Some people on the World of Warcraft forums are getting a little down when they noticed that some of the new heroic badge loot items that you can trade in for in the latest 2.4 PTR of the game.
Poster Nextdooramy noted that the new Tempest of Chaos' spell damage reaches into obscenely high numbers (247 to be exact), which makes her wonder if Blizzard isn't being just a little bit unfair about giving away such high-level equipment for a relative easy job of farming heroic badges.
Fortunately, Blizzard Poster Bornakk dropped by the forums just to give his two coppers regarding the matter. Bornakk had this to say:
The Critical Strike and Hit ratings on the Tempest of Chaos overall make it a better weapon, but yes, the new dps caster dagger is a good item.
While the new badge of justice items don't cover every slot, they can provide some significant upgrades for even high end players to assist them in progression or in building up their alts.
Bornakk explains that the reason behind this is to give players other options on how to improve their alternate characters. This can also be considered a good opportunity for high end players to switch to more appropriate gear depending on the situation.
Given the relative ease a player can earn farming these items by going through some of the high level dungeons, these badges are now even more attainable as the latest batch of changes in the 2.4 patch now includes Badges of Justice drops for all the raid bosses who previous did not have them.