NPCMove v0.1
by Mikon

Steal npcs from town!

install instructions:
- move NPCMove.dll and NPCMove.ini in your plugin folder

- config your NPCMove.ini (keycodes)
- click on a npc to open the menu (just talk to them)
- press BindKey to bind a npc to you (default NUMPAD_DIVIDE)
- press PullKey to make the npc follow you (or to quit following) (default NUMPAD_MULTIPLY)
- press InteractKey to talk to your NPC (you need to be close to him) (default NUMPAD_ADD)
- press LockKey to disable your hotkeys (default NUMPAD_SUBTRACT)

- when binding a new npc the old one will be unbound
- you should always have the NPC on screen before making him following you otherwise you may get t/o


NPCMove v0.1

NPCMove @ Forums