Code:/* njaguar's uber game creator scriptzor Compatable with core 0.37.01+ only! */ // ignore these commands var SINGLE_PLAYER=0, CLOSED_BNET=1, OPEN_BNET=3; var NORMAL = 0, NIGHTMARE = 1, HELL = 2; var TRUE = true, FALSE = false, True = true, False = false; var game_type = SINGLE_PLAYER; // end ignore // UNCOMMENT THE BELOW LINE TO SET IT TO CONNECT TO BNET INSTEAD game_type = CLOSED_BNET; /*************************** CHARACTER POSITION MAP: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 It's zero based, so for top left, use 0, top right use 1, etc. ****************************/ var charposition = 0; // ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT NAME AND PASSWORD INSIDE THE QUOTES var accountname = "***"; var accountpass = "***"; var spamChat=true; var channel="The Void"; var gamename = "me mf-"; var gamepass = "kktx"; // SET THESE TO true IF YOU WANT TO USE RANDOM GAME NAMES OR PASSWORDS var random_gamename = false; var random_password = true; //var difficulty = NORMAL; //var difficulty = NIGHTMARE; var difficulty = HELL; //************ Probably don't need to go below this line. // under construction var charname = "Bossom-DD"; // Set this is you want it to auto pick the appropriate character var CreateGameTimeout = 30000; // wait 30 seconds before attempting to create a new game var GameCreateDelay = rnd(2000,3000); // wait 10 seconds between game creates var LoginWaitTimeout = 10000; // wait 10 seconds for login to finish (connect->password dialog) var useDDE = true; // don't use this until it's fixed in the core // SYSTEM VARIABLES var d2_game_types = ["Single Player", "Closed", "", "Open"]; var editboxes = [ [1,432,162,158,20],[1,432,217,158,20] ]; var radiobuttons = [ [6,430,381,16,16], [6,555,381,16,16], [6,698,381,16,16] ]; // CREATE and CREATE GAME var buttons = [ [6,533,469,120,20], [6,594,433,172,32]]; var chatbox = [4,28,410,354,298]; // Join Game Selection Button var JoinGameSelectButton = [6, 652, 469, 120, 20]; var JoinGame_ConfirmButton = [6, 594, 433, 172, 32]; var JoinGame_NamePassList = [[1, 432, 148, 155, 20], [1, 606, 148, 155, 20]]; // main menu // single player, bnet, realm select, other multi, quit var mainbuttons = [ [6,264,324,272,35], [6,264,366,272,35], [6,264,391,272,25], [6,264,433,272,35], [6,264,568,272,35] ]; // account, pass, login, change password, create new, exit var bnetlogin = [ [1,322,342,162,19], [1,322,396,162,19], [6,264,484,272,35], [6,264,572,272,35], [6,264,528,272,35], [6,33,572,128,35] ]; //CANCEL 6 330 416 128 35 true false undefined var loginDialogCancel = [6,330,416,128,35]; // char screen var charselectrealm = [6,609,113,182,30]; // select realm button // OK, EXIT, CREATE NEW var charbuttons = [ [6,627,572,128,35],[6,33,572,128,35],[6,33,528,168,60] ]; // 1.09d positions //var CharPositions = [[4,37,178,200,90],[4,309,178,200,90],[4,37,271,200,90],[4,309,271,200,90],[4,37,364,200,90],[4,309,364,200,90],[4,37,457,200,90],[4,309,457,200,90]]; var CharPositions = [[4,237,178,72,93],[4,509,178,72,93],[4,237,271,72,93],[4,509,271,72,93],[4,237,364,72,93],[4,509,364,72,93],[4,237,457,72,93],[4,509,457,72,93]]; var SP_Diffs = [[6,264,297,272,35],[6,264,340,272,35],[6,264,383,272,35]]; var total_games = 0; var total_failed = 0; var LastGameAttempt = 0; var debug_mode = true; function dprint(txt, skip_wait_for_chat) { now = new Date(); txt = now.toLocaleString() + " : " + txt; var f; if(debug_mode) { f=fileOpen("output/starter.log",2); if(f) { f.writeLine(txt); // f.close(); } } // wait_for_controls(); // if(skip_wait_for_chat!=1) wait_for_chat_control(); if(debug_mode) { // f=fileOpen("output/starter.log",2); if(f) { // f.writeLine("wait_for_chat_controls() finished"); f.close(); } } print(txt); if(useDDE) sendDDE(1,"mIRC","command","","/echo 4 d2jsp " + txt); } function findControl(arr) { return getControl(arr[0],arr[1],arr[2],arr[3],arr[4]); } function ChooseCharacter() { dprint("We're at the char select screen. Choosing character for " + d2_game_types[game_type] + ".",1); delay( (game_type==SINGLE_PLAYER ? 