find, a mod found on many different items which increases the chance
    to find magical, rare, set or unique items as opposed to normal or socketed
    ones. It is often hoarded by MEPH RUNNERS to increase their chances of finding
    good items. Many characters have both standard combat gear and MF equipment,
    switching to the latter only when they are trying to find good items (MF gear
    tends to be less effective in combat). Particularly Sorceresses and Barbarians
    are popular MF characters: Sorceresses because their skills are deadly even
    without any combat equipment, and Barbarians because they can dual wield
    weapons with high MF values such as the Gull Dagger or the Blade of Ali Baba,
    and have the skill Find Item which basically gives them a second chance at
    a good drop whenever they take down a boss. Once Magic Find goes beyond 110%,
    it suffers from DIMINISHING RETURNS, however more MF is always better than
    ML (or MS)
    Mana Leech or Mana Steal. Both terms refer to the same thing: a mod found
    on some items which helps recover spent mana based on how much physical damage
    you deal in combat. For instance, with 5% mana leech you regain 5 mana points
    for every 100 points of damage you do. It is important to note that this does
    not work on all monsters (skeletons, for instance, can not be leeched from)
    and that it only applies to physical damage. Many melee characters rely
    exclusively on mana leech to be able to keep using their skills, and do not
    invest in Energy at all.
    In lowercase letters, 'mod' refers either to an enhancement on a boss or an
    item, or to a patch used to modify the game in single player mode for a new
    gaming experience. (AR is a popular example of the latter.) Spelled as MoD, it
    refers to the Minions of Destruction, a group of very quick and powerful
    monsters fought just before the final confrontation with Baal. They are feared
    not only for their quick movements, ITD and high damage, but also for the
    high latency their appearance tends to cause online and/or on low-end systems.
    MR (or MDR)
    Magic damage reduction, a mod found on many items. It reduces the damage any
    magical effect deals to you by a set amount. For spells which linger for a
    while, such as Firewall and Meteor, this applies every second. In previous
    versions of Diablo 2 it applied to every frame, which resulted in even a few
    points of MR significantly reducing or even eliminating the damage from
    frame-based spells, including Diablo's lightning hose.
    Multi Shot, a property found on some bosses which causes them to fire whatever
    projectile they might use multiple times with every ranged attack. This is
    generally not such a dangerous mod, except when seen in combination with
    Lightning Enchanted. The combination of these two results in the feared MSLEB.
    Multi Shot, Lightning Enchanted Boss. A boss on Nightmare or Hell that spawns
    with both of these modifiers is easily one of the worst monsters you will ever
    encounter. Due to Multi Shot, the boss releases far, far more lighting bolts
    than he normally would whenever he takes a hit. Furthermore the bolts are
    closely stacked, which means you typically get hit by many at once,
    particularly at close range. An unlucky melee character can easily be killed
    at full health from only a single hit. MSLEBs tend to slaughter parties,
    particularly careless ones.
    A character specifically made to hold spare items in his inventory and stash,
    either until a character intended to playing can put them to use, or to be used
    in trading. The process of bringing items found by playing characters to mules
    is known as MULING.
    Bringing one or more items to a character specifically created to hold them:
    a MULE. This is common practice with online players who always have less stash
    space than they seem to need. There are three common muling methods:
    1. Muling alone. The player creates a passworded game and stays in it for at
    least five minutes, then drops the items he wishes to transfer and leaves. Due
    to him having been in at least five minutes, the game will stay up for five more
    minutes even without any players in it. This gives the player the time to log on
    with his mule and reenter the game, picking up the items he left.
    This method is somewhat risky because disconnections, time outs and other nasty
    surprises can result in the game being wiped or the player being unable to log on
    in time, resulting in the loss of the items.
    2. Public muling. The player joins a game where other people are playing, finds
    a safe spot where nobody is likely to stop by, drops his items, logs off and
    quickly brings in his mule to retrieve the items. This is a very risky method of
    muling, as you cannot be sure the game will still be up when you return (or,
    even more frustrating, full), and if another player comes across the items you've
    dropped, chances are he'll take them. This risk can be reduced by finding a good
    spot to drop the items to be muled: towns are bad spots, but deep inside large
    open areas (like the deserts in act 2) or optional dungeons are typically good
    places. Of course the mule needs to have the proper waypoints to actually reach
    the equipment you left for him!
    3. Muling with a friend. This basically involves starting a game with somebody you
    know and trust, giving him your items, leaving the game, coming back with your mule
    and getting your items back. Needless to say doing this with a stranger is a naive
    and risky move, but if you frequently play with friends you can rely on each other
    for absolutely safe muling. Even if a disconnect occurs, your friend will still
    hold the items he took from you so he can give them back to you in a different game.
    A commonly used reprimand by Blizzard against people attempting to scam
    accounts or generally creating havoc in chat channels. When muted, a player can
    no longer chat or send private messages, they can only talk in games. In
    particular, this makes setting up trades next to impossible as this is
    usually done outside games.

