*grabs HEYman and snaps his neck* "NO MORE SHOTGUNS!" *takes the shotgun, disposes of it and continues sipping at his bud*
*grabs HEYman and snaps his neck* "NO MORE SHOTGUNS!" *takes the shotgun, disposes of it and continues sipping at his bud*
*puts his arm around his p0rn star gf, while spitting on the remains of HEYman
haha, jk bud
*stamps on HEYman's groin and hears a small "CRACK"* "ouch, that must hurt"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" *look to the exit and see a necromancer* "Heyman i have come here to revive you*necro revives heyman into a fallen* *I get up on the stool and look around* "can i get a vodka ma'm?"
*Realises he is a godly IK'd up with botd maul baba*.....*smashes teh little weak necro in the face and shouts "joo got pwned heehehe i am 1337 and joo suxXor* *looks at HEYman the fallen and laughs.....then says"touch pamela and you get smashy face tooooo"*
*Turns around as the bartender and says "Who the F**K you callin ma'am?"*
*Pulls out pistol and puts 7 bullet holes in HEYman's head*
*"Ahh... much better" said I*
*right as the bartender fired the pistol super man comes flying out of no where and takes all 7 of the bullets*
*i turn my head a full 360 degrees looking back at the bartender*
*opens trench coat and pulls out a wallet sized pistol*
*fires the pistol straight into the head of MYSELF*
*lays dead on the floor twitching my hand*
*Superman tisk's in pity and pisses on HEYman's head... then remembers he has a meeting with "The Girl Nextdoor" [catwoman!]*
*Batman barges into the Bar and points a finger at Superman*
*"What if I have been?"asks superman*
*The camera swerves a full 'Matrix' 360 degree turn around Superman and Batman just like seen in Shrek*
*Techno fighting music begins to start*
"HEY HEY HEY, none of that crap in here" *gets 2 burly bouncers to come in and chuck batman and superman out* *hears a loud THUD* "and stay out!"
ill take a vodka a red bull
*walks in and sits down*hmm..*grabs some popcorn and watches all the bloody fights* Waahoo!
*walkd up to pammella .. *touch* * :)
Wuvluv, Lovebloom, Wuvvy @ Arthas-US PVP
*walks into the bar and is alive for some odd reason taht noone can figure out (must be a glitch)*
*goes up to the bar seat and seats down*
*May i please have some bearrrrrrr i need to get away from my wife shes ****in naggin everyday*
"hey, bouncers" *gets the 2 burly bouncers to kick HEYman out* i had enough of you before so i don't want you in here again!" *hears some screams of agony from outside and the bouncers walk in*
*wakes up in corner and looks around* ok maybe I've just been sleeping so long but since when have you been in charge here JZXL?
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
"im protecting the bar" *hands spoonman a bottle of tequila* "yours for free"
*downs tequila nods in acceptance then passes out with sign in hand: "Insert witty phrase here...monkey." below the drawing of a stick figure monkey can be seen*
"I'm not a geek, I'm just coolness challenged."
*sees someone enter the bar and say "i have a delivery of a copy of sheep shaggers monthly for someone in this bar"* "sorry, as far as i know, no-one in this bar reads that magazine" *the guy says "let me check... oh yeah your right, wrong place" and walks out of the bar* "who would read such a sick magazine?" *sees HEYman outside putting his hand up* its no surprise he reads that" *orders another bud and starts sipping it*
aww man why so manny ppl making fun of me i didnt do nottin and i aint no sheep shagger
"well, your the one that came in and threatened pam with a shotgun" *gets the bouncers to beat HEYman up some more for what he did*
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