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Good PvP/PvM WW Barb?
I wanted to make a ww barb for pvp, but also be able to forge rush... is this possible? I was thinking of using 1 botd + shield and ww act 1-3 and use beserk (elemental damage = no iron maiden) for act4 (w/ lots of hp, and max block, can u handle it?). Would this still be efficient for pvp and pvm? How would the damage on the barb be (ww terms). (i want to use 2 one handed weps but then i wouldnt get max block for rushing, unless its possible to get max block w/ charms and items) Also if i went for max block but used 2 one handed for pvp, would this suck?

-Do sword + shield barbs do well in pvp?

BvC or BvB?
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
If You Want To Lose Weight, You NEED To Read This First!
pref bvb (ok at bvc too) and rushing for forge

Need some advice plz Smile
BvC guide


1. My Barbs Gear and Skill Setup
2. Recommended Skill Distribution
3. Stat Suggestions
4. Faster Caste Rate and Faster Hit Recovery
5. Equipment Suggestions
6. Builds
7. Dueling Strategies
8. A Special Thanks To

Ill start off by posting what my current Barb uses:

1) My Barbs Gear and Skill Setup:

Level 91 BvC
Name: Atlas

397/37 Grief Zerker
269%/40Str BeastZ
Cuirass Enigma
Wiz Gloves
2x Legit Fcr Rings (10Fcr/111Ar/44Life/14Dex/3Str - 10Fcr/117Ar/7Dex/37Life/30Mana/8Lr)
Um/Jah/Vex Arreats
3 Bo Cta / Eth 39 Hoto ( Tongue )
31x 32020s
2x 10Max/70+Ar/36+ Life Gcs
Annihilus (18/20/6) / Barb Hellfire 19/17

In Stash:

3x Lo 87 Life Barb Helm
2Barb/3Bo Rare Horned Helm
2x Wc Gcs
Demon Limb
BerBer CoA
2x Sojs
3 Wc Ammy


20 Whirlwind
20 Battle Orders
20 Axe Mastery
15 Leap
15 Shout
Rest into: Berserk / Nat Resist / Increased Speed.

2. Recommended Skills Distribution:

20 Whirlwind
20 Battle Orders
20 Axe Mastery
15 Leap
15 Shout
Rest into: Berserk / Nat Resist / Increased Speed.

3. Stats:
A. Str
B. Dex
C. Vita
D. Energy

A. Str:

The best thing for you to do is to add NO Str, I repeat NO Str, my Barb has no Str used and I'll explain why this is so and why it works.

B. Dex:

Same as above, add NO Dex, since you're dual Axe you don’t need Dex for block.

C. Vita:

Everything into Vita, Barbs have the best life per vita (4 Life Per Vita), which is REALLY good, so cram every point you can into him.

D. Energy:

Don't need any energy since the items you’ll be using give you plenty, besides you have Battle Orders, but if you feel you need some put a few points in, besides Mana pot usage in duels is not prohibited.

4. Faster Cast Rate and Faster Hit Recovery:
A. Faster Cast Rate
B. Faster Hit Recovery

A. Faster Cast Rate:

The best FCR for a Barb is 63%, but if you’re like me you’ll have a little more than that, my Barb has 70%, since I use Wizzies + 2x Fcr Rings(70).

B. Faster Hit Recovery:

My Barb has 86% FHR, you’ll need 86% FHR to hit the Bp needed to get out of Mind Blasts and Hurricane/Tornadoes etc.

5. Equipment Suggestions:
A. Armor/Shield
B. Helms
C. Jewelry
D. Belts
E. Boots
F. Gloves
G. Weapons
H. Charms

A. Armors:

Armors: You only have 1 choice here, Enigma: This the best armor out there (2Skills/+1Tele/5%to Life/Str/FRW), most go with Mage Plate, but I just love the uniqueness of Breast Plate, really any low str enigma will do.

Shields: Only 2 shields I can think of for you to use:

Stormshield: For those Pesky Bowazons, IF you have trouble, I usually never do.

Spirit Ward: For Resistance Stacking , 5% Chance to Cast lvl 8 Fade, Yummy.

(But you won't need a shield if you can get down your teleporting patterns, if you lag or don't have it down use a Shield.)

B. Helmets:

So many types of helms you can use, here are the most widely used and their stats.

08 Valk: 30Frw/30Fhr/30Fcr, not very popular but they ARE used on SOME builds, and can be very costly for a perm/legit, mainly used for the FCR and FHR. When Shaeled it gets 50% Fhr which takes care of A LOT of the FHR needed.

Rare Barb Circlet: Stats should be 2 Barb Skills/20%Fcr/Visionary Mod, with additional stats such as: Life/Mana/Str/Dex/Res/Fhr/Frw/2 Socks. Best thing to do with this is Shael rune it, helps get out of a lot of attacks thrown your way.

