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TvZ [Marines & Medics]

Okay, basically what we'll be learning about today is the scourge of many good TvP/TvTers... The Zerg opponent. There are many different methods for killing the sick bastards, but only one is capable of killing everything the Zerg can throw at you, save for Lurkers (unless you're really smart about detection) and Ultralisks in packs.

First of all, the backbone of the entire operation: the build order. Credit goes to _Terran at wgtour for the build order.

Anyways.. here it is.


8/10 supply (Actually, it's more like 8.5, you should have an SCV about half-way done by this time)
10/10 rax
12/18 rax
13/18 refinery (Doesn't always have to be this soon, I usually get it later, but it's your perogative)
14/18 supply
15/18 academy (again, corresponds to when you build your refinery)
22/26 factory (This seems about right)

That's a basic build order to start you off, you'll obviously want to continue with teching for a port and science vessels if they're going lurkers (or if you just want to irradiate overlords or otherwise.)

You'll want to continue building your rax count to keep the marines coming, and I personally use a 1(medic):2(marine) ratio for my forces, that usually keeps your units alive, but you might find something more effective.


As stated above, a 1:2 (that is, 1 medic for every 2 marines, for the ratio impaired) ratio for medics to marines is pretty healthy, maybe more medics if you want to be safe but you'll want to avoid overdoing the medics, which would lead to a lot of residual medics on the field after the marines die.

The most important thing you need to remember about this strategy is that you can't just send your medics and marines in clumps. If you learn nothing else from this guide, know that the best way (for me, at least) to keep your marines and medics alive is to hotkey them seperately! I cannot stress this enough. Have your medics on one hotkey and your marines on a second, switching between the numbers constantly and moving them as a bulk towards their base.

Once you reach the base, you will encounter sunkens. If the Zerg has any skill at all, there will be at least two sunkens in the front yard to defend against these sorts of attacks. If you notice zerglings scramble to defense, back up. You don't want to take on sunkens and zerglings at the same time or you will be killed. Try your best to draw out the zerglings and avoid being flanked at all costs. Zerg are the worst about flanking, and given two directions to defend from, your marines won't stand a chance.

Upon reaching the sunkens, stim your marines to get the medics flocking to heal automatically. They will take over the damage the sunkens inflict, so losses should be minimal. Regularly stim to keep this fluctuating during the entire attack. The increased attack speed won't hurt, either.

Zerglings will seriously screw you over in this if you aren't paying attention. If ever you see the zerglings hatch while taking out a sunken, pull back. Hydralisks, with their low numbers and slower attack aren't as much of a threat, but don't underestimate the lings.

Follow suit throughout the base, while keeping a strong economy and marines continuously building. I've noticed, personally, that zerg are the worst about having expos pop up where you least expect it, so use the comsat wisely or even have an SCV build a turret where a hatch is supposed to be, to keep on top of your game.


Written by [/sarcasm] of
I don't have a problem if you reproduce this document, but at least give me credit for typing it out, I only used my own experience and a build order by _Terran of to make this.
HEY! Add that you should bunk rush man >.> You MUST prevent zerg from expo.
Business & Computer Science major
Bunk rushes are unreliable to an extreme, and they eat up valuable time and minerals that you could be using to build more marines/medics. Countering a bunk rush is easy, just build up enough lings to kill the scv.

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