    Short for Necromancer, one of the character classes in the game. The general
    impopularity of the Necro, caused by several NERFs over time, has resulted in
    no particular builds having become famous.
    The term commonly used for the downgrading of a skill or item in Diablo 2.
    Nerfing is Blizzard's usual response to skills or items which turn out to be
    overpowered. This is much to the dismay of players who have built characters
    based on these skills/items, and see their hard work being destroyed overnight
    because suddenly they deal only half the damage they used to. As a result,
    every patch results in at least some players complaining.
    Short for Nightmare, the second difficulty mode out of three. Normal and Hell
    are not normally abbreviated, Nightmare is. Diablo 2 players tend to be lazy
    Short for Energy, one of the four primary statistics of any character. It
    is particularly important to characters who use mana-eating skills regularly
    and cannot leech it back in melee combat. Particularly Sorceresses and
    Necromancers need to build up their Energy.
    Refers to Open Battlenet, as opposed to the CLOSED REALMs. Characters created
    to be played in single player mode and/or TCP/IP can be taken to Open
    Battlenet as well, and can be played there. The disadvantage of Open, however,
    is that because characters and equipment are stored locally, many people use
    character and item editors to create ***ly characters with hacked, overpowered
    equipment. It gets a little frustrating to try and play a legitimate character
    when you are surrounded by cheaters, which is why most online players choose
    to play on the realms instead.
    Short for Paladin, a popular character for use in parties because his
    beneficial auras help party members in addition to himself. Paladins have had
    their skills strengthened and weakened a lot over the various patches.
    Currently the Paladin is considered one of the more challenging classes to
    play - while powerful, he is forced to engage in melee to be truly effective,
    and has no good way to deal with large groups of enemies. Physically immune
    enemies can be a pain for him as well, hence the AVENGER build.
    An item which has had the name of its owner added to its name, which is the
    reward for one of the quests in Act 5. Personalization does nothing except
    adding the name, and is therefore a rather mundane quest reward. Furthermore
    personalized items may be worth less in trade to those who do not wish to have
    to look at another player's name on their item. Because of this, and the fact
    that a very tough opponent needs to be defeated to finish the quest, many
    players skip it.
    Physical Immune, a boss mod which results in complete immunity to any physical
    attacks. Magical damage (raw magic, poison or one of the three elements) is
    needed to damage these enemies. Physically immune enemies are of no concern to
    Sorceresses but can be a real pain for melee characters. Some monster types
    found in act 5 spawn with physical immunity by default in Hell mode, resulting
    in entire packs of these annoyances.
    An Amazon skill which allows her arrows and javelins to pass through an enemy,
    possibly hitting one or more foes behind him. This skill is great for crowd
    control. It comes by default on the unique crossbow BURIZA, which is one reason
    for it being as popular as it is. See also GA/PIERCE BUG.
    Cleglaw's Pincers, a commonly found and rather mundane set item except for the
    fact that one of the modifiers behaves strangely. It is supposed to slow a
    target by 25% upon hitting. When used in combat against other players, however,
    it first negates any faster walk/run mods and THEN slows the target even more;
    some people have also reported that it stacks, causing further hits to make
    you slow down to a crawl. Amazons, in particular, can exploit this to severely
    slow down an opponent in PVP and get an easy kill in. For this reason Cleglaw's
    Pincers are generally considered unfair to use in duels. It is unclear whether
    the way the slowdown effect on Cleglaw's Pincers works is a bug.
    A super unique monster at the entrance to Nihlathak's temple in act 5. There
    would be nothing particularly interesting about him, except that on Hell mode,
    he is capable of dropping items in the weapon lvl 90 and armor lvl 90 classes,
