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  1. #1

    Default vengeance / conviction build tips

    Just looking for some build info on a char like this. I'm looking for a uniquie'ish character than can own pretty much any part of hell difficulty by himself and this one came to mind.

    Pretty much I got the skill pts down, still could use some suggestions on what synergies to use. Stat points I have no idea what to use. Gear wise I need help too. I'm guessing I'm going to need alot of ias on this character to be at least decent right?

    Thanks FrogMan for the Sig!

  2. #2
    ///M Ares's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    CA Sacramento


    Well in my opinion it would be pretty much whatever works, I dont think there is a "guideline" to a build like this there are many possibilities. But yeah I would aim for IAS,Max Block, the basic necessities for a good tank.

    As for gear I guess Grief, or BOTD?
    As for gear I would go for FORT, dont see anything else that would be right? but then again I may be wrong.
    Shield Im thinking Exile would be awesome? or HOZ, up to you? Oh you can get a 45 res shield and make a spirit..?
    Helm?.... Ehh COA/Shako?
    I think for rings and amulet Angelic combo would be awesome? but then again if your going for max block wouldnt that be enough already? so I dunno gamble with this one?
    Boots options are Gores Treks Waters? I think thats about it?
    Belt?... Ahh shit forgot the belts on diablo sorry buddy haven't played in a while
    Gloves... Same as above.

    If your going to use Vengence I would max the synergies, and probably ( that green Aura that does -res to enemies lol,) since your dmg will mostly be elemental?

    Test with Hero Editor.

    also I may be completely talking out of my ass, I haven't done D2 in ages.

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