// Chicken settings
NTConfig_SkipHealLife = 90; // If you have more than this percent of life, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_SkipHealMana = 70; // If you have more than this percent of mana, you won't go to a healer
NTConfig_LifeThresh = 85; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_LifeRejuvThresh = 45; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of life.
NTConfig_ManaThresh = 30; // Drink a normal potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_ManaRejuvThresh = 0; // Drink a rejuvenation potion if under this percent of mana.
NTConfig_LifeChicken = 20; // This is your chicken life percent. If you go below this life total, exit game.
NTConfig_ManaChicken = 0; // This is your chicken mana percent. If you go below this mana total, exit game.
NTConfig_TPChicken = 60; // life percent for tp chicken set to zero if you don't want to use
NTConfig_MercLifeThresh = 50; // This is the threshold to use a life potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercRejuvThresh = 30; // This is the threshold to use a rejuv potion on your merc in percent.
NTConfig_MercChicken = 0; // This is your mercs chicken life percent. If he goes below this, exit game.
// Inventory settings
NTConfig_FreeSpace = 9; // Number of free columns. If less full columns are free stashing is set.
// The numbers correspond to your inventory. Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it.
NTConfig_Columns[0] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[1] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[2] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_Columns[3] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1];
NTConfig_MinGoldToStash = 10000; // Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash