hey all, just wonderin if one of u knows how to add a magic-rare.nip code to pick up javelins, war javelins, pilums and such but without typing [Name]==blahblahblah.

i'm guessed it as such:

[type] == javelins && [quality] == rare
&& [flag] == ethereal # [enhanceddamage] >=300 && [itemreplenishquantity] >=1 && [itemmaxdamageperlevel] >= 2 && [itemtohitperlevel] >= 25

[type] == javelins && [quality] == magic # [WarcriesSkillTab] == 3

but it didn't wrk :/ i figured it would wrk like [type] == amazonjavelins but it doesn't, does some1 know the proper coding for picking up regular javelins?