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  1. #121

    Default I have this as well

    Quote Originally Posted by weezyf View Post
    Hey I have a little problem, whenever the bot clicks "" it says : "The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000417) occurred in the application at location 0x10090a02. Click on OK to terminate the program"

    If anyone could tell me my problem and is willing to helm me fix it, please send a reply.

    I have this as well, I've used the 1.12 version of d2nt, not very comfortable with it and still trying to troop through it, I think I got my Config right for my Hdin. I'm just trying to figure out how to get past this.

    Please help

  2. #122


    And even when you put "//" in front of the items you wont have the bot to pick up it still picking it up... it stills pick dol, hel rune and gems... -.- and whhy dosnt all these quesions get answered? -.-

  3. #123
    Forum Member
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    D2NT won't work for me. I don't know why but it is saying this line, "NT_LoadConfig();", is wrong. It joins the game fine and everything, but just stops and says failed to load NTBotGame.ntj (17) - the (17) obviously means line 17. Any help please?

  4. #124


    Alright I fixed everything thanks to a youtube vid, if you want the link. Just reply and I'll post. I deleted Diablo 2 about 5 times and reinstalled, then just deleted my current bot and redid everything. But now he's selling valuable shit! He sold a Arachnid Mesh, so I had to jump in and quickly out click him to buy it back! Someone wanna tell me if theres a glitch of his Item Config?

  5. #125

    Default d2nt bot

    can someone tell me if theres a place to update the d2nt bot or can i just redownload and it have fixes already applied send me a link if you know plz

  6. #126


    Eh. I'm having some problems when i downloaded it wouldnt download the coldworm file, Well when my bot runs and gets to act 2 and says running coldworm he just stands there what do i do to fix? I have downloaded many times over idk what to do about it.

  7. #127
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IUnknownI View Post
    And even when you put "//" in front of the items you wont have the bot to pick up it still picking it up... it stills pick dol, hel rune and gems... -.- and whhy dosnt all these quesions get answered? -.-
    what pickit config file do u have ur bot set to use? make sure u are editing the right one go to your char config file and scroll down till u see SnagIt configuration

    also make sure u are using // and not "//"

    Quote Originally Posted by 9433052 View Post
    D2NT won't work for me. I don't know why but it is saying this line, "NT_LoadConfig();", is wrong. It joins the game fine and everything, but just stops and says failed to load NTBotGame.ntj (17) - the (17) obviously means line 17. Any help please?

    go to D2NT30_NTBot41\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs and then make sure the pally or sorc config file is named right, it has the match the char's name

    Quote Originally Posted by JerichoVirus View Post
    Alright I fixed everything thanks to a youtube vid, if you want the link. Just reply and I'll post. I deleted Diablo 2 about 5 times and reinstalled, then just deleted my current bot and redid everything. But now he's selling valuable shit! He sold a Arachnid Mesh, so I had to jump in and quickly out click him to buy it back! Someone wanna tell me if theres a glitch of his Item Config?
    You need to edit the pickit config files, Your bot sold the the belt cause it was looking for 120+ ed belts only i bet

    [Name] == SpiderwebSash && [Quality] == unique
    This will keep the arachnid unid,

    any item u want to keep unid just remove everything that comes after unique or set in the pickit config file

    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchy]ta[ View Post
    Eh. I'm having some problems when i downloaded it wouldnt download the coldworm file, Well when my bot runs and gets to act 2 and says running coldworm he just stands there what do i do to fix? I have downloaded many times over idk what to do about it.
    how many files do u have in D2NT30_NTBot41\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\bots
    there should be 25 files, If there is not 25 files there let me know and we can find out what ones is missing.
    Last edited by skidude; 05-23-2010 at 03:56 AM.

  8. #128


    Hey guys, I got D2NT to work perfectly fine. I just have a few questions. How do I change what runs to do? It does every single boss possible except the ones I want. how do i get it to stop doing mauloseum, pit, and other runs? I want to do some baal runs with it or chaos runs but cant change it.

    My other question is how do i edit the item config? I want to change what items it keeps and sells but I have no idea how to edit it. thanks

  9. #129


    It just sold a giant skull! lol..anyone wanna help?

  10. #130
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dteK686 View Post
    Hey guys, I got D2NT to work perfectly fine. I just have a few questions. How do I change what runs to do? It does every single boss possible except the ones I want. how do i get it to stop doing mauloseum, pit, and other runs? I want to do some baal runs with it or chaos runs but cant change it.

