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  1. #1

    Unhappy Can not connect ... check modem

    Does this mean I was banned? all other programs on both computers can connect to any other site. Just D2 will not connect to bnet anymore.

    Happened after the bot had a problem and randomly joined and left the same game about 5 times before I stopped it.

    Is it just a temp ban or a perm ban.. because both of my comptuers can nolonger connect.. so I am guessing its an ip ban..

    but how long do those last? I use dsl so not sure how to change the ip to see if its just a ip ban or a cdkey ban on both.

  2. #2


    try this:

    Restart router.

    Open command prompt and type in
    ipconfig /renew

  3. #3


    This is called a temp ban. It means you joined too many games too fast. Either increase the number of things you run with your bot or increase the delay time in the lobby (Channel)
    Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:

  4. #4


    Yeah, it just let me reconnect. I was trying to get a follow bot to work, but one of the settings was wrong. so it would keep joining and then leaving the game for some reason. I just checked and it let me back on. So was just a temp ip ban.

  5. #5


    If you are banned banned, you will get a message that says "This account has been banned for blah blah blah...."
    Need help with setting up D2NT? Check out my guide:

  6. #6


    Hmm.. didnt know that.. but then again dont remember seeing that when one of my old cdkeys was banned beacause of using d2loader last year. quit playing then until just a few months ago. Finally got over being angry about the ban because of using d2loader and all I used was a spam blocker addin to help deal with spam bots..

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