i tested the bastard wana kno w what it did?added al lfo my files into its rar that is not a good sign ppl!
i tested the bastard wana kno w what it did?added al lfo my files into its rar that is not a good sign ppl!
WTF r u talking about?? i cant fecking read wtf u just posted heres some advice 1. learn to spell 2. get a better avatar it looks like my moms desktop
pus bucket im trying to say it adds ur files to its own rar file and is gay.my giuess it send your files to them or something.
you still need to learn to spell because i didnt know wtf u were talking about
wanna know what it did? it added all lfo ( iono what that is) into its own rar file. that is not a good sign ppl!wana kno w what it did?added al lfo my files into its rar that is not a good sign ppl!
wow ididnt notice that shit shit shit shit ****sucker mother****er...
all it got sensored .
Nice spam you guys. Keep up the good work. =D
~closed(impersonates a mad Nubli)
runs like hell.....................................screams later pplz mwahahahahahaha
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