    My other question is how do i edit the item config? I want to change what items it keeps and sells but I have no idea how to edit it. thanks
    go to D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs and pick your chars config file. add a // infront of the bosses that u don't want it to kill.

    The bot sold your giant skull cause it did not meet the requirements set in the pickit file. You can have the bot keep items unid if u want be removing everything past the unique or set. So if u want to keep giant skulls unid it would look like this for the pickit code

    [Name] == BoneVisage && [Quality] == unique

    If u need any more help with your bot just ask.

  11. #131


    Awesome thanks a lot! Also, how do auto invite people to my party in case I want to do baal runs?

  12. #132


    I came up with yet another question while editing the item configs. I edited the uniques in the "extreme" folder, now do I need to go and do the same thing for advance and normal folders?

  13. #133
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dteK686 View Post
    Awesome thanks a lot! Also, how do auto invite people to my party in case I want to do baal runs?
    \D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs and go to your char's config and scroll down till u see General configuration and set NTConfig_PublicMode = true; and it will invite people to your party

    you only have to edit one of the config's files, extreme folder will only keep the best stuff as long as the bot has the code for the item.

    under SnagIt configuration in your char config file u can pick what group u want to use normal or advance or extreme

    Please use the edit post next time to edit your posts when u want to add something

  14. #134


    Hey I got the bot working great now. Just recently though it will do Eldritch and then try to cast a tp. But the tp wont open and she is stuck there. I get the message : NTPit.ntj : NTTM_CheckAct() failed (Frigid Highlands)

    and so on for meph andy and the others she runs. Why is this happening?

  15. #135
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
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    Sounds like u don't have a tp tomb or u are getting lag causing it to fail to tp
    check in your char's config file and make sure NTConfig_FreeSpace and NTConfig_Columns is right , make sure your tp tomb is in the colum that's set to zero

    Have u changed any scripts beside char config file and pickit?

    Also to anyone not using d2nt 3.0 or 3.1 please update your bot, it will fix alot of issues

    I updated this threads first post with 3.1 download link to our site, you can also find 3.0 in the downloads

    d2nt 3.1 bot install guide here
    Last edited by skidude; 06-03-2010 at 12:27 PM.

  16. #136


    will i ever get banned? using this program?
    for the record, has ANyone gotten banned?

  17. #137
    Super hacker skidude's Avatar
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    There is always a chance of getting banned when using any 3rd party program, Some people got banned long time ago when the bot used maphack to find its way around.

    No one using any of the new D2NT bots have been banned inless they changed the entry point to NTMap.ntj (that makes the bot use maphack)

  18. #138


    the most strange realm down ever.
    realm down for almost 7 hours ?
    how do i fix this,
    helps are appretiated :d

  19. #139


    Umm I been trying for awhile now to get this to work. It gets in game but then I get the "\D2NT 3.0\scripts\NTBot\NTBotGame.ntj(17) ; ReferenceError: NT_LoadConfig is not defined." error

    Here is my configurations.. I do have the file named correctly.. And right now this is an orb sorc. I will eventually change it to blizz.. Umm I made a Classic folder for the snag it. Which should be right. Hopefully someone can help me soon..
    var NTConfig_CastStatic;function

    // Boss configuration
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTPindleskin.ntj"); NTConfig_NihlathakExtension = false;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTNihlathak.ntj"); NTConfig_PindleskinExtension = false;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTEldritch.ntj"); NTConfig_ShenkExtension = false;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTFrozenRiver.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearFrozenRiver = false;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTGlacialTrail.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearGlacialTrail = false;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTIcyCellar.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearIcyCellar = false;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTBaal.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBaal = true;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTAct3Sewers.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearA3SewersLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
    NTConfig_Script.push("NTSummoner.ntj"); NTConfig_KillFireEye = true;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTPit.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearPitLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTMausoleum.ntj"); NTConfig_KillBloodRaven = true;
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTHole.ntj"); NTConfig_ClearHoleLevel1 = 1; // 0 : don't clear, 1 : clear path only, 2 : clear all
    //NTConfig_Script.push("NTTristram.ntj"); NTConfig_KillRakanishu = true;

    me.maxgametime = 1200; // time in seconds, maximum game length (0 is infinite)
    NTConfig_StartDelay = 0; // Delay time in milliseconds to start;
    NTConfig_AreaDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to change area;
    NTConfig_SnagDelay = 500; // Delay time in milliseconds to wait before starting picking items

    NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 90; // If you have more than this percent of life, you won't go to a healer
    NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 70; // If you have more than this percent of mana, you won't go to a healer
    NTConfig_UseMerc = true; // Set to true if you use a mercenary, will revive merc at a reviver npc.
    NTConfig_ResetWeapon = false; // Set to true to reset weapon when reviving merc

    NTConfig_LifeThresh = 60; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of life.
    NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 40; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life.
    NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of mana.
    NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 10; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana.
    NTConfig_LifeChicken = 30; // This is your chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
    NTConfig_ManaChicken = 0; // This is your chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.

    NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50; // This is the threshold to use a life potion on your merc in percent.
    NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30; // This is the threshold to use a rejuv potion on your merc in percent.
    NTConfig_MercChicken = 20; // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game.

    NTConfig_FreeSpace = 7; // Number of free columns. If less full columns are free stashing is set.

    // The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
    NTConfig_Columns[0] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0];
    NTConfig_Columns[1] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0];
    NTConfig_Columns[2] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0];
    NTConfig_Columns[3] = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0];

    NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 100000; // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash

    // Type of potion used in each belt column
    // Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv. Can use other potion types too.
    // Keep equal types at adjacent columns. First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice.
    // Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types).
    // Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns).
    // To use rejuvenations only, put "rv" in all columns.
    NTConfig_BeltColType[0] = "hp";
    NTConfig_BeltColType[1] = "mp";
    NTConfig_BeltColType[2] = "mp";
    NTConfig_BeltColType[3] = "rv";

    // SnagIt configuration
    // Select one group only (normal / advance / extreme)




    NTConfig_SnagRange = 40; // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here

    // Cubing configuration
    NTConfig_Cubing = false; // Enable cubing

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 560]); // Flawless Amethyst
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 565]); // Flawless Topaz
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 570]); // Flawless Saphire
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 575]); // Flawless Emerald
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 580]); // Flawless Ruby
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 585]); // Flawless Diamond
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_GEM, 600]); // Flawless Skull

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 420]); // Magic Tiara
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC, 421]); // Magic Diadem

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 603]); // Magic Small Charm
    NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_MAGIC_CHARM, 605]); // Magic Grand Charm

    NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 382]); // Craft Heavy Bracers
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_HITPOWER_GLOVES, 452]); // Craft Vambraces

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 354]); // Craft Casque
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_HELM, 424]); // Craft Armet
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 388]); // Craft Battle Boots
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]); // Craft Mirrored Boots
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 381]); // Craft Sharkskin Gloves
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_GLOVES, 451]); // Craft Vampirebone Gloves
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 392]); // Craft Mesh Belt
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BELT, 462]); // Craft Mithril Coil
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet
    NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_RING, 522]); // Craft Ring

    NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_CASTER_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_SHIELD, 447]); // Craft Monarch
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_SAFETY_AMULET, 520]); // Craft Amulet

    NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_ESSENSE, 0]);

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_THUL, 562]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_AMN, 557]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SOL, 567]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SHAEL, 577]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_DOL, 572]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_HEL, 582]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IO, 563]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LUM, 558]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_KO, 568]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_FAL, 578]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LEM, 573]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_PUL, 583]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_UM, 564]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_MAL, 559]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_IST, 569]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_GUL, 579]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_VEX, 574]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_OHM, 584]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_LO, 565]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_SUR, 560]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_BER, 570]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_JAH, 580]);
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_RUNE_CHAM, 575]);

    //***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_BODYARMOR, 442]); // Socket Sacred Armor

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 255]); // Socket Thresher
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 256]); // Socket Cryptic Axe
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 257]); // Socket Great Poleaxe
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_SOCKET_WEAPON, 258]); // Socket Giant Thresher

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_WEAPON, 295]); // Titan's Revenge : Exceptional -> Elite

    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_N_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 337]); // Magefist : Normal -> Exceptional
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 360]); // Skin of the Vipermagi : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 383]); // Magefist or Lava Gout : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 389]); // Gore Rider : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 477]); // Arreat's Face : Exceptional -> Elite
    //NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_UPGRADE_E_UNIQUE_ARMOR, 481]); // Herald Of Zakarum : Exceptional -> Elite

    // Gamble configuration
    // To specify what items to gamble, adjust the array with the desired item codes
    NTConfig_Gamble = true; // Enable gambling
    NTConfig_GambleStartGold = 2500000; // Gold amount to start the gambling
    NTConfig_GambleStopGold = 300000; // Gold amount to stop the gambling

    NTConfig_GambleItem.push(520); // Amulets
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(522); // Rings
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(418); // Circlets
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(419); // Coronets
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(334); // Leather Gloves
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(335); // Heavy Gloves
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(336); // Chain Gloves
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(337); // Light Gauntlets
    //NTConfig_GambleItem.push(338); // Gauntlets