Arreats: Best barb helm in the game, Period. 30%Fhr/20%ArBonus/2Barb/2BCombat/30AllRes/20Str/20Dex, this thing is so sweet, Shael, Um, Jah or Cham this bad boy, up to you.

08 Gaze: 25%Dr is the only good mod on this that you'll need, with a Ber it'll get 33%, which will handle A LOT of your DR needs Vs Wind Druids and various Melees.

Coa: +1Skills/15Dr/25AllRes/2 Sockets is what you should aim for on this, BerBer it for 31% DR which will take care of a lot of your DR needs Vs Wind Druids and various other Melees.

C. Jewelry (Ammy, Rings)


There are only a few to choose from:

Highlords Ammy: 1Skills/20Ias/.5% Deadly Strike on Lvl/Light Dmg, very nice ammy and the best for a BvC.

08 Highlords Ammy: 1Skills/30Frw/.5% Deadly Strike on Lvl, very nice ammy and also a nice choice for a BvC.

Crafted or Rare Amulets: Barb Skills/10-20%Fcr/Str/Life/Res, are also a nice option.

Angelic Wings Ammy: Combined with Angelic Halo Ring, this gives a very nice amount of Life/Attack Rating/Dex, very useful against Melee types, I.E.: Zealots / Smiters / Barbs.


There 3 ways you can go, the Caster Rings, Magical Rings or the Skill Rings. There are many very nice Duped Caster Rings out there:

Doom Master: 10% FCR/12 Strength/+37 Mana/CR 15%/LR 40%/FR 15%/PR 15%
Storm Loop: 10% FCR/15% Res All/+5 Str/+37 Life/+55 Mana
Rune Loop: 10% FCR/+58 Mana/CR 15%/FR 15%/PR 15%/ LR 62%
Eagle Turn: 10% FCR/85Ar/31 Life/71 Mana/15 Res. All
Bitter Band: 10% FCR/+12 Strength/+50 Mana/CR 59%/LR 15%/FR 15%/PR 15%
Legit Crafted/Rare FCR Rings, the mods you'd want on these are simple: 10Fcr/100+Ar/30+Life/20+Mana/Str/Dex/Cold or Light Res, those are what you should look for, can be VERY expensive though.

Raven Frost: 250Ar/20Dex/Cannot Be Frozen/Cold Damage, very nice ring.

Angelig Halo Ring: Combined with Angelic Ammy, this gives a very nice amount of Life/Attack Rating/Dex, very useful against Melee types, I.E.: Zealots / Smiters / Barbs.

All of those are very good, I'd use each and all of them.

Depending on your gear you will have to choose.

D. Belts:

Ok there are three ways to go here:

Arachnid Sash: 1Skills/20%Fcr/5%MaxMana, sweet for your Fcr Needs.

Crafted Fcr Belts: Fcr/Life/Mana/Mana Regen/Str/Resistance/FHR, decent if the mods are what you desire.

Verdungos: 10Fhr/40Vita/15Dr, very nice belt Life/Dr/Fhr = Deliciously perfect for your needs vs Melees and Wind Druids.

Again depending on your gear you’ll have to choose.

E. Boots:

There are a few ways to go here, depending on your style. Ill just list the most commonly used:

Imp Shanks: Very good for a BvC for the Fhr/Res/Frw/Str, 30Frw/20Fhr/18Str/36Fire Res/49 Light Res/22 Psn Res.

Wraith Brands: Almost the same as Imps but has Cold res, which is the best thing ever! 30Frw/20Fhr/19Str/49CR/48LR/48FR, sweet!

Goreriders: 30% Faster Run/Walk/10% Chance Of Open Wounds/15% Chance Of Crushing Blow/15% Deadly Strike, very nice.

Sandstorm Treks: 20Fhr/20Frw/15Str/15Vita/70PsnRes/Repair Dur, very nice option! I have yet to try them but they are a nice option.

F. Gloves:

I've switched gloves so many times and I found out the following:

Wiz Gloves: 50Fcr/75AllRes/ManaOnClvl/15%MaxMana/15% Mana Regen, by far the best gloves in the whole game for a BvC IMHO. A must have if you are serious. (Unperm)

Magefists: 20% FCR and Mana Regen comes in REAL handy in certain duels.

Trangs Gloves: Only good for Cold Sorceress Duels, for the 30% Cold Resistance and 20% FCR.

Draculs Grasp: 10-15Str/25% Open Wounds/Life Tap, very good gloves.

Bloodfists: 30% Fhr/40 Life, very good if you have all your Fcr needs met.

G. Weapons:

Only 4 you will want to use:

Ethereal Breath of the Dying: 60Ias/350-400%Ed/30+Stats, one of your main weapons, aim for one over 400%, they range from 350-415% (15% Superior mod). This is a MUST have, if you don't have this you won't be very good at all. This allows you to use a lot of your gear. (Until Lad Switch this is the best Weapon, when Lad Switch occurs it'll be Grief.)