    something which even Baal cannot. For instance, many of the items in Griswold's
    set are in these classes.
    Because Pindleskin is very easy to get to after completing the third quest of
    act 5 (a portal from town will lead directly to Nihlathak's temple) and
    because his potential to drop unique items is a little better than normal
    because he is a super unique monster, Pindleskin is a popular target for item
    runs, particularly for players who are after one of the select few items that
    Baal cannot drop.
    Pindleskin is not the only one capable of dropping items that Baal can't.
    Three other super uniques in act 5, namely Thresh Socket, Snapchip Shatter
    and Frozenstein, have the exact same drop odds that Pindleskin has. However,
    since Pindleskin is only a stone's throw from Harrogath using Anya's portal,
    he can be killed quickest of all. His odds of coming up with set or unique
    items are far worse than those of act bosses. Above all, Pindleskin runs
    take a lot of patience.
    Player Killer (the person), or Player Killing (the action). This refers to the
    act of seeking out and killing other players in regular games, as opposed to
    PVP, which is mutually consenting duelling. Particularly in hardcore PK'ers
    are considered a menace. Nevertheless Blizzard has willingly included the
    option to kill other players as a design feature and has so far been unwilling
    to add any protection in the form of hostility needing to be mutual to allow
    players to attack each other, or placing a "no PK" option on a game when you
    create it.
    A powerful command available in single player mode, that allows a player to
    simulate having more players in a game. That means more items are dropped and
    monsters give more experience, but they also have more hit points. This command
    can be used to create a more challenging game, but it also allows a player to
    do more level building than usually possible on single player, which is
    especially useful late in the game.
    To active the command, simply type the chatline 'players X', without the quotes,
    where X may be any number between 2 and 8. For instance, to simulate 8 players
    you would type:
    players 8
    The game gives no confirmation of any kind that the effect has taken place,
    however you'll soon notice the difference if you come out of town. Note that
    using the players X command in the middle of a game works, but it does not
    affect the monsters already on screen or close to you.
    Player vs Monster, the way most people play the game. This is done either
    solitarily or in parties with other players.
    Player vs Player, aka duelling. This refers to two (or more) players fighting
    each other. This is different from PK in the sense that both players agree to
    the duel in this case. Duels generally follow a set of rules, which include
    no potion using, no running into town, and sometimes, no use of certain items
    like the PINCERS and no use of mercs. Many players build characters
    specifically intended for duelling. The BURIZON is probably the most powerful
    duelling build currently in existence, followed closely by certain types of
    Sorceress and Barbarian.
    An interesting Paladin build using a bow. Some of the Paladin's skills, most
    notably Fanaticism and Holy Shock, work remarkably well with bows, making
    this build somewhat viable. They are not as powerful as BOWAZONS or more
    classic Paladin builds like the ZEALOT or the AVENGER, but for an alternative
    build, they are surprisingly capable.
    Any of the servers on closed, where characters and items are stored
    on the server and cheating is far less common than on OPEN. Currently there
    are six realms in existence: USWest, USEast, Europe, Asia 1, Asia 2 and Asia 3.
    Interestingly Asia 3 has only existed as long as the expansion has, and as a
    result no SOJ ECONOMY exists there. Rather, runes are the currency on that
    Resistance, a mod found on many items. Resistances help to reduce the damage
    taken from fire, cold, lightning and/or poison attacks. This is particularly
    important in Nightmare and Hell mode, where the innate resistances of your
    character are reduced well below zero and elemental attacks can cause massive
    damage if you do not find the right equipment to counter this.
