This Clan offers a great opportunity to be one of the best in the game. We prefer well balanced players who know what they are doing. We will do Baal runs together, mf together, and trade together. Also, we will tell you all you need to know about the game and help you with any problems that you might encounter. To join this clan you will need an SS at the end of your char name. This new character you create will be rushed and leveled quickly by us so that you can start having fun with our clan. You will need to verify that you are able to be a member by messaging us at these account names. Also we are pVm players and duel for fun.
Message us when you feel the need to be the best. A website is under constuction right now and for some reason it wont let me post the url so if you would like to see it just message me(Diablo_HunterX) or Joe (Josephius). Thanks
Have a nice day