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  1. #1
    Forum Member Replenish's Avatar
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    Default need a game to play.

    hey all,

    im on holidays atm and brought the WoTLK. when i get back from holidays i won't have internet fully (need to upgrade plan which won't start till feb)

    so just wondering if there has been any new games that have come out that are worth buying. im into really into games like RPG (diablo sorta games???) FPS, Adventure. so any suggections would help.

    thanks Rep

  2. #2
    Attempter of Things Nethran's Avatar
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    Halo came out for PC. And there's Gears of War. Or any of the 284376 Half-Life games. Spore is for PC. Maybe pick up Diablo 2 and play it again for shits and giggles. Or Gothic. I heard that's no good, but I haven't played it, so it might. Two Worlds sucks balls, but it passes the time. Oblivion's for PC. Try one of the non-MMORPG Everquest games. They're like sucky versions of Diablo with cool armor you can have. RTS games can be fun. Starcraft, Warcraft, Age of Empires, Civilization, Age of Legends, Heroes of Might and Magic, Battle for Middle Earth(if they make them for PC).

    Tons of choices. Even if they suck, they'll prolly burn some time until your internet is playable.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Replenish's Avatar
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    yeh i seen halo 2 in the store today. i finished halo 1 on xbox ages ago. guess i could try that, diablo 2 i would play if i had proper internet (only got 1GB a month ATM) and i think my cd keys are banned from botting anyway lol.

    i heard off a kid Gears of war 2 was good but he is abit younger than me so didn't pay much attention lol. might have to have a google and look at it.


  4. #4
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    Mass Effect was released for PC and is by far one of the best games to come out this year. If you like shooters and RPGs it's a nice mix of both with an incredible story.

    Also, in the same area of shooter/RPG there's Bioshock which is also one of the best games to come out this year. Amazing story and great gameplay.
    Last edited by SpoonMan999; 12-30-2008 at 05:06 AM.

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  5. #5
    Attempter of Things Nethran's Avatar
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    You've never seen Gears of War? That makes my heart sad. You should definitely at least look into it. And Mass Effect is pretty cool, so dun forget that one.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Replenish's Avatar
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    well ill googled all games mentioned and im going to go buy Gears of war because it looks pretty awesome. hopefully comp store where i am has it in stock anyway lol.

    @nethran: sorry for making your heart sad, now im gonna buy it, you might be happy again lol

    Thanks all for the info

  7. #7
    GFX Freak And ***** FrogMan's Avatar
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    Spoonman gave the best recomendations, Red Alert 3 out there is not bad and farcry 2 the same

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  8. #8
    Jenova Clone SpoonMan999's Avatar
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    Just realised I said Bioware, the company who made Mass Effect, and not Bioshock, the other game I wanted to recomend.

    "I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."

  9. #9


    If you have a DS, I would recommend Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift.

    It has quite a learning curve if you've never played a Tactics game. I've logged about 55 hours on it in a couple weeks and I have no idea how much I have left on the story line. It's a great game though.

    Otherwise, no idea, lol. I play that and WoW. :P

  10. #10
    Veteran Aka Gambit's Avatar
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    Well if you have the processing power I'd defiantly recommend trying "The Last Remnant" by SquareEnix, Amazing GFX and an interesting plot, though the battle system takes a bit of getting used to, and you may find yourself getting mad early on in cause everything gangs up on you lol but after the first bit it starts to get easier and becomes super non-linear.

    As was said before Mass Effect is a deffinate go too, its like Fable in space with Uber GFX the opening after I made my character really got me...(I am not saying more cause it will spoil it for you XD)

    Other then those I have not played anything note worthy....and I have played quite a few RPGs that were recently released...those were the only two that really got me into them.

    (I play WoW too...well I run my own private server for me, my GF and the select few friends lol)

  11. #11


    Guys i have played most of games but i will recommend some games and you will really amuse from these games so check it out.
    Swat 2 ,4
    Midtown Madness 2

  12. #12


    You should play the some games and you will be more amuse from these games
    Gars of war
    Legends of Zelda
    Gods of war
    Star wars

    Flash Games
    Last edited by Dakota; 01-28-2012 at 11:00 PM.

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