Quote Originally Posted by Qusse1992 View Post
For those of you that come here at a regular basis, hear me out...

I run 32bit Vista on a laptop with Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction correctly installed. I follow the given instructions in the threads how to setup a bot and so on. I run the D2NT Manager as Windows XP with admin rights, and when I try to run the bot I get this freaking annoying message "UNHANDLED EXCEPTION. ACCESS VIOLATION".

I tried reinstalling Diablo and setting the bot up several times, no luck.

Do you have any idea what to try next?
which post did you follow to set up your bot?
it could be if you added your d2ckey in the manager where it says cdkey - if so remove it and re-save your file and try to run bot - try running it fisrt with out the xp/admin mode - it should run - that way you don't have to mess with the admin mode - but if you still get the error then try the xp/admin
let me know how it goes it will be later tonight before I can re-answer