Beast: 40%IAs/240-270%/30-40Str/Lvl 9 Fanat when Equipped/20%Crushing Blow/25%Open Wounds, Make sure it's a Berserker Axe, just because Ettins and War Spikes are ugly hehe.

Doom: 45%IAS/Holy Freeze when Equipped/20%DS/25%OW, this weapon is really nice to finish off people with 1 Life left, can substitute the Hoto for Wcs with a Doom. Also great for dueling Smiters who Lifetap/Amp and some Necros/Druids. (Considered BM)

Grief: After Ladder Switch, this will replace EbotdZ, this weapon is so nice. 340-400+Dmg/20%DS/Venom On Striking/-Psn Res/30-40%IAS. This weapon is great, the 340-400 Added Damage isn't reduced by DR so that's what makes it so good, its pure damage, and the Venom isn't a bad addition either. (You only need 34% IAS on a Grief Zerker for your BvC)

H. Charms:

Best way to go is 37x 32020s, Annihilus and a Hellfire that's all you really need..

6. Builds:

There are many builds you can use, I'll just list a few I can think of, not including Stash/Charms:


Wiz Gloves
2x Fcr Rings
Grief + BeastZ


2x Angelic Ring
Angelic Ammy
Wiz Gloves
Gore Riders
Grief + BeastZ


08 Valk
Wiz Gloves
2x Angelic Rings
Angelic Ammy
Grief + BeastZ


2x Fcr Rings
Trang Gloves
Grief + BeastZ


Wiz Gloves
2x Fcr Rings
Grief + BeastZ

Now comes the strategy part of this guide, I will explain how to kill certain character types, Here goes:

7. Dueling Strategies:

This will cover every typical PKing character.


Depending on the Character that is AA'ing, you should ALWAYS just avoid them and try and catch them off guard or do whatever you have to do to kill them, they use AA, why not? [Image: icon_smile.gif]


Amazon - Bowazon:

Pack on Max DR, and Teleport around, confusing them, then when you find an opening, Teleport on them and make SHORT Ww's. They usually have very low life, but their Passives make them hard to hit at times, just keep on them and don't let up, if you run low on mana retreat and repeat. They should die very quickly.

Amazon - Charged Strike/Light Fury:

You can take these guys without Lo, and heres how. Make them chase you, and when they go to attack, Ww in a Triangle. And never let them land a solid hit, also by Wwing INTO them, the Bolts/Furies usually never hit with as much power as if you just took it all to the face. With Lo on, just Ww them with little or no care.


Paladin - Zealot/Charger/Smiters:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. Always Ww away from them, don't Ww INTO them, thats a sure-fireway to get Amped/Lifetaped and then owned. Clip them with Ww and they should die pretty quickly, if you absolutely need to use a Doom to slow them down, works really well vs Smiters. (Considered BM but then again so is Lifetap/Amp.)

Paladin - FoHadin:

Pack on 160% or so worth of Light Resistance, and be sure to stay on them at all times, and once on them make short Wws, since most Paladins nowadays dont have max block, about 95% of them should die REALLY fast.

Paladin - Hammerdin:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. If they tele on top of you, make short Wws away from them. If they stand and spam hammers or walk back and forth and spam hammers, start leaping nonstop until they are pushed into a corner and they are unable to cast hammers. Then teleport under them and Ww back and forth until they die or run away. Do not Ww through the hammerdin, ever. Repeat process until dead. Against desynchers, if you stand still, nonstop leap. Dont teleport/run across the field because they probably contain hammers. If the hammerdin is charging in a certain direction on the automap, they're probably 1 screen ahead of where they are, so as soon as you start seeing them charge in some direction, go way ahead and ww long and random in that area. After a while they get hit, but usually they can't hit you. Most hammerdins use both Teleport and Charge, so just keep your eyes open and make sure you can anticipate their moves.

Paladin - Auradins:

This build is new to the UsWest Non-Ladder scene and has been a very powerful force since it's came over from Ladder. They use Conviction and 2 Auras, Holy Fire and Holy Shock and use a Grief and Charge/Smite. Best bet here is to treat them like a Smiter/Zealot and clip them, have on some Fire and Lightning stack and if you can have on some Max Res items, Lo, Vex. And just own them.


Barbarian - BvC/Shield:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. If its a Shield barb, I do the following: Prebuff / Enchant / Equip Angelics / Put on Max Dr and make them come to you. Thats all I can say. You won't really stand a chance vs a really good BvB Barb but it doesn't hurt to try, I have wasted so many BvBs in Pubs so it's just the good ones you have to worry about, and BvC vs BvC is just 'The Luck of the Draw", basically whoever hits first will stand a better chance of winning.


