Greetings Everyone,
I have noticed that the value of 1 Soj has nearly droped half in under a weeks time on UsEast Ladder. Enigma used to cost 2 soj's, now in under a weeks time it can cost up to 4 or 5 Soj's! I have asked many people on the realm why they think it has happed. Many people tell me that the cause of it was from a Mass Soj Dupe somone did on UsEast. Also some "Newbs" say that its because of the Andy botters. Well if they had any clue they would know that Andy botters have been around for a really long time! Lets just say it was because of a drastic amount of bot users there is No posible way it could change the price of Soj's this drasticaly in such a short amount of time. Anywho I just wanted to ask people what there imput on this was? Has anyone heard any solid facts about this issue? Do you think the Value will be effected for a long time? People say that the D2 market is kinda like the stock market it changes time to time, But it changed so drasticaly I dont know what to really think about it. I havent seen it this bad since 1.09 "Even thoe its not as bad as it it was then : It Kinda makes me mad! I dont mind dupers at all but I do mind when they take it as far to the point where it effects the whole market and drops a Soj so dasticaly in worth.