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How do you get a steakth bot up
Hello, i need to get my stealth bot working with warcraft3 keys i got it to work with starcraft/broodwar but i have know idea how to get a warcraft3 one up

if ya can help me with anything PM me or reply to this Threadwacky:
I think Invisible wrote a guide for it, there is a link in his sig.
my sig! where ever did it go?
ummm whats a sig? im new to this?
I took it off that guide was very Inacurate Im going to make a new one give me some time Smile
MaD_KiLLeR Wrote:ummm whats a sig? im new to this?

It is the thing that shows up when you post, it comes up in every post. signature = sig
my sig! where ever did it go?
Hey invisible in the other thread u said you could load 46wc3 keys would you be able to help me get a clan channel up Pretty PLZSad
I think but i only think if you go to or net or something of that sort they have stealth bots and very good guides to them when downloaded..when i get home i will be able to put up the link
exact same setup as starcraft/d2 setup, only instead of using a starcraft or wc3 cdkey when it asks you for cd key there should be a selection to the right of it, select warcraft3 then input your cd key
Or just click on this right here

Ruthless>Stealthbot x5
Hey Invisible Can u send a direct link to where to download ruthless bot cause i cant find it lol and if i could borrow 8wc3 cdekeys to make a clan channel plz
Click on the link on the post ABOVE U
i did but i couldne t find the right one

ok i had to make an account lol dont worry

Hey invisible i did all the bots stuff and loader sc keys and it worked, but then i tryed warcraft 3 and it dident heres a picture:[Image: C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\2FA%24T4U\My%20Doc...y%20Pictures]

Ermm how do u post pictures?

[Image: my.php?image=gggsj9.png]

What Are The Commans For Ruthless Chat Bot????

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