I am in great need of a low maras or seraphs.
Add jjusk4 or pm me if you can help.
I am in great need of a low maras or seraphs.
Add jjusk4 or pm me if you can help.
Account name: BZ98
I need pul+lum to up my buriza. Or if anyone has a better bow. =P
Also i need a good glove with ias and a good ring please?
Account Name: Hmmm.
Item needed: Annihilus Charm
Item(s) trading for item needed: Ber, Zod, and Ist
this is a free trade agreement. go make a thread for anni.
account: ix.skullnite
type of char: fire mf sorc
realm: uswest ladder softcore
items needed: chance guards, war travs, and 2x nagels
Account: xdefusionx
Character: paladin
Type: hammerdin
Items needed: HOZ that is a decent % above 175% prefered
Trading: um rune
UsWest NoNladder SoftCore
blindman... i got a maras i can pass ur way
and im tryin to make an orber and was wonderin if anyone had any 4/4's or 5/5 cold facets i could have
Ahhh, I'm guessing you're NL with the maras. I'm well off in NL, I'm sure there is another person that needs it.
But, If I misread and youre on ladder, i'll gladly take it :)
sorry friend stole my maras i had
sorry blindman
acc:LILSUPERMAN only us west ladder
I got pul n two lems any one need jus pm or catch me up in a game
need:2 skill amy 1skill belt bk ring n or soj
acct name: bay_livin925
items needed:i need atleast 2-3 pcomb gcs
And also i offer sorc gear 4 them
Account: LegendarySpork
Character: Assasin-Non Ladder
Type: Kick/Trap
Items needed: Life sc's, up'd gores, trap gc's
^Allo there spork!
West SoftCore Non Ladder
Accounts: stevo and/or stevo_kr
Characters: Buriza Fury Druid , WW/KICK assassin
Items Needed: Up'd gores/shadow dancers. shape shift / martial arts grand charms. Low(+1) CTA. Low Mara's scope.
For Trade: Lots of stuff, we can work something out. (if not, then hi/soj)
[i also have many socketed items, like 4soc superior dusk]
i got 40/14 verdungosOriginally Posted by VDP-Gamers
ist occy
tal armor
tal belt
tal amulet
1337accuracy UsW NL
Character: Zeal Palladin
Items in need of = any pdsc's
Thanks and God Bless.
account: monkey_nippa us west nonladder sc
item needed: low maras
tell me what you need and ill tell you what i got
v3locity i have many 50 poison sc's and one 175 lc
post your offer and maybe we can trade
shako, hoz, sojs, the usual hamer equip
i just started ladder so dont got anything to give away...
caracter-fire/ice sor mainly for mf
Items needed- nethin u got fo it like tals
pm me plz or wisper me
i need a good sorc orb. thanks!
account = Sage41L
character = src
type = lightning
items needed = good sorc orb//armor.. mostly orb
account = l_guitarman_l
character = mf sorc
type = fire
items need = ne mf gear
account = theshadow_s3
character = St_Holyman / Pally
type = Hammerdin
need = mara's or rare ammy with skills + res, silkweave or trek boots, 1 soj or rare ring with cast rate and res :
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