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    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    Default New File Added: D2NT31_NTBot42

    Downloads: A new file has been added by comper:


    this has been patched to work in d2 1.13d
    download this one and not the one in the d2 1.12c downloads, if you did download from there then you will need to get the d2 1.13d patch

    just not to get confused between this d2nt bot and etal - This is Not a updated etal it just the plain jane d2nt that will work with d2 1.13d
    there is nothing special about this bot but I would say it would be ok for a first time user of a d2nt bot and then get the under standing of how it works and then upgrade to say etal then and I am here if you need help setting it up
    Once again this is NOT a updated etal bot
    Last edited by comper; 02-26-2012 at 10:17 AM.
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  2. #2
    Founder Luke's Avatar
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    D2NT 3.1 NTBot 4.2 v1.13d has been updated!

  3. #3


    i downloaded the etal version... does that need a new update as well? I downloaded it pretty recently... and kinda need help setting up the bot where i can have multiple to rush myself/ xfer items

  4. #4
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    if you got etal with the zip yes it needs updated but the best way there is to get svn install it reboot comp and then right click on your etal and you will see a SVN Update click on that and it will update your etal with all the new file since the last release
    I can help you set it up - be best if you had teamviewer for me
    I just checked and the web site is down at lease it was for me but you really will need to update the whole bot before you start to set it up because if you set it up now and then update and there are new char files then you will have to use that new file and edit it

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by comper View Post
    if you got etal with the zip yes it needs updated but the best way there is to get svn install it reboot comp and then right click on your etal and you will see a SVN Update click on that and it will update your etal with all the new file since the last release
    I can help you set it up - be best if you had teamviewer for me
    I just checked and the web site is down at lease it was for me but you really will need to update the whole bot before you start to set it up because if you set it up now and then update and there are new char files then you will have to use that new file and edit it
    Just to clarify a few points:

    SVN is a safe and easy way to keep ETAL updated. It downloads and updates the core files that keep the bot running, and it doesn't overwrite your pickits or character configs, but it does update the "templates" that each character config is based off of.

  6. #6


    where do i get etal ? i mean.. i have tried their homepage but it's down

  7. #7
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nakkipaska View Post
    where do i get etal ? i mean.. i have tried their homepage but it's down
    yes sorry they are moving to a diff server and has been down for a few days but you can get a older copy of it here etal.rar
    and this had been patched to work to d2 1.13d but once the etal sites are back up you will need to get the program SVN - TortoiseSVN - Downloads
    make sure you get the right one for your os, install it reboot and then when you RIGHT click on your etal folder you will see a new tap called SVN Update click it and it will update your etal to the newest trunk version - after etal is done with all the moving over to the new server

  8. #8


    Why does it keep saying "Loaded Default Config" 3 times then he rushes off to gheed to gamble, I've checked his script, and I can't find anything wrong with it.. please help or point me in the direction to find help. ty

  9. #9
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    that means your bot is not looking in the right char config file for your char - if your char file is named right with your chars name then need to check manager and make sure you have it set on the right char positions

  10. #10


    Hey there! I just started playing d2 again 2 weeks ago after about not playing for 5 years!!! I have a couple questions about the d2nt bot AND the WARDEN. I just started using d2nt and it works great...there's a couple things that could be improved on (perhaps thats why everyone says ETAL is better, I still don't know what that is)...

    Question 1: In the sorc char log, how do I get my sorc to NOT cast energy shield?
    Question 2: I am having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to change the items that are picked up and whether or not they get ID'd or not. How do I fix this?
    Question 3: I know there is no hack that is 100% safe from the WARDEN...anyway, how safe is d2nt? Has anyone here gotten banned?
    Question 4: How does warden work? How can I bot "safely"?

    Thanks a lot!

  11. #11
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfox125 View Post
    Hey there! I just started playing d2 again 2 weeks ago after about not playing for 5 years!!! I have a couple questions about the d2nt bot AND the WARDEN. I just started using d2nt and it works great...there's a couple things that could be improved on (perhaps thats why everyone says ETAL is better, I still don't know what that is)...

    Question 1: In the sorc char log, how do I get my sorc to NOT cast energy shield?
    Question 2: I am having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to change the items that are picked up and whether or not they get ID'd or not. How do I fix this?
    Question 3: I know there is no hack that is 100% safe from the WARDEN...anyway, how safe is d2nt? Has anyone here gotten banned?
    Question 4: How does warden work? How can I bot "safely"?

