Hey everyone,
Just came to say Hi and that I've been a guest on this forum too long lol. I finally decided to register and dedicate what little cents I have. A little about my background 4 ya:
I've been playin D2 since the good ol' days of before 1.07 up to 1.09 b4 I took a break to experience fresh air once again - so I'm back in 1.12 to see what fun is left and what new hacks I get to play with. I'm on both NL & Ladder USEast - although Ladder is my new project currently and am working on a CLES MF Light Sorc (and needing items 4 her desperately) so if you ever wanna play hit me up account= VooDoo313 . I'm also a ex-maphacker/hacker and old acquiantance of MousePad (before his "Retirement") so I have a bit of skill testing new hacks - however no knowledge of programming or code (except phpbb/BB code lol).
Thats pretty much all I got - Whats new with all of you?