I only started playing D2 again after not playing for more than 5 years. I started using Etal about 2-3 weeks ago and doing a lot better than I thought I would do at configuring it to my likings (such as weapon switch right before attacking bosses and at the Pit for an extra 205 MF; gave myself a huge pat on the back for that lol).
But one issue I'm having is getting the bot to identify magic Mirrored Boots for crafting. AFAIK, they do have to be identified in order to be crafted right? Anyway, this is what I brewed up in my pickit file to pick up Mirrored Boots. What do I have to add in order for it to identify them?
[Name] == MirroredBoots && [Quality] == Magic && [Level] >= 81 && ([Flag] != Ethereal || [Flag] == Ethereal) # [Defense] >= 59 && [Sockets] >= 0 # [MaxQuantity] == 1
Appreciate any help :)
EDIT: Just wanted to add that I do have my bot setup to do the crafting for me. The ultimate goal is to craft blood boots.
Last edited by drdaylight389; 04-12-2012 at 04:07 AM.
the bot is set to pick up a pair of boots for this line if you have it un//
//NTConfig_CubingItem.push([NTCU_CRAFT_BLOOD_BOOTS, 458]); // Craft Blood Mirrored Boots - but also have to have this line set to true -
NTConfig_Cubing = false;
the boots it will pick up will also have to meet a ilvl
so you don't want to add a line for MirroredBoots or it will pick them up and meet the stats you have for them and keep or sell them and won't use them for crafting
so for crafting blood boots all you need it the cubing set to true and un// the blood boot line and the bot will do the rest
your cube in your stash and a high lvl char and make sure you have in the crafting nip file the stats you want on the boots after crafting them
here is a good guide to help you out on this - Crafting - Project Etal Wiki
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Ok...I understand now. I have the crafting/cubing section set up right in my character config file and my character level is 95 so that shouldn't be a problem at all. For some reason, I was under the impression that I had to add my own pickit line for the items I wished to use for crafting.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I seen this thread and noticed all the awesome help you've given to others. Because of that, I joined this forum to make the post above. Keep up the good work
I'm sure this wont be the last time you hear from me lol.
thank you and glad to have you here
just a note in your cubing that right below cubing the runes you will see this -
//***** Include the following, Primary item must be setted in item_configs folder *****
the items there is like it says you have to have them in your nip file, just wanted to point that in case you thought all items were auto picked
and again thanks
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Yeah, I noticed that after double checking my cubing/crafting configs. Thanks for the heads up.
One other question.
"manarecovery" = Regenerate Mana X%
Is that correct? I seen in the NTItemAlias that there is also "manarecoverybonus". I'm not exactly sure what the difference between the two are, so I set up my crafting pickit (to be safe) like:
([manarecoverybonus] >= 10 || [manarecovery] >= 10)
This isn't for the blood boots, but for a caster ring.
I will have to check on this not sure how to say with does what
I will get back to as soon as I can
I found for the [ManaRecovery]
[Name] == ShadowPlate && [Quality] == Unique && [Flag] == Ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 190 && [ManaRecovery] >= 10 && [ColdResist] >= 40 && [NormalDamageReduction] >= 14 //STEEL CARAPACE
and I believe the manarecoverybonus is the bonus you would get like on set items when you wear like 2 or more items but I have to really check that to make sure
Last edited by comper; 04-12-2012 at 11:34 AM.
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I found for the [ManaRecovery]
[Name] == ShadowPlate && [Quality] == Unique && [Flag] == Ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 190 && [ManaRecovery] >= 10 && [ColdResist] >= 40 && [NormalDamageReduction] >= 14 //STEEL CARAPACE
and I believe the manarecoverybonus is the bonus you would get like on set items when you wear like 2 or more items but I have to really check that to make sure
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Hey, i think somethings wrong with my bot, its killing the bosses that i want and such but it just refuse to cast portal when its changing spot :/ just an error poping called * NTTM_CheckAct() Failed* anyone know what the problem is?
ok so i suck at editing scripts lol. how do i make him use greater or super healing pots instead of buying minor pots?
he should be set to at lease buy the super ones if not both
but sounds like you are playing in normal or nm and there he will buy the first one that is on top so that means if smaller ones are on top and super below at the npc
then he will buy smaller but he should pick up supers and the one below it in the field
let me know if this what is happening and let me know which bot you have like where you download because most of the bots are d2nt and when you say d2nt 3.1 I still not sure which one you have lol I can see what I can do for you to help out on that
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D2NT 3.1 NTBot 4.2 v1.13d is the one i downloaded from here :) then just used thread discussion hehe. im just messing with this until the release of D3. But yes im messing around in normal mode with a lower lvl toon just trying to get it to work correctly. Are there any premade scripts for barbs out there that i could run with it and just edit the skills?
Last edited by Lucindious; 05-07-2012 at 09:34 AM.
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just running the one. had to recreate account to play no higher lvl toons =(
Hey - im geting this error - it starts up fine, clicks battle net then i get this : The Exception unknown software exception (0xc0000417) occured in the application at location 0x10090a62 - Help please .
For those of you that come here at a regular basis, hear me out...
I run 32bit Vista on a laptop with Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction correctly installed. I follow the given instructions in the threads how to setup a bot and so on. I run the D2NT Manager as Windows XP with admin rights, and when I try to run the bot I get this freaking annoying message "UNHANDLED EXCEPTION. ACCESS VIOLATION".
I tried reinstalling Diablo and setting the bot up several times, no luck.
Do you have any idea what to try next?
Right click the program file (and the shortcut if you use that to start the program) both to make sure you are running as admin. I'm guessing its in compatibility tab. Also run in windows xp mode (like you said you are). I think some one might be able to suggest team view to do a group session for you. *hint hint* Just not me, cuz I don't know Vista.
In the mean time, you want to either try to figure it out yourself, or set up your botting character with tele to be able to do as much as possible.
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