    Thanks a lot!
    first off etal is a d2nt bot that has had a lot of scripts and options added to it
    Project Etal (a.k.a. Etal) is a heavily modified & actively developed version of the D2NT Diablo 2 Bot. Etal offers a wide range of scripts with many configuration options that allow you to tailor the functionality to your own personal needs. if you have bot before I would go with etal :)
    1. in your Precast file - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\libs\common you will see theses 2 lines
    if(refresh || !me.GetState(30))
    NTC_CastSkill(58, NTC_HAND_RIGHT); // Energy Shield add // in front of both them lines
    2. the pickit lines are in one of theses 3 folders -depends which one you have un// in your char config file for your bot to look in - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs
    you just un// the lines you want to pickup and put // in front of ones you don't want to pick up and then you change the stats if you don't like what is there now all the names of items
    and stats are in this file - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\libs\common\NTItemAlia s.ntl
    3. d2nt has been running for a long time and there hasn't been any bans on it
    4. best is to do a google search for - How does warden work?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by comper View Post
    first off etal is a d2nt bot that has had a lot of scripts and options added to it
    Project Etal (a.k.a. Etal) is a heavily modified & actively developed version of the D2NT Diablo 2 Bot. Etal offers a wide range of scripts with many configuration options that allow you to tailor the functionality to your own personal needs. if you have bot before I would go with etal :)
    1. in your Precast file - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\libs\common you will see theses 2 lines
    if(refresh || !me.GetState(30))
    NTC_CastSkill(58, NTC_HAND_RIGHT); // Energy Shield add // in front of both them lines
    2. the pickit lines are in one of theses 3 folders -depends which one you have un// in your char config file for your bot to look in - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs
    you just un// the lines you want to pickup and put // in front of ones you don't want to pick up and then you change the stats if you don't like what is there now all the names of items
    and stats are in this file - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\libs\common\NTItemAlia s.ntl
    3. d2nt has been running for a long time and there hasn't been any bans on it
    4. best is to do a google search for - How does warden work?
    very helpful! thanks a lot! im gonna stick with d2nt for beginners for now...i will try etal later on.

    so the energy shield problem i instead solved by resetting stats/skills and not getting energy shield or lightning. in fact i changed my build to just pure blizzard...i was having trouble with level 3 minions @ baal...i chickened 50% of games because of energy shield.

  13. #13
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfox125 View Post
    very helpful! thanks a lot! im gonna stick with d2nt for beginners for now...i will try etal later on.

    so the energy shield problem i instead solved by resetting stats/skills and not getting energy shield or lightning. in fact i changed my build to just pure blizzard...i was having trouble with level 3 minions @ baal...i chickened 50% of games because of energy shield.
    energy shield is a precast skill you don't need to add it to your skills in your char config file if that is where you had it

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by comper View Post
    that means your bot is not looking in the right char config file for your char - if your char file is named right with your chars name then need to check manager and make sure you have it set on the right char positions
    thank you, I lost this thread, but I figured it out reading through another thread. I had the file name wrong, had removed the _Paladin. thanks again

  15. #15
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SF_FireSoul View Post
    thank you, I lost this thread, but I figured it out reading through another thread. I had the file name wrong, had removed the _Paladin. thanks again
    yeap anytime let me know if you need any other help :)

  16. #16


    Now I made all my adjustments, baal is working fine, and i got the runs i want to do...except since i didn't know that after completing nih quest that pindle portal goes away. luckily this thing has the pindle extension through halls. BUT, my bot "fails to take stares to halls of vaught" every single time. I don't get it. I have had this problem on other entrances with stairs too. How do I fix this?

  17. #17
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfox125 View Post
    Now I made all my adjustments, baal is working fine, and i got the runs i want to do...except since i didn't know that after completing nih quest that pindle portal goes away. luckily this thing has the pindle extension through halls. BUT, my bot "fails to take stares to halls of vaught" every single time. I don't get it. I have had this problem on other entrances with stairs too. How do I fix this?
    you have the wp to halls and bot goes to the vaught stairs and errors out? is this right or bot won't even take halls wp?

