Your bot is spamming commands to to quickly. If you hit create game right after entering the gn/pw your almost guaranteed a ftjg - to many failed attempts and you'll likely be rewarded with a 12+ hour realm ban.
Open your D2NT folder >> Scripts >> open NTBot.ntj
Find these variables-
var clickDelay = 1000; // wait X milliseconds before next action after a click event
var textDelay = 1500; // wait X milliseconds before next action after inserting text into a textbox
var clickDelayRandom = 500; // random amount of time to add to a click
var textDelayRandom = 500; // random amount of time to add to a text set
You'll probably have to increase your textdelay (idk what the original delay is set to)
You'll probably have to change this too (same file - 4 lines above)
var createGameThreshold = 8000; // time in milliseconds to wait between making games
var createGameThresholdRandom = 2000; // time in milliseconds to randomly add +/- to the game create time
Make sure you aren't creating a game less than 5 seconds after leaving the previous to prevent ftgj.