People spend hours and hours searching for thing to make there character better.But you take all the fun away by a click of a couple of buttons you have destroyed that persons work.these aurakillers out there are hoggin the democratic pwoer of bnet.the legislative branch wil not stand 4 this.aurakillng is just wrong piracy is wrong.your downloading items that are stole nfrom other websites or scammed off of someone.its just not right!u've wreeked the benefiet of u cant make a new open charatcer wihtout worrying about being immedtiely destryoed by a 248 aura.we have 2 overload ressit and absorbs which can take up much space of your inventory and slow ur rate of joining games making it nearly impossiible 2 join any game.making your new character completely usless!i will kill that went off and shared hsi item with someother perso nwho copied it half a million times and shared it with other newbs making newbs having laughs over ppl who spent alot of time making there characters.