Assassin - Light Sentry:

Make sure you have the 86% FHR bp, their Mind Blast will annoy the hell out of you, and youll want to be able to get out of it. Your best bet here is to try and catch them off guard, charging will just give them time to MB you and run around, having them chase you works really well also. Once you get ontop of them make short Wws and don't let up, leap works really well against these Girls also.

Assassin - Wake of Fire:

Same with light sentry, but these tend to be easier to defend against, since the damage of WoF isnt as high as LS, so just put on a Vex helm, Nokozan or Hotspurs and let lose, they can stun a LOT, so make sure and have your 86 fhr BP handy, or the next BP.

Assassin - Whirlwind/Kicker:

These Girls are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. Pack on some extra Poison and Dr for these, since they deal mainly in Poison and Open wounds, youll want to have good Poison Res to fend their poison damage. Sandstorm Treks are a nice boot to use vs. these Girls, 50+ Poison res is very handy, treat them like normal WW Barbs, make them come to you and Ww AWAY from them or at an angle, dont Ww INTO them or you'll get hit with a ton of OW/Poison and lose life pretty semi-quickly, since they have Clawblock it's hard to hit them making the duels last longer then a BvC vs BvC would.


Sorceress - Blizzard/Orb:

These Girls are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have WBrands ready. Make them come to you, dont follow because they will just spam and spam and run etc. Pack on some cold res, Fade Shield is nice, and maybe some FCR rings with high cold res, BBands etc. If you use wiz gloves you shouldnt need much Cold Res, so just sit and wait for them, since most of them don't have EShield they should die pretty quickly (Orb needs as many skills as it can since it's damage is pretty low already, so an EShielder is rare). Hit and fall back, or if you can, hit and make very short Wws on them and they should die quick, be careful of those Death Facets also.

Sorceress - Lightning:

Pack on Lo Helm and go to town on them, since most are EShielders, they think they can tank you, but they will soon find out how wrong they are. Once youre on them make very short Wws back and forth until dead, if they escape just sit and wait for a namelock, and try and not to get hit, it CAN hurt. (Usually their damage is from 1-45k or so)

Sorceress - Fireball:

Throw on Hotspurs and if you want, a Vex/Ral/Ral Lifer Helm or Vex Arreats, and go to town on them. Let them come to you, as with all sorcs. Dont chase, most like to cast meteors and just sit in them and wait for you, although it wont hurt TOO much, itll still bring your life down everytime it happens, so just treat them like a Light sorc, and you should do fine.

Except Max! [IK]Hotbox Hes teh Secksi FirebawLLeR!


Druid - Elementalist/Wind or Fire:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. Depending on the difficulty you are in you'll run into the notorious "Physical Immune Oak", which is in Nightmare, where the Oak on a druid is Physical Immune, that can be a pain but there is an easy way around it, heres what you do, this can be used in any difficulty without the phys Oak: Leap around, and keep Leap a constant (Be sure they are short leaps), when they get near keep Leaping, it will push away all of his summons and leave him in FHR Lock, soon as he is, tele on him and Ww until dead (Short Ww's), if he runs, repeat until he dies.

Druid - Fury/Fire Claws/Rabies:

These guys can be a pain in the *** if you're not ready for them, make sure and have Max DR, Max PR, Max FR and Gores (Depending on char class you'll have to switch it up a bit). Treat them like a Zealot or a Smiter, Clip them with Ww and if you notice they have Open Wounds on them you can lay off them for a bit, toying with them. Go off screen and depending on your FCR you'll want to tele up quickly and stomp them with Ww. Shouldn't take long to kill.

Now for the hard part.


Necromancer - Poison Nova:

Put on Um Arreats and put some Antidote pots into your belt, make sure and have a good amount of Poison Resistance. Make them come to you, dont chase they will just nova you and run off, use Leap when they get close and Stun them and them hop ontop of them and Ww them to death. A lot of them use Revives/Skeletons, if they do, get a namelock and wait for them using shift, when they come near run up and Berserk them to death.

Necromancer - Bonemancers:

Utilize Leap and try and get them into FHR lock with your Leap, and once you see them being Knockedback by Leap, tele on them and make short wws over and over until dead, if they escape stay on them, chances are they wont be able to recast Bone Armor and dont think you'll chase them, so keep on them and catch them resummoning all of their crap.

Necromancer - Summoners/Skelemancers:

Get a namelock and waste them with Berzerk, or you can use Leap and then Ww them to death, but be careful of Iron Maiden, if they use IM nonstop and you can't get a namelock, switch to a Lifetap Wand or Marrows, lifetap them and ww away, Lifetap is MUCH more powerful than IM is, so your lifebar will fill up every hit.

8. A Special Thanks To

Ash: Thanks for the advice and help, even if you dont realize it. :]
Sly: For the duels we had and the pride you take in your barb, made me take pride in mine. :]
Sleep: For the SvB Practice, thanks bro.
Dez: For the DvB Practice, thanks bro.
Phil: For the AvB Practice, thanks bro.
Max: For the FBvB Practice, and being ezpk ^^ thanks bro.
Adam: Dueling.

