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Thread: Bot Problem

  1. #1

    Default Bot Problem

    http://members.***** is a little something I wrote up with a theory of what I think has happened.
    if link does not work:

    Blizzard is NOT banning, fools. What blizzard has done is whenever there are lineups, it will kill the same amount of other games, or those games. Without botters, there is no lineup. Blizzard has probably been monitering when bots are used, and when bots aren't used, and set a restriction on the maximum amount of games that can run, if it exceeds it, it will be treated like a bot havoc, and blizzard will start closing other games to bring it below that limit. My friend made a good point that Blizzard only does that to games with high sorcs, it may be wrong but it would make sense to prevent more legit players having disadvantages. I do not think this method can be past, unless a bot is created that does not count towards game numbers. Whatever, if you are botting and you get "banned". You are only temporarily IP banned for having a high sorc in many games, or maybe any game. Some people will have realm down, some others cannot even connect. In my experiance, botters will usually get realm down.

  2. #2
    ***** Slave Nubli's Avatar
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    Dec 2003


    It's called TEMPORARY BAN for whatever asshole said NOT banning...

    Basically, if you make a certain amount of games in a certain amount of time, they temp. ban your account, or your ip, or whatever else they might do. For how long? I think it's random. But anyway, just set the game making delay to 15 seconds.

  3. #3


    I get realm down when I have been botting for 20 runs or something. That must be something else than temporary ban because I think it shouldn't temp ban me that soon. I play on Europe.

  4. #4


    wrong. i have a lvl 81 bot sorc i just started. guess what super-genious? r/d, u/c.

  5. #5
    friend or FOE
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    Jul 2004
    Canada EH!!!!!!


    Quote Originally Posted by Krap0
    I get realm down when I have been botting for 20 runs or something. That must be something else than temporary ban because I think it shouldn't temp ban me that soon. I play on Europe.
    yah i get the same lame a$$ thing here too in east and i even got my time out set at 20 and i only get about 20 runs in no time to find spit if you ask me

  6. #6
    Hooker with a Pen!s
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    Jul 2004
    West Des Moines, Iowa


    Yeah, it is any high level char then 'cause I get temp banned with my damn zon...

  7. #7


    i decided to change my creat delay on jhj to 150 which is long i know and i don't get as many runs but it keeps the bot from doing more than the certain number of games in the time period. i've done over 500 runs since the new thing and have had no problems at all

  8. #8
    Forum Member
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    Jul 2004


    where do you set the create delay in jhj mull3er?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by majorpvp
    where do you set the create delay in jhj mull3er?
    well since mull3er isn't on I will tell ya :) if you go into RunPBotSor.ini, scroll down a little ways in the file you will see something that should like like CreateDelay=2. just adjust that to however many seconds you wish it to wait.

  10. #10
    A Mouse :)
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New York


    what does it say when u get a temp bann?

  11. #11


    it either says realm down (acct ban) or it tells u connect to internet service provider (ip ban)

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