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  1. #1
    ***** Ancient Grave's Avatar
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    Default Diablo 3 Wishlist.

    What would you wish Diablo 3 included, changed or left as is.

    I would love if they would keep the diablo elements in the game, such as waypoints, free to go anywhere world, and the skill teleport.

  2. #2
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    They'll probably have some waypoint equivalant and the randomization of dungeons, as both of these concepts (fast travel and never seeing the same layout twice) are in each of the Diablo games so far. I hope they add in more customization on appearance, I hate looking like everyone else.

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  3. #3
    Viva La Revolucion! Fuggle's Avatar
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    Keep - Point/Click which it looks like they did.
    Free to play, and I'm almost positive it will be, which was smart by Blizz since it would keep it from competing with WoW.
    Runes/Gems I liked, as long as they don't find dupes lol

    Throw away - Cain (too bad he's already in game)
    Permanent skill points, misclick ftl.

    Things I'd like to see - Tyrael, cause he's a baller, maybe he's corrupt who cares.
    A nice flowing story.
    Redone Pally/Amazon/Sorc classes.
    Keep it without healing classes.

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  4. #4


    1.)I want to see the Monk class make a come back from the first game.
    2.)Druid needs to come back and Necromancer unless the Witch Doctor covers both.
    3.)An actual Warrior class that specializes in weapons sorta like the D&D 3.0 Weapon Master and Fighter combo.
    4.)Maybe some clips on the younger Cain cause he is still mostly a mystery.
    5.)Tyrael for sure cause he was a good NPC and I liked how they had the angels.
    6.)More customization of the appearance of you characters.
    7.)Maybe even a choose and mix class setting so you can have auras from the pally and the Warriors weapon mastery topped off with something like the Sorceress in an element or something.
    8.)More quests and maybe even exp rewards for completing them.
    9.)Way points or equivalent need to be kept and maybe more then the runes, gems and jewels but yet charms that you can equip to your items like jewels.
    10.) More unique quests, monsters, items and even abilities... I loved the upgrade from Diablo and Hellfire to Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction. The big changes I guess is what gave me high standards for the new game coming out cause from 1 to 2 was majors upgrades and they should only continue to get better over time.

    Things I don't wanna see.
    1.)Those little red things cause they got annoying. (Fallen ect ect)
    2.)Less undead and demon varieties. They have been working on it for a while so there better be a lot of them and different apearances.

  5. #5
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    The monk probably wont make an appearance as Hellfire was not made by Blizzard.

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  6. #6
    ***** Ancient PoTatoes's Avatar
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    What sucks is that they are only going to have 5 character classes which means they have to throw out two classes which means bye bye to either the sorc, zon, paly, druid, or sin class.

    Witch Doc looks pretty sexy though, so I'm pleased with that. Just hope they don't alter the gameplay too too much.

  7. #7

    Default Speed?

    The thing that separates The Diablo series from the WoW game was pretty much that it wasn't based on timing and pre-planned fighting. To me skill comes from unknown events triggering your instincts to react a certain way. In WoW you pretty much do the same thing over and over and over no matter what happens. "Ok.. if i press 2 then 3 and then 4.. wait 5 seconds.. press 1 i should be able to kill him.. yay! he's dead! NEXT!" Whereas Diablo, simply the environment itself can change your method to react to a group of monsters heading your way. My personal wish would be to enable a game speed setting when making a game (Blizzard is re-using Battlenet so I assume with all other battlenet games that there will be game rooms along side channels.) to enhance creature movement and casting/slicing speed up to 300% just like starcraft uses, 'cept I'd rather have a numeric scale rather than Slowest/Slow/Normal/Fast/Fastest. I love fast paced games. Normal speed is decent but it gets old after a little while. Enemies get predictable and easy to analyze, pumping less adrenaline through the body and eventually getting bored. With slower speeds rather than having jumpy frames they could improve animation of the monsters. Fast style PVP mode wouldn't be such a bad idea either. Skill should always be one of the dominant factors in a fight. I love Blizzard's new idea of adding in a hotbar where the potion belt used to be. the game demo shows them switching skills with ease.
    Last edited by ThunderCall; 07-07-2008 at 05:17 PM. Reason: URLS apparently in

  8. #8
    GFX Freak And ***** FrogMan's Avatar
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    Like to see more of the same would like to see ability to unlearn talents like WoW.. because having to grush just bec u want a fire sorc now and not a light is a bid overboard.

    But like to see everything stay the same really with it enchancements and yea maybe more questing.

