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  1. #1

    Default Pickit Help - Simple Questions

    Well I am working on a Guide on how to set-up and run D2NT, just a basic setup and it is also going to cover how to edit the pickit files. In order to make it as complete and accurate as possible, I need some help. There are 3 [Property Keywords] I don't completely understand what they cover.

    [level] - Does this refer to Item Level, Quality Level or Required Level? Does it constitute more than one of those? Also, can you include an example of how it would be used.

    [prefix]/[suffix] - I am assuming this refers to Prefix/Suffix on an item (magic/rare). What I need is an example of how it would be used as I cannot find one in the Basic Pickits.

    Thanks again with any help here and anyone who helps clear up these problems will totally be listed for helping in the guide!

    Thanks and Happy Botting,

  2. #2


    there are already a few guides out there, including for pickit editing....

  3. #3
    Forum Member oramified's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Ohio, USA


    Maybe you could point him to them bugme, I would, but I'm on my phone and at an airport, I'll look when I get back to my comp.

    As far as your questions Valdez, I'm not an expert on either subject without some research, but I think the ilvl in some way indicates an items rarity or chance to appear. Suffixes and prefixes are pretty easy, magic item prefixes and suffixes are indicators of the individual stats an item will have. For example a "(whatever) jewel of envy" WILL have 20 poison dmg over 2 sec. All of the suffixes and prefixes mean something. There's plenty of lists on line.

    Hope that helps. Thanks for writing a guide an good luck!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by oramified View Post
    Maybe you could point him to them bugme, I would, but I'm on my phone and at an airport, I'll look when I get back to my comp.

    As far as your questions Valdez, I'm not an expert on either subject without some research, but I think the ilvl in some way indicates an items rarity or chance to appear. Suffixes and prefixes are pretty easy, magic item prefixes and suffixes are indicators of the individual stats an item will have. For example a "(whatever) jewel of envy" WILL have 20 poison dmg over 2 sec. All of the suffixes and prefixes mean something. There's plenty of lists on line.
    Thanks for the Help, I know what ILvl is, however what I am asking is does the Property Keyword [Level] for ItemParser Syntax refer to the items ILvl or to the Required level, or both and how would it be used (seen inside of a .nip file)

    Prefix and Suffix I also know those, probably more than most people, but what I didn't know was how it was used in a Pickit file. I do now, managed to find 1 case of it being used.

    I still need help with the [Level] Property Keyword and what it is used to identify in the Pickit code and an example of it being used in a pickit.

    Thanks again for any help!

    Hope that helps. Thanks for writing a guide an good luck!
    Last edited by Valdez; 03-12-2011 at 01:07 PM.

  5. #5


    level refers to level requirement.

    prefix and suffix dont really come into play. the pickit looks for certain attributes, not names.

    ---------- Post added 03-12-2011 at 07:50 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-11-2011 at 10:08 PM ----------

    D2NT Basic Set-up and Pickit Guide

  6. #6
    Forum Member oramified's Avatar
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    Agree with bugme, I havn't seen any references to prefixes or suffixes in the pickets. I would also probably be more accurate not to use them any how. I guess it may be useful if you want to find any sort "whatever Loop" ring, but you'll end up with some crappy stuff. Better to just specify exactly what you are looking for.

  7. #7
    Ancient Jammer74's Avatar
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    Jun 2005


    Hold on guys the keyword [Level] does not refer to level reqirement it refers to ILVL
    The key words [ItemLevelRequired] refer to the required level as you can see.
    Unless you have the numerical values of the prefixes and suffixes as d2nt uses them, the prefix and suffix indicators shouldn't be used.
    Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)

  8. #8

  9. #9


    Thanks Jammer. Bugme, I love how you say there are lots of guides already out there and yet the one you link is actuall MY guide.

  10. #10


    I was just giving him an example of an easy one

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