    This is restoring a database to the state it was in at an earlier time. For
    Diablo 2, this can mean that several hours or even days of realm play are
    "reset" and everythins is returned to what it was like before. This is an
    extreme measure that has been taken in the past to fix severe realm bugs or
    duping. Since a rollback cancels everything that happened in the meantime,
    there is always somebody who found a great item or levelled up their
    characters a lot, and will not be amused when all that progress is gone.
    Hence, rollbacks are rare.
    Small charm. Traders are lazy typers.
    A generic term referring to tricking other players. Most commonly seen in the
    online community are ACCOUNT SCAMs and TRADE SCAMs.
    A certain type of elite helmet. When people mention "the Shako", they
    typically refer to the highly powerful (and rare) unique Shako known as
    Harlequin Crest. This is widely acknowledged to be the best helm in the game,
    but few players actually have one.
    Silks of the Victor, a powerful but affordable suit of armor that, among other
    things, improves a character's mana leeching. Not many suits or armor exist
    that have this mod. It is a particularly popular armor for AVENGERs who need
    all the mana leeching they can get.
    An alternative kind of Barbarian who does not use his weapon in combat, but
    relies exclusively on various War Cries. Unlike other Barbarian builds,
    singing Barbs (also known as BARDs) require a vast supply of mana. If that
    can be provided, they are surprisingly effective.
    A bug exploit that flared up in February/March 2002. It involved using a
    BUGGED ITEM to decrease your dexterity stat below zero, after which it was
    possible to boost your skills up indefinitely. The result was people with
    ridiculous skill levels (up in the thousand rather than the normal maximum
    of 20) running around creating havoc in Hell games: Sorceresses with Charged
    Bolts filling the entire screen, Paladins with a Holy Fire that clears out
    the entire Cow level within three seconds of him entering the portal,
    Barbarians with a Battle Orders giving you six digit hit points, et cetera.
    The exploit has been fixed by Blizzard and as bugged items are getting
    deleted, the skill bug is fading again.
    An interesting Paladin build based on the skill Smite, which uses the Paladin's
    shield to attack. While normally low in damage, Smite can be powerful if used
    with the right shield (the class-specific Paladin-only shields in the expansion
    can do good damage) in combination with the skill Holy Shield which boosts
    Smite damage. The true power of Smite, however, lies in the fact that it
    automatically hits and stuns the target. Smitadins are sometimes seen in PVM
    as well as PVP, and while they are rare, the players who use them claim they
    are highly effective.
    Stone of Jordan, the most famous unique from classic Diablo 2 which continues
    to have a great impact on the expansion. Back in previous versions, it was
    possible for a high level player to use a gambling trick to collect these
    useful rings at a steady pace.
    This refers to the Stone of Jordan being the currency in many high-level
    trades in Diablo 2 and the expansion. Previously, when they could still
    be obtained easily in gambling, many high level players had a good stock of
    these. Now, however, they are much harder to come by, and the stock decreases
    for various reasons while unique and set items become more and more plentiful.
    The unfortunate result is that there is massive deflation and many items
    previously worth X SoJs don't even fetch a single one anymore. Nevertheless
    many players persist in using the SoJ as currency, even though it has already
    become one of the most valuable items in the game. This has made trading
    harder than ever.
    UPDATE: massive DUPING in January and February 2002 has increased the number
    of SoJs on the realms immensely. Furthermore, it seems that because most
    SoJs originate from classic Diablo 2, they are immune to the DUPE DELETION
    methods Blizzard employs to fight duping. As a result SoJs have become much
    more common than before, and inflation was the direct result. After the two
    duping sprees, the SoJ's value was back at where it was when LoD just came
    out, and many items have gone up in SoJ value.