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by comper View Post
    first off etal is a d2nt bot that has had a lot of scripts and options added to it
    Project Etal (a.k.a. Etal) is a heavily modified & actively developed version of the D2NT Diablo 2 Bot. Etal offers a wide range of scripts with many configuration options that allow you to tailor the functionality to your own personal needs. if you have bot before I would go with etal :)
    1. in your Precast file - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\libs\common you will see theses 2 lines
    if(refresh || !me.GetState(30))
    NTC_CastSkill(58, NTC_HAND_RIGHT); // Energy Shield add // in front of both them lines
    2. the pickit lines are in one of theses 3 folders -depends which one you have un// in your char config file for your bot to look in - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs
    you just un// the lines you want to pickup and put // in front of ones you don't want to pick up and then you change the stats if you don't like what is there now all the names of items
    and stats are in this file - D2NT31_NTBot42\D2NT\scripts\libs\common\NTItemAlia s.ntl
    3. d2nt has been running for a long time and there hasn't been any bans on it
    4. best is to do a google search for - How does warden work?

    can you show me an example for the items config about what you do? because almost none of mine have the // in front of them...EXCEPT under sections like //## ARMOR#######. Do those // make it so that no armor is picked up? Can you show me an example of how to leave something unidentified?

    How about this?
    ##### Shields #######################
    [Name] == GrimShield && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 110 // Lidless Wall
    [Name] == Monarch && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != unidentified # [Defense] >= 120 // Stormshield

    What does that [Flag] != part mean? Does that mean it won't pick it up if it is flagged?

  19. #19
    Elite Moderator comper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leapfox125 View Post
    can you show me an example for the items config about what you do? because almost none of mine have the // in front of them...EXCEPT under sections like //## ARMOR#######. Do those // make it so that no armor is picked up? Can you show me an example of how to leave something unidentified?

    How about this?
    ##### Shields #######################
    [Name] == GrimShield && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 110 // Lidless Wall
    [Name] == Monarch && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != unidentified # [Defense] >= 120 // Stormshield

    What does that [Flag] != part mean? Does that mean it won't pick it up if it is flagged?
    ok first off you need to leave the // in front of these lines - ##### Shields ####################### all that is doing is showing that group are for shields
    and this line - [Name] == GrimShield && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 110 // Lidless Wall = is the bot will pick up all non-eth Lidless Wall and id and if it has ed of 110+ it will keep it if it is less then 110 ed it will sell it - this - [Flag] != ethereal means not equal to if you want just eth it wouls look like this - [Flag] == ethereal
    and if you don't if it is eth or non-eth you can just leave that part out
    now to keep thing unid they need to be with no stats added like this - [Name] == GrimShield && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != ethereal that will keep ALL non-eth Lidless Wall
    so if there is any stats on the right side of this # that mean it has to id the item to match the stats
    and make sure to not make a mistake in the nip files or for that matter any of the files you end up getting a error maybe not right away but you will get one

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by comper View Post
    you have the wp to halls and bot goes to the vaught stairs and errors out? is this right or bot won't even take halls wp?

    yep its this bot. bot goes to wp, kills nih, runs pindle exst., attempts to go up stairs and then either fails or chickens...the only difference that I am noticing is that on my regular tower pc, this never happens. but, when i am on my lap top is when this happens. this is a brand new lap top and i have no idea why it does it on my lap top but not my tower.

    ---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by comper View Post
    ok first off you need to leave the // in front of these lines - ##### Shields ####################### all that is doing is showing that group are for shields
    and this line - [Name] == GrimShield && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] >= 110 // Lidless Wall = is the bot will pick up all non-eth Lidless Wall and id and if it has ed of 110+ it will keep it if it is less then 110 ed it will sell it - this - [Flag] != ethereal means not equal to if you want just eth it wouls look like this - [Flag] == ethereal
    and if you don't if it is eth or non-eth you can just leave that part out
    now to keep thing unid they need to be with no stats added like this - [Name] == GrimShield && [Quality] == unique && [Flag] != ethereal that will keep ALL non-eth Lidless Wall
    so if there is any stats on the right side of this # that mean it has to id the item to match the stats
    and make sure to not make a mistake in the nip files or for that matter any of the files you end up getting a error maybe not right away but you will get one
    thanks a lot! yea, i am very careful when punching in each key. if i mess up, i just copy over from the downloaded "fresh" char log and start over

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