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  1. #1

    Default Max hammer damage now?

    This is probably a repeat but what is it? I have 10x combat GC, Anni, Hoto, Zak, shako, enigma, maras, arach, sojs, and with cta's bonus i only get 15k-15k, I was under the impression it was possible to get 16k, but with all this my damage must be like 15,900-15,950 or something Is there something I am missing here? b.hammer is maxed, as well as all its synergies, as well as concentration. Still no dice on the 16k though.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Far Away


    well, you're doing it wrong mate.......
    b hammer needs...........legendary mallet(shaef's if u can)
    use smite's beta
    now be a good lass and run along.....

  3. #3


    Uh yeah, anyway. Anyone wanna answer my question now instead of telling me to be a smite pala?

  4. #4
    Forum Member
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    Who cares, its not like your gonna kill monsters any quicker. Once hammers start to do more then 10k damage it pretty much makes no difference.

    And anyway, dont always believe whats written on the screen, its not called the lying screen for nothing.

  5. #5


    He posted a question.. simply answer him and if you can't answer.. just shutup!

    Back on topic... That should get you to 16k or ver very closed to 16k. I got the exact same setup but I'm carrying 5 Combat GC instead of 10... I'm only hitting 13K

  6. #6
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vash1025
    This is probably a repeat but what is it? I have 10x combat GC, Anni, Hoto, Zak, shako, enigma, maras, arach, sojs, and with cta's bonus i only get 15k-15k, I was under the impression it was possible to get 16k, but with all this my damage must be like 15,900-15,950 or something Is there something I am missing here? b.hammer is maxed, as well as all its synergies, as well as concentration. Still no dice on the 16k though.
    usually for more dmg try a +3 to combat skills ammy, that puts you at 16k
    and tearhaunch boots dont give any + to all skills, but they do give +2 to vigor making your synergies and total dmg a little better

  7. #7


    +skills won't add to synergies.

  8. #8
    I am God bow to me
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    i need to make a hammerdin or a zealot.

  9. #9
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by etanol
    +skills won't add to synergies.
    that sucks

  10. #10


    yeah that's why seraphs, tearhaunches, and defensive gc's aren't worth a damn to a hammer pali, if that were the case, seraphs would be worth 2x maras and defensive's would be worth a hell of a lot more than combats lol..

  11. #11
    Attempter of Things Nethran's Avatar
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    sorry to break with the topic, but HI JEWB! er... HABADOO!!!! I am zorro or his cat, pepito.

  12. #12
    JDM Anti-Christ Warslut's Avatar
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    Well I don't know if you can break 16k like silver said, if you get a 3 combat skills ammy, it will up, b.hammer by one and you might break it... other than that I don't know what else you could do., maybe get a magic cady that gives 2 to pally skills and 3 to b.hammer? Beats me...

    Turbos don't suck, they blow!
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  13. #13


    You can go over 16k, I think I've seen 18k or 19k, can't remember which one. But the more damage you do, the more you probably lack in others.

  14. #14
    Hellgate: London
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    does a +2 palla +3 hammer +3 conc cada exist? that would be godly hammerdin wep :P

  15. #15
    JDM Anti-Christ Warslut's Avatar
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    Maybe in a rare.

    Turbos don't suck, they blow!
    My Car Domain

  16. #16


    All i know is back in classic, there was a rare scepter, whose name i've conveniently forgotten, whose mods were something like +2, 20fcr, +3 blessed hammer, +2 conc... yeah, it was godly as hell, and the name! god it's right there! ahhhhh tip of my tongue, jesus i should know this i had a couple... goddamnit.. ah well i'll edit it if i remember....

    (Edit: HAHA! 10 seconds after posting i remembered, it was bugging the hell out of me so i had to keep thinking about it... it was VB... Viper Bludgeon, godly as hell.. yeah now with synergies, jesus... see it raped w/hammerdins PRE 1.10... i had a couple hammerdins, they were fun, but they had leftover skills up the wazoo, you could pretty much hybrid them with anything, i had a blessed/zealot, and a blessed/smiter lol... cuz all you needed was max BH/Conc to make an effective one, although i found holy freeze quite nice, made cowing a cinch.... which is all you could do in d2c .09 really.. so yeah, good stuff :) )

  17. #17


    uhh also to get higher dmg.. u could use a scepter with +2 pally skill +3 B Hammer and + 3 conc. thatll boost ur dmg more.

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