    Short for Sorceress, one of the game's character classes. In the early days
    of the expansion this was the single most commonly seen character, but when
    people started to discover the potential of the Buriza Do-Kyanon, the BURIZON
    became very common as well.
    Single Player. Refers to playing alone with a locally stored character, as
    opposed to a character stored on a closed realm. Single player mode means you
    will not be able to party up (except on Open Battlenet or in TCP/IP games) and
    makes trading non-existent, but it eliminates the issue of lag and gives you
    access to the powerful PLAYERS X command.
    An Amazon relying on the use of spears in melee combat. This was once a
    popular build due to the skill Jab being bugged - it allowed them to use even
    the slowest of weapons at an awesome pace, stunlocking single opponents and
    leeching life by the bucketful to survive against enemy groups. When Jab's
    speed bug was fixed, the Spearazon sort of faded away, and is now rarely
    seen. Nearly every Amazon in existence is either a BOWAZON or a JAVAZON.
    One variation of the BOWAZON, the Speedzon strives to achieve the fastest
    attack speed possible with her bow. This is done by using one of the fastest
    bows in the game (ideally Windforce, though most have to settle for cheaper
    ones) and a lot of equipment with Increased Attack Speed mods. The ultimate
    goal is to achieve the maximum possible bow fire rate, which allows one arrow
    to be fired every 7 frames. Once every 8 frames is more common, though.
    Speedzons avoid using the BURIZA, which is powerful but much slower. Many of
    them have become Speedzons because they feel using the Buriza is cheap,
    and want to try something different.
    Short for Strength, one of the four primary statistics of any character. It
    is particularly important to characters who use melee weapons. Normally it
    is built up to match the requirements for whatever equipment the character
    intends to use at a high level. For Paladins and Barbarians this tends to be
    far higher than for Necromancers and Sorceresses.
    An interesting Amazon build meant specifically to perform TANKING for
    another character. These Amazons typically have damage reduction gear and
    invest heavily in the three passive dodging skills (Dodge, Evade and Avoid)
    to allow them to survive close encounters. Some of them even use one handed
    melee weapons and shields, which is of course against the default nature of
    the Amazon.
    Getting up close to a monster, keeping it in place so that long distance
    attackers can strike it safely. For instance, in COW RUNs, it is common
    for tough Paladins or Barbarians to get up close and keep the cows from
    overrunning the Sorceresses and Javazons that fight from a distance. A
    character used for tanking is also referred to as a tank.
    Tanks are often mentioned in Sorceress guides, since a Sorceress is much
    more effective if she doesn't have to back off all the time. With a good
    tank (for instance, a Barbarian mercenary or a tough party member), she
    is much more effective because she can spend all of her time casting
    spells rather than running to create more distance.
    An online game session in which one player hosts and other players join his
    IP address. This allows players to play together online without using
    Battlenet. Locally stored characters can be used to play on TCP/IP, and as
    such it is not cheatproof per sé: however TCP/IP games are usually played
    among trusted friends. This is the preferred mode of play for players who
    wish to be able to play with their friends, but also want to be able to
    play the same characters offline.
    A Barbarian build using Double Throw and Throwing Mastery to cause as much
    damage as possible from a distance. This was perhaps inspired by the Ancients
    in act 5, as one of them uses Double Throw and actually does a lot of damage.
    Nevertheless, throwing barbs used by players can only deal physical damage and
    typically do not last in late Nightmare and Hell. They are somewhat effective
    in PVP, though.
    An old hack which has recently become more popular. It allows a malicious
    player to pretend he's
    Last edited by Blue; 08-08-2008 at 05:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Noobsauce Nex's Avatar
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    What about

