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  1. #21


    Yeah I type in the overall exp. Maybe if I do 3 searches.. I'll try doing that instead of just doing 2. I'll let ya know if that helps in 1 min.

    Hmm nope, when I do three searches it just keeps the same two results. It normally is 95 exp then I kill another and its 190. I have no idea why I'm only getting 2 codes or w/e they are. So anyway this time I changed both values and when I went back into d2 my exp was over 4 billion lol. After you kill your first monster do you push esp to pause the game or just alt+tab out? If i dont push esc to pause the game it doesn't change my exp at all when i try and change it. When I do push it however is when it goes over 4 billion.
    Last edited by ManMissiles; 12-02-2008 at 01:19 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Razz View Post

    7. The screen should have:
    Scan Type --- Exact value
    Value Type --- 4 Bytes
    Memory Scan Options --- 32-Bit
    From 00400000 To 80000000
    That should be everything.


    Check that your settings are the same as this step 7. If they are and your following my guide step by step i cant think whats going wrong......

  3. #23


    Yup everything is exactly how it should be. Can you send me a msg on where you got the engine? Maybe something is wrong with mine or something.

  4. #24


    I honestly cant remember where i got it, i know i had problems finding it. Maybe roger knows where to get it. I would upload it but i dont know how :S try searching for cheat engine in google maybe you will have better luck with that.


  5. #25


    Ok thanks for your help Razz :)

  6. #26


    No problem, let me know how you get on.


  7. #27


    Ok Razz I got cheat engine and its working perfectly now. Ty for the suggestion :)

  8. #28


    Awesome, glad to help :)


  9. #29


    is for Singleplayer only or?

  10. #30


    Dunno if it would work online, ive never used it online but i doubt it would. Also dont think it works with v1.12 which you need to play online. Plus were talking about using Rev engine with Median XL which is a single player Mod.


  11. #31


    i play this mod on online.
    i need a maphack with full lightradius for this mod. sorry for my bad english.

  12. #32
    President of the Republic Mathalamus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    is this even for diablo 2? and plus every download location requires you to register...

    President of the Mathalamus Republic, Representative of Insane Creative people.
    Alignment: True Neutral

  13. #33


    Its not specifically for diablo 2. yeah i had big problems trying to find it, your probably better of searching for cheat engine... basically the same thing and think its easier to aquire.


  14. #34
    Forum Member Pulsar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    I have some interesting chars & I want to release a pack of savefiles.
    For more information PM me.

    I use patch 1.11b / plugy 8 and MXL 1.80

    PS: 120 all skills.....

  15. #35


    ok, I need some help.
    I'm not that noobish when it comes to hex editing, but I've seen to hit a roadblock. I followed your steps at the beginning and successfully got my character to lvl 120, 500 stats, etc. but then I messed up my stats and wanted to start over, so I reverted back to my old save file, then tried using rev engine again to instantly gain exp to get to lvl 120, but now it's not working at all. each time I scan for a new value, or continue a search for a value, only one value comes up, and it's the right one, I change it to 99999999, but nothing happens when I kill my third monster. any ideas?

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