500 : 3000) ); // load('tools/dumpcontrols.d2j'); if(!find_and_click_control(CharPositions[charposition])) return false; if(!find_and_click_control(charbuttons[0])) return false; } function ChooseOnlineOffline() { if(game_type == CLOSED_BNET) { dprint("We're on the main menu, logging in to", 1); if(!find_and_click_control(mainbuttons[CLOSED_BNET])) return false; // while(!findControl(bnetlogin[0])) dprint("waiting..",1); // delay(3000); // while(!findControl(bnetlogin[0])) load('tools/dumpcontrols.d2j'); } if(game_type == SINGLE_PLAYER) { dprint("We're on the main menu, choosing single player",1); if(!find_and_click_control(mainbuttons[SINGLE_PLAYER])) return false; } if(game_type == OPEN_BNET) { dprint("We're on the main menu, choosing open bnet",1); if(!find_and_click_control(mainbuttons[OPEN_BNET])) return false; // stop(); } } function findLocation() { // we're on chat, proceed. if(findControl(chatbox)) { return true; } if(findControl(mainbuttons[0])) { // main menu (single player) ChooseOnlineOffline(); return false; } if(findControl(bnetlogin[0])) { ctr=0; while(findControl(loginDialogCancel)) { if(ctr>LoginWaitTimeout/10) { find_and_click_control(loginDialogCancel); return false; } ctr++; delay(10); } dprint("We're at the bnet login page. Logging in.",1); if(!find_control_and_set_text(bnetlogin[0], accountname)) return false; if(!find_control_and_set_text(bnetlogin[1], accountpass)) return false; delay(1000); if(!find_and_click_control(bnetlogin[2])) return false; } if(findControl(SP_Diffs[0])) { if(game_type == SINGLE_PLAYER) { dprint("Selecting Single Player Difficulty.",1); if(!find_and_click_control(SP_Diffs[difficulty])) return false; } else { // SANITY CHECK! GET BACK TO MAIN MENU! } return false; } if(findControl(charbuttons[2])) { ChooseCharacter(); return false; } if(!me.ingame) { dprint("in unknown location in findLocation()...",1); // load("tools/dumpcontrols.d2j"); } return false; } function keypressHandler(key) { dprint("got key event: " + key); } function main() { var LastGameStarted = -1; delay(3000); while(!findLocation()) delay(1000); // first time on bnet, so... dprint("Successfully logged onto"); dprint("Starting game creations."); // clickLadder(); if(spamChat) enterChat(); while(1) { LastGameStarted = me.gamestarttime; if(createGame(gamename + (++total_games), gamepass)) { game_failed = false; while(!me.ingame) { now = getTickCount(); if(now - LastGameAttempt > CreateGameTimeout && me.gamestarttime==LastGameStarted) { dprint("Last Game Creation timed out. Attempting to create another game in 10 seconds."); total_failed++; game_failed = true; delay(10000); break; } else { delay(500); } } if(!game_failed) { while(me.ingame) { // we're in game now, wait till we leave the game. delay(500); } now = getTickCount(); dprint("Game End Detected! Elapsed time: " + ((now-LastGameAttempt)/1000) + " seconds"); dprint("Waiting " + (GameCreateDelay/1000) + " seconds before starting next game."); delay(GameCreateDelay); if(spamChat) enterChat(); } } else { // dprint("Failed to find a control for game creation. Waiting 10 seconds and trying again."); dprint("Failed to find a control for game creation. Will attempt to find location in 10 seconds."); delay(10000); while(!findLocation()) delay(1000); } // run the garbage collector each run just in case... runGC(); // delay after the garbage collector for slower machines to let memory repage itself delay(500); } } function wait_for_chat_control() { while(!getControl(chatbox[0],chatbox[1],chatbox[2],chatbox[3],chatbox[4])) delay(50); } /* function wait_for_controls(timeout) { if(isNaN(timeout)) timeout=30000; // default to 30 seconds timeout i=0; while(!getControl() && i++<100) delay(50); } */ function createGame(name, pass) { // total_games++; if(random_gamename) name = TDW_BASIC_GetRandomString(rnd(4,15)); if(random_password) pass = TDW_BASIC_GetRandomString(rnd(4,15)); delay(1000); // added delays back in due to crashes on some machines if(!find_and_click_control(buttons[0])) return false; delay(100); if(!find_control_and_set_text(editboxes[0], name)) return false; delay(100); if(!find_control_and_set_text(editboxes[1], pass)) return false; delay(100); if(!find_and_click_control(radiobuttons[difficulty])) return false; delay(100); if(!find_and_click_control(buttons[1])) return false; LastGameAttempt = getTickCount(); dprint("Game #" + total_games + " Created, " + total_failed + " fails so far. Now waiting for game to start..."); return true; } // function from TDW function JoinGame(name, pass) { if(!find_and_click_control(JoinGameSelectButton)) return false; delay(500); if(!find_control_and_set_text(JoinGame_NamePassList[0], name)) return false; delay(500); if ((pass != null) && (pass != "")) { if (!find_control_and_set_text(JoinGame_NamePassList[1], pass)) return false; delay(500); } if(!find_and_click_control(JoinGame_ConfirmButton)) return false; LastGameAttempt = getTickCount(); dprint("Game Joined, now waiting for game entry to complete..."); return true; } function find_and_click_control(arr) { if((control = find_control_by_properties(arr)) != null) {; return true; } return false; } function find_control_and_set_text(arr, str) { if((control = find_control_by_properties(arr)) != null) { control.setText(str); return true; } return false; } function find_control_by_properties(arr) { control = getControl(arr[0],arr[1],arr[2],arr[3],arr[4]); // if(control) do { // if(control.type==arr[0] && control.x==arr[1] && control.y==arr[2] && control.xsize==arr[3] && control.ysize==arr[4]) return control; // } while(control.getNext()); return control; //0; } function find_control_by_name(str) { control = getControl(); if(control) do { if(control.text == str) return control; } while(control.getNext()); return 0; } function clickLadder() { c = find_control_by_name("LADDER"); if(c) {; delay(100); c = find_control_by_name("EXPANSION HARDCORE LADDER"); if(c) {; } else { print("Could not find EXPANSION HARDCORE LADDER button."); } } else { print("Could not find LADDER button."); } } /////ADDED BY BOB102////////// function enterChat() { c = find_control_by_name("ENTER CHAT"); if(c) {; delay(1000); say("/join "+channel); delay(500); for(a=0;a<3;a++) { random_words = TDW_BASIC_GetRandomString(rnd(4,15)); say(random_words); delay(500); } } else { print("Could not enter chat."); } } /////////////////////////////// //Server Down 4 438 300 326 150 false false Server Down // RANDOM NAME GENERATOR BY TheDesertWind (thanks!) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TDW_BASIC_GetRandomString(out_length, char_set_string) { if (out_length < 1) return(""); char_set_string = (TDW_BASIC_GEN_TypeOfStringNotEmpty(char_set_string)) ? char_set_string : "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var out_string = ""; for ( ; out_length; out_length--) out_string += char_set_string.charAt(rnd(0, char_set_string.length - 1)); return(out_string); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TDW_BASIC_GetRandomStringLower(out_length) { return(TDW_BASIC_GetRandomString(out_length, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TDW_BASIC_GetRandomStringUpper(out_length) { return(TDW_BASIC_GetRandomString(out_length, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TDW_BASIC_GetRandomStringDigits(out_length) { return(TDW_BASIC_GetRandomString(out_length, "0123456789")); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TDW_BASIC_GEN_TypeOfStringNotEmpty(in_data) { return((TDW_BASIC_GEN_TypeOfString(in_data) && (in_data != "")) ? true : false); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TDW_BASIC_GEN_TypeOfString(in_data) { return(((in_data instanceof String) || (typeof(in_data) == "string")) ? true : false); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////