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  1. #1

    Thumbs down Soj Value has droped in a Week

    Greetings Everyone,
    I have noticed that the value of 1 Soj has nearly droped half in under a weeks time on UsEast Ladder. Enigma used to cost 2 soj's, now in under a weeks time it can cost up to 4 or 5 Soj's! I have asked many people on the realm why they think it has happed. Many people tell me that the cause of it was from a Mass Soj Dupe somone did on UsEast. Also some "Newbs" say that its because of the Andy botters. Well if they had any clue they would know that Andy botters have been around for a really long time! Lets just say it was because of a drastic amount of bot users there is No posible way it could change the price of Soj's this drasticaly in such a short amount of time. Anywho I just wanted to ask people what there imput on this was? Has anyone heard any solid facts about this issue? Do you think the Value will be effected for a long time? People say that the D2 market is kinda like the stock market it changes time to time, But it changed so drasticaly I dont know what to really think about it. I havent seen it this bad since 1.09 "Even thoe its not as bad as it it was then : It Kinda makes me mad! I dont mind dupers at all but I do mind when they take it as far to the point where it effects the whole market and drops a Soj so dasticaly in worth.


  2. #2


    Some people can get 4-5 Sojs in one night. Only by botting Andariel.

  3. #3
    MS guy Silver Ice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    i kinda like the cost of sojs dropping, it encourages people to bot PINDLE and gain exp like my sorc whos on her way to 95 right now

  4. #4


    Yes thats very true Etanol .. but still that has been going on for a long time. that wouldnt have any effect in a resent weeks drop like that. but yes your are right. and to Silver Ice I hear what your saying all thoe I personaly like to lvl my toon my self and not have a bot do it for me .. but each his own so I wont knock that at all :) But I still dont like having to pay 5 Soj's for Enigma for say lol .. Maybe its time for me to get out the ol andy bot and start Sojin:


  5. #5


    Bot her in hell, I think that she drops better there / more often sojs (was for me at least).

  6. #6


    It's all about luck, but she has a higher chance of dropping Soj in nightmare.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ontario, Canada


    lololol, i never played ladder seriously, but sojs for enigma WTF???? wtf is goin on, r sojs ranodmly worth crazy shit on the ladder or has no1 been able to load up a 290 onto the ladder yet. R there 290s goin around on ladder?

  8. #8
    Yeah, that's right. Zyclo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    what do u mean load up a 290?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ontario, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Zyclo
    what do u mean load up a 290?
    YA, sry bout that, to be clear: all hacked items r obviously loaded up from open. Sum1 bridges the gap between open and closed and then once the item is on the realms, its duped like theres no tomorrow. R there no 290s on ladder? and btw, if u got mh, u can see the lvl (?) of the monster who dropped the item (i think its just an identifier even though listed as a lvl).

  10. #10


    can u really buy an enigma for 5-7 sojs on uswhcnl?!

  11. #11
    Forum Member
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    Jun 2004
    Oshawa Ont Canada


    290s are so gay! they r good but they are way over prised like big time..i was wonderin how they didnt get onto ladder to?

  12. #12


    There are 290's on ladder, and they aren't bugged in any way. Poison small charms can go even higher.

  13. #13


    to me soj didnt go down in 1 week this mornin i was gett 2-3 sojs for enigma so was every one esle around 10:00 am then at like 4:00 pm it was 4-5 sojs then late around 11:00 is 6-7 and i know a guy who knows a guy who dupes these massivebly and i got 25+ sojs today from him and probally more torm

  14. #14
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    better perm those soj's or go and trade them away.
    if i had 25+ soj's... omg I would have such a kickass account!!!

  15. #15


    hehe, care to spare a few sojs? ^_^

  16. #16
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    i couldnt give a shit for soj's though. =\
    yet i want them so badly for ladder.

  17. #17


    i found o soj from hell andy to bad it was on non ladder

    sry about double post but im pretty shure than 290 was a charm from patch 08 it was duped OUT THE ***, and hasnt been deleted yet another thing, i was pretty shure that you cant get the a 290 anymore the max is like 250 or somthin, not shure?
    i dont know about dupe but i do know that you can make items unid again after u ided them some guy gave me 3 things and he told me what all three where and there stats, they where uniq ring and ammy , and a set ammy. i dono if this helps but it could be useful

  18. #18


    Poison small charms can go over 3XX.

  19. #19


    To my knowledge there are no 290s on ladder. The highest poison charm is 175 over 6 seconds, which is pretty much a 290 over 10 seconds. And also to my understanding 290s no longer spawn. They stopped spawning after 1.09. And i do know on non ladder there are 320s (i forgot the length of time..), but it was less effective than a 290.

    And about the sojs for enigma... I have a ladder and nonladder character.. and yes.. sojs are worth a lot on ladder.. That is, they were. The only explanations I can give are..
    1) Someone is actaully hacking and duping SOJs (mostly likely, cause there was a HUGE drop in them over the past week) My enigma now worth 6 sojs when i paid 1.5 sojs 3 weeks earlier.
    2) If i remember correctly, there was a huge boom in mfing for a few weeks when travs 49-50 were worth an soj. (more andy bots running)
    3) This one is kinda a stretch... Its the summer and more ppl are on at the same time.. that means more available supply of SOJs.

  20. #20
    Forum Member
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    the pits of hell


    i heard that something with andy screwed up, and it started dropping way more sojs than usual, but i still believe that its someone duping.

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