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  9. #9
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoTatoes View Post
    What sucks is that they are only going to have 5 character classes which means they have to throw out two classes which means bye bye to either the sorc, zon, paly, druid, or sin class.

    Witch Doc looks pretty sexy though, so I'm pleased with that. Just hope they don't alter the gameplay too too much.
    Originally, Diablo 2 had only 5 classes. Only with Lord of Destruction was there 7 classes. I'm sure more classes will eventually be made. For a year or two before the new classes come out, I'm sure 5 classes will be plenty to digest without getting bored.

    Also, I love how they kept most of the same aspects as D2. All that I would like to see would be a longer game (any game that you can beat in 30 minutes with a grush has some problems) and less repetitiveness. For example, instead of there being a normal, nightmare, and hell mode consisting of 5 acts apiece, why not make one mode with 15 acts? More exciting, less repetitive, more stuff to kill/places to explore.

    Also, a COHERENT/SENSIBLE storyline. Since in D2 you killed Diablo's/Mephisto's/(Baal's?) soulstone, how is Diablo still alive? I know the worldstone was destroyed, but how is Diablo brought back? I just hope it isn't something cheesy.

    Fighting with NPC's. Ascending up the Bloody Foothills and fighting with stranded Barbarians is so much fun when you first play the game. I want to see load of NPC's in an epic battle. If not mass numbers of NPC's, I want to see some powerful lone NPC's. Made some ass whipping at the hands of Tyreal or other angels.

    More Religious/Mythical references. Diablo 2 was cool because it drew upon Biblical/Mythical references. Andarial, for example, was known as the (evil) Queen of Desires (Which is why she appears naked?). Other bosses, such as Duriel?, have actual names of fallen angels in the Bible. I personally would like to see more of these references because it makes the game more flavorful and gives it that unique/epic Diablo feeling---Plus it will piss off a lot of uptight Christians who think the antichrist ordered the creation of D3 in order to enslave humanity.

    Free to play. I know that it probably will be, but if it isn't I may have to walk into the Blizzard headquarters and shoot the place up.

    More class variations. In D2, each class has about 2-4 GOOD builds. In D3, I would like to be able to have the option of building a Witch Doctor 5-6 different ways.

    COWS! HARD COWS! DIFFERENT COWS! INSANELY HARD DIFFERENT COWS THAT DROP AWESOME ITEMS! Is there any other game that you guys know where you can fireball the face of a walking cow wielding a giant axe? Maybe we should all start rumors of a cow level now so Blizzard will feel like they must add it.

    Fixing Bugs/Glitches/Hacks BEFORE they become a problem.

    Not being neglected in 3-4 years after most of the copies will be bought.

    A set, organized, official, ladder schedule that everybody will know about months/years in advance.

    An actual reason for channels outside of clan meetings and a place to be before a new game.

    No stupid activation gem to cause years of rumors.

    Revisiting sites from Diablo 1/2. From the video, I think they said that they are going to do this. I just think it will be cool (especially the first time) to see what happened to the places you visited(and the people's asses you saved) after 20 years.

    More, longer, cooler cinematics (not that D2's weren't awesome because they were. I just want more awesome cinematics).

    A shared account stash. This would prevent the need for using mules/transferring and save server space for Blizzard(less characters/less accounts because accounts won't have 1-2 random mules). Instead of have 8 characters with a stash each, how about one shared stash with 8 pages(like in PlugY).

    If there is a normal, nightmare, hell mode system again, I want to be able to view normal and nightmare games with my character that has beaten hell. It's such a B!tch sometimes finding a normal/nightmare game that I want my hell character to join.

    This probably won't happen but--LESS LAG!

    I want the game not to require a DVD-ROM/good video card because then my wallet is screwed.

    The ability to play for 30minutes-1hour and actually accomplish something.

    Smarter / variable AI. I've played D2 so long that I know exactly how each monster is going to act and exact how to kill them. I'm not bragging, I'm just saying that the monsters in D2 are too predictable.