    // General configuration
    NTConfig_PublicMode = false;
    NTConfig_CheckCloneDiablo = false; // Set to true if you want to wait in game after notifying "Diablo Walks the Earth" msg.
    NTConfig_OpenChest = true; // Set to true to open chest
    me.quitonhostile = false;

    // Attack configuration
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = 64; // First skill. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = 64; // Primary skill to boss.
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to boss. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = 64; // Primary skill to others.
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = 0; // Primary untimed skill to others. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = 0; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary skill. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = 0; // Secondary untimed skill. Set to 0 if you won't
    NTConfig_ClearPosition = flase; // Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss.

    // Check self safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
    // 0x01 : Potion, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
    NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = 0x04|0x40;
    // Check merc's safe in field (NOT in town). Set to 0 if you won't
    // 0x01 : Death, 0x02 : Poison, 0x04 : Amplify Damage, 0x08 : Weaken, 0x10 : Iron Maiden, 0x20 : Decrepify, 0x40 : Lower Resist
    NTConfig_CheckMercSafe = 0x01|0x04|0x10|0x40;

    NTConfig_CastStatic = 30; // Cast Static Field until monster's HP lower less than this percent. Set to 100 if you won't

  20. #140


    I've also got a problem;
    I'm trying to get my sorc to farm some lld charms, and I've noticed that it picks up every large charm, doesn't identify it, and just stashes it, wasting a lot of space. Later when I log in manually and id the charms, they're pretty much worthless and aren't the ones that I defined in the pickit. Small charms and grandcharms are normally id'd and sold if they are worthless to the bot, but I guess thats not the case with large charms.
    Anything I can do to fix this? I just want it to id the charms and keep only the ones defined in the pickit. Here's what I have so far:

    // ##### Small Charms ##################
    [Name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxhp] >= 18
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxhp] >= 12 && [frw] == 3
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxhp] >= 12 && [fhr] == 5
    [Name] == SmallCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MaxhP] >= 12 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxmana] >= 5 && [maxhp] >= 12 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [frw] == 3 && [maxdamage] >= 2
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [frw] == 3 && [maxmana] >= 8 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 2 && [maxhp] >= 10 && [maxhp] <= 15
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 2 && [strength] == 2
    [name] == smallcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 2 && [dexterity] == 2
    [Name] == SmallCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FHR] == 5 && ([FireResist] >= 10 || [LightResist] >= 10 || [ColdResist] >= 10 ||[PoisonResist] >= 10)
    [Name] == SmallCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist] == 5 && [LightResist] == 5
    [Name] == SmallCharm && [Quality] == magic # [MaxHP]+[MaxMana] >= 30

    // ##### Large Charms ##################
    [name] == largecharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 4 && [frw] == 5 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == largecharm && [quality] == magic # [maxmana] >= 5 && [maxhp] >= 12 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == largecharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 4 && [maxhp] >= 13 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == largeCharm && [quality] == magic # [maxhp] >= 15 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == largeCharm && [quality] == magic # [fhr] == 8 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == largeCharm && [quality] == magic # [strength] <=5 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == largeCharm && [quality] == magic # [dexterity] <=5) && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == largeCharm && [quality] == magic # [fireresist] == 8 && [lightresist] == 8

    // ##### Grand Charms ##################
    [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FHR] == 12 && [coldresist] >=8 && [fireresist] >= 8
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxhp] >= 30 && [maxmana] >= 30
    [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PassiveandMagicSkillTab] == 1 // passive and magic
    [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [JavelinandSpearSkillTab] == 1 // javelin and spear
    [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [LightningSkillTab] == 1 // lightning
    [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [ColdSkillTab] == 1 // cold
    [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [PaliCombatSkillTab] == 1 // paladin combat
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxmana] >= 34 && [maxmana] <= 39 && [fhr] == 12
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxhp] >=20 && [maxhp] <= 25 && [maxmana] >= 34 && [maxmana] <= 39
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 6 && [maxhp] >= 20 && [maxhp] <= 25 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 6 && [fhr] <= 12 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 6 && [strength] <= 6 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 6 && [dexterity] <= 6 && [itemlevelreq] <= 28
    [Name] == GrandCharm && [Quality] == magic # [FireResist] == 15 && [LightResist] == 15
    [name] == grandcharm && [quality] == magic # [maxdamage] >= 6 && [frw] == 7
    Last edited by RuneSeeker; 06-17-2010 at 02:29 PM.

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