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  1. #1

    Default A tutorial showing you how to create a drop down Flash menu.

    How to create flash drop down menus and website navigation (tutorial.)

    If you are like me, always on a hectic schedule between deadlines, you will love In this tutorial. I am going to demonstrate you the fastest and easiest way to create professional navigation for your websites. Even if you are experienced flash/actionscript author, there is no point on spending hours tweaking and modifying your design when you can do it in just minutes.

    I will present you Flash Menu Factory (FMF for short) is a valuable tool, but almost kept secret among web designers. FMF simplifies the design of flash menus a lot. It also offers many other site-navigation features like the creation of tabs, web buttons, sidebars, sitemaps and more. In this tutorial I will only focus in the creation of a simple website menu.

    1. Start FMF

    Click on the FMF Shortcut on your desktop. The main screen of the software will look something like this:

    2. Create the menu structure

    FMF displays your menu structure in the following area:

    Start creating your menu items by clicking the "Add item" or "Add sub-item" buttons. As you make changes to your menu, they appear immediately in the "Menu Preview Window."

    3. Add your page links and description text

    Edit your menu item’s Text by filling the corresponding blanks in the "Menu Item Properties" window.

    4. Select your menu's appearance

    Select one of the available "skins" (pre-made menu designs)from the "Skin browser" window:

    5. Save it. You are done!

    Now you can save your menu in flash format: Click on the "Export" icon.Do not forget to save your menu in FMF format as well, using the "Save" icon.And really thats all about it! Now compare this the manual, tedious process of creating navigation in Adobe Flash. And if your client required some change in the menu structure, or appearance it it can be done literally in seconds.

    Of course, there are dozens of options to customize your menu, adding sound effects, creating buttons, sidebars, tabs etc, but those are beyond the scope of this tutorial. You will find more information at

    I hope you found this tutorial useful!

    Marc Thomson

  2. #2
    A Noob in your Darkness Pamela's Avatar
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    Jun 2003
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    Is English your first language?
    Nice tutorial Marc.

    A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

  3. #3


    what do you mean English is my first language?

  4. #4
    A Noob in your Darkness Pamela's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Battle Tag


    Nothing bad hun,but some of the way you phrased things reminded me of a person from Greece.

    A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...

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