It's been fun guys, good luck and take care. <3

-GodisaLie @ UsWest PM: Atheist @ *******.

Credit goes to Atheist.

BvC guide


1. My Barbs Gear and Skill Setup
2. Recommended Skill Distribution
3. Stat Suggestions
4. Faster Caste Rate and Faster Hit Recovery
5. Equipment Suggestions
6. Builds
7. Dueling Strategies
8. A Special Thanks To

Ill start off by posting what my current Barb uses:

1) My Barbs Gear and Skill Setup:

Level 91 BvC
Name: Atlas

397/37 Grief Zerker
269%/40Str BeastZ
Cuirass Enigma
Wiz Gloves
2x Legit Fcr Rings (10Fcr/111Ar/44Life/14Dex/3Str - 10Fcr/117Ar/7Dex/37Life/30Mana/8Lr)
Um/Jah/Vex Arreats
3 Bo Cta / Eth 39 Hoto ( Tongue )
31x 32020s
2x 10Max/70+Ar/36+ Life Gcs
Annihilus (18/20/6) / Barb Hellfire 19/17

In Stash:

3x Lo 87 Life Barb Helm
2Barb/3Bo Rare Horned Helm
2x Wc Gcs
Demon Limb
BerBer CoA
2x Sojs
3 Wc Ammy


20 Whirlwind
20 Battle Orders
20 Axe Mastery
15 Leap
15 Shout
Rest into: Berserk / Nat Resist / Increased Speed.

2. Recommended Skills Distribution:

20 Whirlwind
20 Battle Orders
20 Axe Mastery
15 Leap
15 Shout
Rest into: Berserk / Nat Resist / Increased Speed.

3. Stats:
A. Str
B. Dex
C. Vita
D. Energy

A. Str:

The best thing for you to do is to add NO Str, I repeat NO Str, my Barb has no Str used and I'll explain why this is so and why it works.

B. Dex:

Same as above, add NO Dex, since you're dual Axe you don’t need Dex for block.

C. Vita:

Everything into Vita, Barbs have the best life per vita (4 Life Per Vita), which is REALLY good, so cram every point you can into him.

D. Energy:

Don't need any energy since the items you’ll be using give you plenty, besides you have Battle Orders, but if you feel you need some put a few points in, besides Mana pot usage in duels is not prohibited.

4. Faster Cast Rate and Faster Hit Recovery:
A. Faster Cast Rate
B. Faster Hit Recovery

A. Faster Cast Rate:

The best FCR for a Barb is 63%, but if you’re like me you’ll have a little more than that, my Barb has 70%, since I use Wizzies + 2x Fcr Rings(70).

B. Faster Hit Recovery:

My Barb has 86% FHR, you’ll need 86% FHR to hit the Bp needed to get out of Mind Blasts and Hurricane/Tornadoes etc.

5. Equipment Suggestions:
A. Armor/Shield
B. Helms
C. Jewelry
D. Belts
E. Boots
F. Gloves
G. Weapons
H. Charms

A. Armors:

Armors: You only have 1 choice here, Enigma: This the best armor out there (2Skills/+1Tele/5%to Life/Str/FRW), most go with Mage Plate, but I just love the uniqueness of Breast Plate, really any low str enigma will do.

Shields: Only 2 shields I can think of for you to use:

Stormshield: For those Pesky Bowazons, IF you have trouble, I usually never do.

Spirit Ward: For Resistance Stacking , 5% Chance to Cast lvl 8 Fade, Yummy.

(But you won't need a shield if you can get down your teleporting patterns, if you lag or don't have it down use a Shield.)

B. Helmets:

So many types of helms you can use, here are the most widely used and their stats.

08 Valk: 30Frw/30Fhr/30Fcr, not very popular but they ARE used on SOME builds, and can be very costly for a perm/legit, mainly used for the FCR and FHR. When Shaeled it gets 50% Fhr which takes care of A LOT of the FHR needed.

Rare Barb Circlet: Stats should be 2 Barb Skills/20%Fcr/Visionary Mod, with additional stats such as: Life/Mana/Str/Dex/Res/Fhr/Frw/2 Socks. Best thing to do with this is Shael rune it, helps get out of a lot of attacks thrown your way.

Arreats: Best barb helm in the game, Period. 30%Fhr/20%ArBonus/2Barb/2BCombat/30AllRes/20Str/20Dex, this thing is so sweet, Shael, Um, Jah or Cham this bad boy, up to you.

08 Gaze: 25%Dr is the only good mod on this that you'll need, with a Ber it'll get 33%, which will handle A LOT of your DR needs Vs Wind Druids and various Melees.

