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  1. #1
    Founder Luke's Avatar
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    Post Quick Revert between v1.11b and v1.12a

    Quick Revert by FuKaS is a program written in C++ using the functions of the command prompt to help you successfully revert between 1.11b and 1.12a (or back and forth) easily and quickly.

    Read Me:
    Once you use either patcher Game.exe in D2PLACE IS GONE!!!
    You have to ALWAYS have a copy of the 09 Game.exe in D2Place for this to work!

    I have copied the same exe and called it "Rename me to keep the exe for each replace"
    Whenever you wish to Re-do a patch, right click this file, copy it, then paste it into the
    same folder; and rename it too "Game" without quotes.. then run a reverter.

    I know this is somewhat complicated but I'm new to programming in C++

    So you have to deal with the current release till I can write a new one.

    Also. All the files HAVE to be in c:\d2place to work.

    You cannot launch from desktop. *yet*

    This will Revert your D2 either to 1.11b or 1.12a
    If your to lazy to do it yourself.

    How it works:

    Go to c:\
    Make a folder called "d2place" (without quotes of course).

    Now open it.

    You should be in c:\d2place (an empty folder).

    Now since your reading this readme I assume you have my zip downloaded.. good job.

    Take all the contents of my zip folder (copy them or extract them) into c:\d2place

    And run which D2 Revert exe you want; and it will patch your d2 to your liking.

    *Quick Revert*

    How it works:

    It replaces your current game.exe with the 09 version and then runs the update to patch that game.exe to either 1.11b or 1.12a

    This was coded by FuKaS@USEast aka Chris]hR[@USWest

    Quick Revert

  2. #2


    This Quick-revert file has Win32:Trojan-gen detected by AVAST!. Delete this file and make a warning message to all who downloaded this file.

    Be careful. And give more care in posting files.
    Last edited by LoEI; 07-30-2008 at 06:56 PM.

  3. #3
    Founder Luke's Avatar
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    It's a false positive.
    You can go through all the source code here to see there is no virus:
    Source Code Download

  4. #4


    i followed the step by step intructions and the revert changed the patch to v1.11 as i wanted. however, as soon as i try to connect to it runs the patch update to v1.12 which is what i don't want. i can't get it to stay v1.11. i even tried manually copying the "game.exe" into the correct file path. it still doesn't work.
    any clues as to what my problem is?

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