Yeah it helps but i have ONLY one problem, i did it as like "[Name] == Shako && [Quality] == unique" for many things, bot kept items. But like 1-2 mins ago, my was at killing baal, baal drops "Mesh Armor" u know the shaftstop, but it didnt get it.. Maybe it was eth and it was perfect :/ how can i fix it ? If i do it as like "[Name] == MeshArmor && [Quality] == unique // Shaftstop" , will it work ? My bot is working now perfectly but as i said i have ONLY one problem.. Bot is working on like 24 hours, and found only 1x bk3.. Its impossible really.. I should fix my item configs, waiting ur answer.. If u can make item configs for me, i will be grateful to u..
Note: It looks like i have problem with ONLY unique items..
Note : I did it like "[Name] == MeshArmor && [Quality] == unique // Shaftstop" and im waiting for result..