Coa: +1Skills/15Dr/25AllRes/2 Sockets is what you should aim for on this, BerBer it for 31% DR which will take care of a lot of your DR needs Vs Wind Druids and various other Melees.

C. Jewelry (Ammy, Rings)


There are only a few to choose from:

Highlords Ammy: 1Skills/20Ias/.5% Deadly Strike on Lvl/Light Dmg, very nice ammy and the best for a BvC.

08 Highlords Ammy: 1Skills/30Frw/.5% Deadly Strike on Lvl, very nice ammy and also a nice choice for a BvC.

Crafted or Rare Amulets: Barb Skills/10-20%Fcr/Str/Life/Res, are also a nice option.

Angelic Wings Ammy: Combined with Angelic Halo Ring, this gives a very nice amount of Life/Attack Rating/Dex, very useful against Melee types, I.E.: Zealots / Smiters / Barbs.


There 3 ways you can go, the Caster Rings, Magical Rings or the Skill Rings. There are many very nice Duped Caster Rings out there:

Doom Master: 10% FCR/12 Strength/+37 Mana/CR 15%/LR 40%/FR 15%/PR 15%
Storm Loop: 10% FCR/15% Res All/+5 Str/+37 Life/+55 Mana
Rune Loop: 10% FCR/+58 Mana/CR 15%/FR 15%/PR 15%/ LR 62%
Eagle Turn: 10% FCR/85Ar/31 Life/71 Mana/15 Res. All
Bitter Band: 10% FCR/+12 Strength/+50 Mana/CR 59%/LR 15%/FR 15%/PR 15%
Legit Crafted/Rare FCR Rings, the mods you'd want on these are simple: 10Fcr/100+Ar/30+Life/20+Mana/Str/Dex/Cold or Light Res, those are what you should look for, can be VERY expensive though.

Raven Frost: 250Ar/20Dex/Cannot Be Frozen/Cold Damage, very nice ring.

Angelig Halo Ring: Combined with Angelic Ammy, this gives a very nice amount of Life/Attack Rating/Dex, very useful against Melee types, I.E.: Zealots / Smiters / Barbs.

All of those are very good, I'd use each and all of them.

Depending on your gear you will have to choose.

D. Belts:

Ok there are three ways to go here:

Arachnid Sash: 1Skills/20%Fcr/5%MaxMana, sweet for your Fcr Needs.

Crafted Fcr Belts: Fcr/Life/Mana/Mana Regen/Str/Resistance/FHR, decent if the mods are what you desire.

Verdungos: 10Fhr/40Vita/15Dr, very nice belt Life/Dr/Fhr = Deliciously perfect for your needs vs Melees and Wind Druids.

Again depending on your gear you’ll have to choose.

E. Boots:

There are a few ways to go here, depending on your style. Ill just list the most commonly used:

Imp Shanks: Very good for a BvC for the Fhr/Res/Frw/Str, 30Frw/20Fhr/18Str/36Fire Res/49 Light Res/22 Psn Res.

Wraith Brands: Almost the same as Imps but has Cold res, which is the best thing ever! 30Frw/20Fhr/19Str/49CR/48LR/48FR, sweet!

Goreriders: 30% Faster Run/Walk/10% Chance Of Open Wounds/15% Chance Of Crushing Blow/15% Deadly Strike, very nice.

Sandstorm Treks: 20Fhr/20Frw/15Str/15Vita/70PsnRes/Repair Dur, very nice option! I have yet to try them but they are a nice option.

F. Gloves:

I've switched gloves so many times and I found out the following:

Wiz Gloves: 50Fcr/75AllRes/ManaOnClvl/15%MaxMana/15% Mana Regen, by far the best gloves in the whole game for a BvC IMHO. A must have if you are serious. (Unperm)

Magefists: 20% FCR and Mana Regen comes in REAL handy in certain duels.

Trangs Gloves: Only good for Cold Sorceress Duels, for the 30% Cold Resistance and 20% FCR.

Draculs Grasp: 10-15Str/25% Open Wounds/Life Tap, very good gloves.

Bloodfists: 30% Fhr/40 Life, very good if you have all your Fcr needs met.

G. Weapons:

Only 4 you will want to use:

Ethereal Breath of the Dying: 60Ias/350-400%Ed/30+Stats, one of your main weapons, aim for one over 400%, they range from 350-415% (15% Superior mod). This is a MUST have, if you don't have this you won't be very good at all. This allows you to use a lot of your gear. (Until Lad Switch this is the best Weapon, when Lad Switch occurs it'll be Grief.)

Beast: 40%IAs/240-270%/30-40Str/Lvl 9 Fanat when Equipped/20%Crushing Blow/25%Open Wounds, Make sure it's a Berserker Axe, just because Ettins and War Spikes are ugly hehe.

Doom: 45%IAS/Holy Freeze when Equipped/20%DS/25%OW, this weapon is really nice to finish off people with 1 Life left, can substitute the Hoto for Wcs with a Doom. Also great for dueling Smiters who Lifetap/Amp and some Necros/Druids. (Considered BM)

Grief: After Ladder Switch, this will replace EbotdZ, this weapon is so nice. 340-400+Dmg/20%DS/Venom On Striking/-Psn Res/30-40%IAS. This weapon is great, the 340-400 Added Damage isn't reduced by DR so that's what makes it so good, its pure damage, and the Venom isn't a bad addition either. (You only need 34% IAS on a Grief Zerker for your BvC)

H. Charms:

Best way to go is 37x 32020s, Annihilus and a Hellfire that's all you really need..

6. Builds:

There are many builds you can use, I'll just list a few I can think of, not including Stash/Charms:


Wiz Gloves
2x Fcr Rings
Grief + BeastZ


2x Angelic Ring
Angelic Ammy
Wiz Gloves
Gore Riders
Grief + BeastZ


08 Valk
Wiz Gloves
2x Angelic Rings
Angelic Ammy
Grief + BeastZ


2x Fcr Rings
Trang Gloves
Grief + BeastZ


Wiz Gloves
2x Fcr Rings
Grief + BeastZ

Now comes the strategy part of this guide, I will explain how to kill certain character types, Here goes:

7. Dueling Strategies:

This will cover every typical PKing character.


Depending on the Character that is AA'ing, you should ALWAYS just avoid them and try and catch them off guard or do whatever you have to do to kill them, they use AA, why not? [Image: icon_smile.gif]


Amazon - Bowazon:

Pack on Max DR, and Teleport around, confusing them, then when you find an opening, Teleport on them and make SHORT Ww's. They usually have very low life, but their Passives make them hard to hit at times, just keep on them and don't let up, if you run low on mana retreat and repeat. They should die very quickly.

Amazon - Charged Strike/Light Fury:

You can take these guys without Lo, and heres how. Make them chase you, and when they go to attack, Ww in a Triangle. And never let them land a solid hit, also by Wwing INTO them, the Bolts/Furies usually never hit with as much power as if you just took it all to the face. With Lo on, just Ww them with little or no care.


Paladin - Zealot/Charger/Smiters:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. Always Ww away from them, don't Ww INTO them, thats a sure-fireway to get Amped/Lifetaped and then owned. Clip them with Ww and they should die pretty quickly, if you absolutely need to use a Doom to slow them down, works really well vs Smiters. (Considered BM but then again so is Lifetap/Amp.)

Paladin - FoHadin:

Pack on 160% or so worth of Light Resistance, and be sure to stay on them at all times, and once on them make short Wws, since most Paladins nowadays dont have max block, about 95% of them should die REALLY fast.

Paladin - Hammerdin:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. If they tele on top of you, make short Wws away from them. If they stand and spam hammers or walk back and forth and spam hammers, start leaping nonstop until they are pushed into a corner and they are unable to cast hammers. Then teleport under them and Ww back and forth until they die or run away. Do not Ww through the hammerdin, ever. Repeat process until dead. Against desynchers, if you stand still, nonstop leap. Dont teleport/run across the field because they probably contain hammers. If the hammerdin is charging in a certain direction on the automap, they're probably 1 screen ahead of where they are, so as soon as you start seeing them charge in some direction, go way ahead and ww long and random in that area. After a while they get hit, but usually they can't hit you. Most hammerdins use both Teleport and Charge, so just keep your eyes open and make sure you can anticipate their moves.

Paladin - Auradins:

This build is new to the UsWest Non-Ladder scene and has been a very powerful force since it's came over from Ladder. They use Conviction and 2 Auras, Holy Fire and Holy Shock and use a Grief and Charge/Smite. Best bet here is to treat them like a Smiter/Zealot and clip them, have on some Fire and Lightning stack and if you can have on some Max Res items, Lo, Vex. And just own them.


Barbarian - BvC/Shield:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. If its a Shield barb, I do the following: Prebuff / Enchant / Equip Angelics / Put on Max Dr and make them come to you. Thats all I can say. You won't really stand a chance vs a really good BvB Barb but it doesn't hurt to try, I have wasted so many BvBs in Pubs so it's just the good ones you have to worry about, and BvC vs BvC is just 'The Luck of the Draw", basically whoever hits first will stand a better chance of winning.


Assassin - Light Sentry:

Make sure you have the 86% FHR bp, their Mind Blast will annoy the hell out of you, and youll want to be able to get out of it. Your best bet here is to try and catch them off guard, charging will just give them time to MB you and run around, having them chase you works really well also. Once you get ontop of them make short Wws and don't let up, leap works really well against these Girls also.

Assassin - Wake of Fire:

Same with light sentry, but these tend to be easier to defend against, since the damage of WoF isnt as high as LS, so just put on a Vex helm, Nokozan or Hotspurs and let lose, they can stun a LOT, so make sure and have your 86 fhr BP handy, or the next BP.

