AutoTeleport has been updated from v1.5 to v1.6

It supports most of the vectors.
Setup the hotkeys you like in the config.
This plugin is able to run combined with MMHack, because i use different screen hooks.

Ah, yes its a D2loader plugin!

1.6 -- Hopefully fixed the auto enter bug.
Reworked the map generation part of the collisionsmap to safe performance.
Added a info line while you autoteleport.
Added a button in your inventory screen(?).
Added Antiflash.
Cleaned the code abit up.
1.5 -- Language fix.
Added few vectors.
Added new vector type "Previous".
1.4b -- Nhila fix.
1.4 -- Removed plugin description from screen.
Enters next level automatic.
Added few vectors.
Skill check before teleport.
Changed screenhook location of the vector box.
1.3 -- Release

AutoTeleport 1.6
AutoTeleport 1.6 @ Forums