After getting some feedback from other forums, I've all but confirmed I've been "hacked".
Here's what happened:
I got the "temporarily restricted from this realm" message from about 3:00 p.m. until at least when I went to bed at 10:00 p.m. last night. When I woke up, I was able to log into my account.
All my decent gear was gone... enigmas... hotos... botd... I haven't checked my mule accounts yet. I found it odd that all they left on my MF'er was her belt... and it was broken.
I don't want to cause a stir... but 2 out 3 programs I've ran came from these forums and I figure a warning might be prudent.
lolwut4c (obtained from *************)
D2NT 1.72 with bot 3.6 (downloaded from the guide someone made last week)
gmap v0.1 (before I used lolwut) (got from stickies here)
My uneducated guess is that that D2NT is what got me.