    And FINALLY, I want the game to be simple and fun. I want D3 to be straightforward yet still have a high skill element. I want it to be difficult, but not gut wrenching and annoying. I want to be able to play it casually, and not need to be Asian and play the game 6 hours a day. I don't want to able to play D3 socially(oxymoron?) and connect with people close to me (maybe arrange channels by location).
    Last edited by hellsing293; 07-07-2008 at 10:04 PM.
    As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

  10. #10
    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    - Diablo graphics, looks like its running on wow graphics right now
    -Teleportation for all classes, or an item with it that can be used by all classes
    - Better single player experience, it felt like I had to play multiplayer just so I could handle the higher difficulty levels
    - No immunities, I'd like to see the max resist an enemy can have be some where between 50% - 75%
    - Another cow level, maybe with a quest within it
    - A Uber difficulty, so hard, most people couldn't do it with less than a part of 4, but so you didn't have to do 10 years of baal games to level
    - Less hacks, I want the game to stay fair and enjoyable to everyone, I hate bots and dupers. Even maphack was annoying when you didn't have one, so I'd rather just do away with it
    - This ones kinda hard, more drops for the IP, but make it so the game isn't flooded with items and finding them just doesn't get fun anymore. I was so unlucky in D2, that I had to run keys just so I could get as rich as some other people, but I don't want the overflow of items that duping did.

  11. #11
    gimmie da loot ! SilverTears's Avatar
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    Less hacks is never going to happen.
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  12. #12
    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTears View Post
    Less hacks is never going to happen.
    Why its called a wishlist

  13. #13
    ***** Elder BrioCloud's Avatar
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    The worst thing I've seen people put on the wishlist, and people have been very vocal about this, is about the graphics. People say its too bright. Oh come on. Yeah lets make it so dark we can only see our feet again.
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  14. #14
    Forum Member Japo's Avatar
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    They cant take out the pally, .... theres no way.

    Just the fact that you could be male and female for each class is good to hear.
    I agrre with hellsing, share 1 stash would be the greatest thing ever and even choose to see all games from norm, nightmare and hell.

    Repetitivness really does get old, maybe different quests for each act.
    For example, in act 1 norm, you complete quests apple, orange and lime and in act 1 hell, you have to do mango, pears and cherry.

    lol, more cows!! maybe even some different animals....

    maybe a quick tp button, it'll be extremely useful

    larger variety of items, gems, runes, charms

    an actual use for Standard of heroes >:O

    Maybe make ubers super intense, like with amazing qualities and effects that make it amazingly fun

    This is all i can think of but i bet it'll meet with everyones expectations, like seriously, almost a decade in the making :O

    Quote Originally Posted by hellsing293 View Post

    More Religious/Mythical references. Diablo 2 was cool because it drew upon Biblical/Mythical references. Andarial, for example, was known as the (evil) Queen of Desires (Which is why she appears naked?). Other bosses, such as Duriel?, have actual names of fallen angels in the Bible. I personally would like to see more of these references because it makes the game more flavorful and gives it that unique/epic Diablo feeling---Plus it will piss off a lot of uptight Christians who think the antichrist ordered the creation of D3 in order to enslave humanity.


    Lol, im christian and playing this game doesnt mean anything jajaja

    but i agree on this suggestion, it would make the game that much funner to play
    Last edited by Japo; 08-06-2008 at 11:39 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  15. #15
    Too Noob To Be True Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KazeCloud View Post
    The worst thing I've seen people put on the wishlist, and people have been very vocal about this, is about the graphics. People say its too bright. Oh come on. Yeah lets make it so dark we can only see our feet again.

    That post was way exaggerated and stupid. First and foremost, the game looks like a cartoon, and then with the lighting it doesn't even look scary like all diablos are meant to be.

    Yeah, lets go play wow again! wait I thought this was Diablo

  16. #16


    wtf grave, you're still here?

    I want less dependency on gear, less strict-builds (after 3 months of d2, there were already these builds that we still use today)

    I like the system ArenaNet uses with Guild Wars, with frequent (monthly, or so) updates, that constantly change skill effects. Something similar would be amazing.

    Quote Originally Posted by FraterPerdurabo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skye View Post
    You don't like it? Why is that?
    Probably because I fail to appreciate the beauty in what I see around me constantly.

  17. #17
    Forum Member Japo's Avatar
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    hmm, The gambling should be better and the gold actually worth something
    unlike d2 whereas you only needed gold to repair items and thats it =p

  18. #18


    No life, mana , lvl and most importantly no skill cap ^_^

  19. #19
    I own you 24/7 style. Loits's Avatar
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    Auction house gets my vote, hands down.

  20. #20


    -Definitly want more customization of characters like color codings... like i want my sorc to look all red and orange becuase she's a fire sorc or i want my paly to be black because in my mind he's evil....
    -Tyrael has to come back if you can bring back Decard you can bring back Tyrael *gives a threatening look at Blizzard then walks away because the door was closed...*
    -Witchdoctor needs to be able to raise skeletons Lagomancers where the shit in single player ...
    -Secret Cow level (nuff said ^_^)

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