I was reading a book and this example came up so I wondered what would happen if everyone on Blizzsector got stuck on an island...
So lets say everyone on Blizzsector, you can minus out the no posts accounts that would be way to many people, was on a cruise ship and it sunk. The captain and all of the staff died only the BZS members survive and we swim towards this Island. The Island is completely deserted, off the map, we have no communication, no technology, no way of getting back. Just for the sake of the thread we are stuck here(so dont be a smart ass and say Ill build a raft and pull a Cast Away move).
So all of the members are stuck on the beach of the Island staring at each other. Now what? What would be YOUR next move? Would you be alone? Or try to group up with someone? Would you explore and take the chance of being killed by wild animals? or would you build shelter. There are so many possibilities.
Share :) with some good detail