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  1. #1
    MCP CCNA Juke's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Akron Ohio
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    Default Old Diablo 2 Dupe that Still Works!

    Ok first thing is first, I no this works ive done it before and battlenet has not control over it..... Things you need...

    1 CD-R
    1 copy of Diablo 2 and EXP CD
    1 Software to create ISO imgs

    Ok no what you wont to do is put in your diablo 2 CD into you CD-Rom drive.. DONT RUN IT!!! if you do this wont work....

    Now open up any program you have that can make a iso img like Easy Burner 2004 Lamerz Pro Version.
    once the Program is loaded. put in your Diablo 2 CD.. Make a Iso
    Then once that is done put in your EXP CD...Make a Iso

    Now this is the trick!!!

    Put in your CD-R disc into you CD-Rom and Burn the ISO of each file on to the CD!!!!!

    BOOM just dupe the hole game in mins!!!

    I like to think Microsoft for the Great OS that lets me exploit these fine command lines.

    and IBM for selling me that shitty as PC back in 1993

    if it was not for them I would not have gotten this far

    Peace out
    Iraq ! HackeR FesT!

  2. #2


    Yeah works great for offline play, but with the amount of hacks for offline and open, this just takes too much time. But it does work...

  3. #3


    i haven't tried this, but does it work for closed battlenet?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by tigeroip View Post
    i haven't tried this, but does it work for closed battlenet?
    Local files would change nothing on the server.

    And if you were to go through all the work to dupe something, I would laugh. Why not open Hero Editor, and just drag and drop to dupe what you want?

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