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  1. #1
    Fast and Loose hellsing293's Avatar
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    Default So I need a bot...

    I just got a hammerdin up and running so now I'm looking for a bot. I would preferably like to do andy/meph/countess/summoner/pindle/shrenk/eldrich if it is possible.

    It seems like there are a lot of bots running around these days. I remember back in the day when mmbot was the main bot used. I've heard that there are better bots but I'm not sure. Anyways, can somebody tell me which bot I should use and help me if I can't set it up? I appreciate the help greatly.
    As long as darkness flows through my veins, I will never cease, As long as my dreams still haunt me, I will never show mercy, and as long as evil lives I will never die.....

  2. #2


    D2BS will do all that you havelisted and more... should go check it out.


  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by postmortemcowboy View Post
    D2BS will do all that you havelisted and more... should go check it out.

    y does everyone on this forum recommend D2BS? What is the difference between that and D2NT since they both use the NTBot and the NTBot for D2NT seems to be newer.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Azetab View Post
    y does everyone on this forum recommend D2BS? What is the difference between that and D2NT since they both use the NTBot and the NTBot for D2NT seems to be newer.

    Well I can't say for others, but D2BS is what I use and it works perfectly fine for me, haven't tried D2NT, but then again no real reason to.

    I've tried MMBOT, didn't really care for it, granted it's and older bot but still, just wasn't what I wanted. A friend of mine pointed me at D2BS and i've been more than happy with it and have had absolutely no complaints at all.


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