Well, evil is back, folks. Time to strap on your leather boots, adjust the strap on your belt, and brandish that newly-sharpened sword!
Naturally, servers may be a little slow at launch, as expected. Once you finally get in, we hope you have a blast with Diablo 3! It has been a long time waiting for the next installment, and it's pretty exciting that it's finally here.
As for the forums, we have a Diablo 3 section running
here, so pop on over when you're taking a game break and discuss away. There has been some discussion on setting up game group(s) over
here, so head over there if you're interested in playing with some other Blizzsector users.
Also, there should be a Vent server (voice server) set up to use. You can head over to the Vent download page
here to download and set up Ventrilo.
Hostname: vent.blizzsector.co
Port Number: 4358
Password: blizzsector
So...what are you waiting for? Unless you want to
"stay awhile and listen", proceed to the click-fest!