Assassin - Whirlwind/Kicker:

These Girls are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. Pack on some extra Poison and Dr for these, since they deal mainly in Poison and Open wounds, youll want to have good Poison Res to fend their poison damage. Sandstorm Treks are a nice boot to use vs. these Girls, 50+ Poison res is very handy, treat them like normal WW Barbs, make them come to you and Ww AWAY from them or at an angle, dont Ww INTO them or you'll get hit with a ton of OW/Poison and lose life pretty semi-quickly, since they have Clawblock it's hard to hit them making the duels last longer then a BvC vs BvC would.


Sorceress - Blizzard/Orb:

These Girls are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have WBrands ready. Make them come to you, dont follow because they will just spam and spam and run etc. Pack on some cold res, Fade Shield is nice, and maybe some FCR rings with high cold res, BBands etc. If you use wiz gloves you shouldnt need much Cold Res, so just sit and wait for them, since most of them don't have EShield they should die pretty quickly (Orb needs as many skills as it can since it's damage is pretty low already, so an EShielder is rare). Hit and fall back, or if you can, hit and make very short Wws on them and they should die quick, be careful of those Death Facets also.

Sorceress - Lightning:

Pack on Lo Helm and go to town on them, since most are EShielders, they think they can tank you, but they will soon find out how wrong they are. Once youre on them make very short Wws back and forth until dead, if they escape just sit and wait for a namelock, and try and not to get hit, it CAN hurt. (Usually their damage is from 1-45k or so)

Sorceress - Fireball:

Throw on Hotspurs and if you want, a Vex/Ral/Ral Lifer Helm or Vex Arreats, and go to town on them. Let them come to you, as with all sorcs. Dont chase, most like to cast meteors and just sit in them and wait for you, although it wont hurt TOO much, itll still bring your life down everytime it happens, so just treat them like a Light sorc, and you should do fine.

Except Max! [IK]Hotbox Hes teh Secksi FirebawLLeR!


Druid - Elementalist/Wind or Fire:

These guys are a pain in the ***, make sure and enchant yourself and have Gores ready. Depending on the difficulty you are in you'll run into the notorious "Physical Immune Oak", which is in Nightmare, where the Oak on a druid is Physical Immune, that can be a pain but there is an easy way around it, heres what you do, this can be used in any difficulty without the phys Oak: Leap around, and keep Leap a constant (Be sure they are short leaps), when they get near keep Leaping, it will push away all of his summons and leave him in FHR Lock, soon as he is, tele on him and Ww until dead (Short Ww's), if he runs, repeat until he dies.

Druid - Fury/Fire Claws/Rabies:

These guys can be a pain in the *** if you're not ready for them, make sure and have Max DR, Max PR, Max FR and Gores (Depending on char class you'll have to switch it up a bit). Treat them like a Zealot or a Smiter, Clip them with Ww and if you notice they have Open Wounds on them you can lay off them for a bit, toying with them. Go off screen and depending on your FCR you'll want to tele up quickly and stomp them with Ww. Shouldn't take long to kill.

Now for the hard part.


Necromancer - Poison Nova:

Put on Um Arreats and put some Antidote pots into your belt, make sure and have a good amount of Poison Resistance. Make them come to you, dont chase they will just nova you and run off, use Leap when they get close and Stun them and them hop ontop of them and Ww them to death. A lot of them use Revives/Skeletons, if they do, get a namelock and wait for them using shift, when they come near run up and Berserk them to death.

Necromancer - Bonemancers:

Utilize Leap and try and get them into FHR lock with your Leap, and once you see them being Knockedback by Leap, tele on them and make short wws over and over until dead, if they escape stay on them, chances are they wont be able to recast Bone Armor and dont think you'll chase them, so keep on them and catch them resummoning all of their crap.

Necromancer - Summoners/Skelemancers:

Get a namelock and waste them with Berzerk, or you can use Leap and then Ww them to death, but be careful of Iron Maiden, if they use IM nonstop and you can't get a namelock, switch to a Lifetap Wand or Marrows, lifetap them and ww away, Lifetap is MUCH more powerful than IM is, so your lifebar will fill up every hit.

8. A Special Thanks To

Ash: Thanks for the advice and help, even if you dont realize it. :]
Sly: For the duels we had and the pride you take in your barb, made me take pride in mine. :]
Sleep: For the SvB Practice, thanks bro.
Dez: For the DvB Practice, thanks bro.
Phil: For the AvB Practice, thanks bro.
Max: For the FBvB Practice, and being ezpk ^^ thanks bro.
Adam: Dueling.

It's been fun guys, good luck and take care. <3

-GodisaLie @ UsWest PM: Atheist @ *******.

Credit goes to Atheist.
[Image: spidermancopy.jpg]
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