was just wondering, was it me or the chatbox is not working? im running on a mac with safari browser just checking if its suppose to be like that.
was just wondering, was it me or the chatbox is not working? im running on a mac with safari browser just checking if its suppose to be like that.
i cant seems to type in any text ? no text box appear
Make sure you're logged in.
Refresh the page and make sure you're logged in.
If all else fails, try it with another browser and/or 'nother pc.
The reason it is not working, is because you have under 15 posts.
You need at least 15 posts to use the CB.
It works for me sometimes...I tried to turn it off and now it only shows up when I am on certain pages.
As long as your in the main page, forum page, or in a thread you'll see it.
Any search places, user cp, arcade and some others wont see it.
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