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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Pindle nightmare runs - low XP

    I read a couple of places that a good way to get XP is to run Pindle a bunch of times, but my experience is that you get very little killing pindle and all his minions? Wondering if it makes a big difference in XP if I do /player 8? And are there a tonne more minions?

  2. #2
    Uber Noobling jedimaster86's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
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    So I am assuming you are either playing Single Player or Open Anyways, the "/players X" command will not modify the number of minions. What it does is simulate having X (1-8) players in the game. It will only increase the monster's HP and experience gained from killing them. In short, it does make a decent amount of difference. It will also decrease the chances of nodrop, so you should find a greater number of items dropping (if you are looking for items but find "/players 8" to be too high, I believe "/players 5" is the best setting).

    Also, what level are you? At some point the experience gained may seem negligible if you are too high of a level to still be playing around in Nightmare.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Thanks for the clarification. I have been doing the runs in solo mode. I took your advice and started with /players 5 and then 8 and was able to handle both. Fissue is great and the grizzly is enough of a tank to survive/be a distraction (with 1 point). Still not convinced about switching my hireling, I've had her since the beginning (69 now). Pindle only dropped rare items at best on the couple of dozen runs I did... maybe just bad luck. I find that I tend to get set items from the monsters I don't expect, very minor bosses, and uniques from Baal, Andarial, etc. Not that it helps much but I found a complete set of Cleglaw's. What's probably keeping me alive are all the resist charms. Thanks for the help!

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