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    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    PVE? Remember, I need you to tell me what it means. I may not remember everything.

  4. #4
    gimmie da loot ! SilverTears's Avatar
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    PvE means Player vs. Environment, mostly used with games like WoW or Everquest... etc

    Just to add on, according to wiki, PvE is basically the same thing as PvM; it doesn't necessarily mean it has to do literally with the Enviroment, but it is basically like the storyline of the game/the aspect of the game that doesn't have a player pitted against another player. ~jedi
    Last edited by jedimaster86; 01-23-2008 at 11:19 PM.
    . . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
    . . . and immigration says can we see
    . . . your green card, please.....?

  5. #5
    Tech Elder The Mob's Avatar
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    i think SS is used mainly for stormshield, and not spirit shield
    jube = full rejuvenation potion
    *** = potion (mana/health)
    NK = naked kill
    TP = townportal (lol.. i dont think people are that dumb and dont know this)

    ill think of some more later
    US East L/NL-arowws4 arowws5 uber/organ runs for free. Free items too. Just ask. Must be member of this site.

  6. #6
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
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  7. #7
    ***** Elder BewarethePhoenix's Avatar
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    I thought Tmight was in reference to Templar's Might. I could be mistaken.

  8. #8
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
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    Well, you should categorize them into certain criteria, i.e. game mechanics, items, trade, monsters, etc. Right now it's just a jumble of words. But good work thus far : )

  9. #9
    Ancient Jammer74's Avatar
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    What about when someone says they have GG hammerdin,or GG pally gear?
    Whats gg mean?
    Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)

  10. #10
    gimmie da loot ! SilverTears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jammer74 View Post
    What about when someone says they have GG hammerdin,or GG pally gear?
    Whats gg mean?
    gg means good game, normally when people say stuff like that it usually means they have a godly char
    . . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
    . . . and immigration says can we see
    . . . your green card, please.....?

  11. #11


    ty soo much for posting this, helps alot

  12. #12
    The Immortals FraterPerdurabo's Avatar
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    Oh and add "Dudu" for Druid : )

    There are loads of abbreviations missing from that link, just work on this thread for a little longer.

  13. #13
    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo View Post

    Oh and add "Dudu" for Druid : )

    There are loads of abbreviations missing from that link, just work on this thread for a little longer.
    No idea what CS and WSK are, but I went and added them, along with some of my own.

    I also recently added enemies.

  14. #14
    ***** Elder Shift's Avatar
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    tmight refers to both tyraels might and templars might.

    coa - crown of ages
    nw - nightwings
    nigma - enigma obvsly
    mages - magefists
    rends - steelrends
    ww - waterwalks
    treks - sandstorm treks
    bk - bul-kathos (usually the ring)

    and imo: (things in bold are what i think need to be chaged.)
    Wiz - Wizardspike (should be Wizzy, never heard anyone use 'wiz' before)
    Arm - Arm of King Leoric or Armor (should not be on the list, or could easliy be confused with arm as in armor, and again never heard this called an arm before)
    Andies - Andariels Visage (andy*)
    MR - Medium Rune (mid rune*)
    TPPK - Town Portal Player Kill (May be teleport and that would make more sense, I'll let someone find this and tell me) not teleport, i can demonstrate it on you if you wish :x
    Assn/A - Assassin (Sin*)
    WP - Way PointTrist - Tristram (typo )
    Cat - Catacombs (cata*)
    WSK - Worldstone Keep (ws*)

    ib - ice blast/ice bolt
    blizz - blizzard
    fb - fireball/firebolt
    cb - charged bolt
    static - static field
    tstorm - thunder storm
    es - energy shield
    hammers - blessed hammers
    hs - holy shield/or holy shock i suppose
    nado - tornado
    oak - oak sage
    skellys - skeletons
    anc - ancients (rarely used)
    grush - glitch rush
    trav - travincal
    a1 - act 1
    a2 - act 2
    a3 - act 3
    a4 - act 4
    a5 - act 5
    pp - party please
    top2 - used in baal runs, when the top 2 levels make their own party and kill baal alone for more experience.

    and that's all i can think of atm.

    oh lolz.
    atm - at the moment
    n1 - nice one
    np - no problem

  15. #15


    I interpret GG and GFG differently.
    GG = god's gift
    GFG = gift from god

  16. #16
    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    Updated. Added some sections to put them under, added some in general, changed others.

    Is there anything else I should add or modify?

    And can someone verify this
    I thought Tmight was in reference to Templar's Might. I could be mistaken.

  17. #17
    A Noob in your Darkness Pamela's Avatar
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    Very nice Blue! You have put some effort into this and made it not only informative in categorizing terms.But also in asking for suggestions and revisions,thus making your efforts interactive.Very smart on your part and I will add to your rep.

    As for TP,in my FFXI game it mean Total Power you accumulate for getting off a powerful WS (weapon Skill)

    A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

  18. #18
    You would kill for this, just a little bit Tap's Avatar
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    i went ahead and added
    You said so much without ever parting your lips.

  19. #19
    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tap View Post
    i went ahead and added
    Thanks Tap and Pamela.

    To make it more readable I added two more categories. Trade Associated and Characters.

  20. #20
    ///M Ares's Avatar
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    If your going to make a guide, do it right. Go back in and add all of the items. After that I think its done.

    Gloves: Mages
    add those :)


    add that too.
    Last edited by Ares; 02-06-2008 at 07:29 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

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