We've got more PTR news for you folks, and this comes in the form of updates for fishing and for Magtheridon.
Old Man Barlo and the big baddie Magtheridon have some extra goodies for folks who love Blizzard's World of Warcraft, which you can learn about below.
First off, let us deal with Old Man Barlo. According to a recent post on World of Raids, Old Man Barlo of Terokkar Forest has been given five new daily fishing quests with some substantial rewards.
Heres' the list of new quests for World of Warcraft:
The post also notes that the quests are only available to level 70 characters, and that each completion of the daily fishing quest will net you a Bag of Fishing Treasures, which contains 7 gold, a regular treasure, a junk item, and the occasional noteworthy treasure (such as a non-combat pet).
- Bait Bandits
- Crocolisks in the City
- Felblood Fillet
- Shrimpin' Ain't Easy
- The One That Got Away
On the flipside, we have big baddie Magtheridon. World of Raids also noted that Magtheridon has become the Burning Crusade equivalent of Onyxia with the latest additions to his loot table: a 20-slot epic bag and a green bag with 3 Black Temple quality gems in it, as well as the usual badges of justice and gold.
In any case, you can check out what WoW has to offer by going onto the PTRs or by checking out our source link below. Enjoy!