For English class, I was asked to write a poem that was a minimum of 25 lines. The poem had to include at least 20 internal rhymes as well.

Real Poets Don’t Rhyme!

“Is it a crime not to rhyme?!” I chime,
“The poem I design should be mine”
Rhymes are bound to be found,
But why make them partake?
I say, do not make my poetic ideas decay,
Because they don’t rhyme!

I scream to let off steam,
“Why me” I decree.
I felt an unfair hand I was dealt.
Now I must fight to merely write,
And find a word that rhymes with absurd.
It’s way too hard to rhyme!

That’s it, I quit,
Thoughts will no longer be distraught.
My mind is free to make a spree,
And dispose of poems that I wish to compose.
Without a doubt, many ideas I can write about,
I pray new ideas not sway astray.
Poets don’t need rhymes!

Wait, it may not be too late,
Can I save my poem from an early grave?
Oh no! Say it isn’t so,
How could I predict that I would be tricked?
This entire time, my poem has been one big rhyme.
Rhymes…you can’t get away!